Anfisa Chekhov: "Studies in America became our honeymoon"


- Anfisa, how did you have the idea itself to go to study for the ocean?

- The idea to increase your English level with my husband has arisen a long time ago. We learned a tongue together in Russia together, but then friends told us how it was quite successful in America. They very much praised their school. And since in the winter in Russia it is rather sad, we decided to release a month from some affairs and teach English. They combined a pleasant with useful - they went there, where warmth, and at the same time we had learned and worked. Before studying, we were on tour with the performance and clearly felt the lack of knowledge of a foreign language.

- Are you toured in America?

- In New York, we played the performance "Do not hurt me, gentlemen" with Jeanne Apple and my husband Gram. Played Russian for emigrants. True, I can say that people who have left many years ago in America have several other mentality than Russians. They are not Americans, but not Russian. They have their own sense of humor, and what seemed fun to us, it was not always funny for them. It seems to me that the American viewer can surprise, who can go to luxury Broadway show daily, difficult. But in general, we were told well.

In America, anfisa found many new friends and even remembered her student years

In America, anfisa found many new friends and even remembered her student years

- What did you especially be remembered during study in Miami?

- It was incredibly fun. For the first time in my life I received pleasure from learning. I was interested to meet and communicate with new people. In addition, and we went to the weekend to the Universal Park in Orlando and just walked around the city, traveled to other places. You can say it was almost our honeymoon. Although our wedding took place last year, as such a romantic journey, we did not have together. At the wedding we were with a child, after her - flew to the Maldives, too, with her son. And now we went together and again felt themselves with students, as if returned in those years. We even lived in a student hotel along with other students. They regularly sat down parties, so we plunged into student life. (Laughs.)

- When did you yourself be a student, the time passed the same fun?

"I studied for some time in Gitis, then entered the Institute of Journalism." But she graduated from him in absentia, since he had already worked and did a program on TV. In general, I lived like I live now. And the time that I spent in Gitis was short-lived, and the memories of him were not the best. Somehow not happened. I can not say that it was delighted with study. We focused on the institute day and night. And I also spent a lot of time in the library, looking for etudes to please the teacher, who was not pretty.

Anfisa and her husband Guram taught English in one language school, but in different groups. Guram's knowledge was more solid

Anfisa and her husband Guram taught English in one language school, but in different groups. Guram's knowledge was more solid

- What have you learned in the end during your stay in the USA?

- Very much. Classes took place every day for four hours. In addition, my husband and I were engaged in sports, went to the fitness club, walked a lot and learn a healthy lifestyle. So we had such an exemplary semester. (Smiles.) Of course, we raised your level of knowledge. The teachers even said that I had a Chicago accent, like gangsters. (Laughs.) Well, in general, there are no estimated judgments in contrast to our teaching system. And even if something does not work, they won't say: it is not yours! I have no very big ability to foreign languages, but patience and work will be perfectly a little, as you know. For the first two weeks I thought I could not remember anything, but on the third week I began to talk. At the end, we were given certificates. Gurama has a level higher than me, since I went to the most important. The husband is not afraid to speak English, even if makes mistakes, and it's hard for me to communicate in the language that I do not know. In addition, if you stop communicating, the language is forgotten. In America, we constantly spoke to each other in English, and now in Moscow, of course, this does not happen. Therefore, I plan to continue learning with the teacher further. Now, after internship, I already know what to pay attention to first. And I also understand that learning on the principle "When there is time, then I don't need it, since the effect of such classes is not impressive.

Anfisa Chekhov in the USA

Anfisa Chekhov in the USA

"While you were away from Moscow, the fans constantly arose the question: who was your three-year-old Solomon son left?

- We have two Georgian grandmothers: Guram's cousin and native. We often go to prolonged tour, it happens, even two weeks, and the child can safely stay with grandmothers. In addition, our son goes to kindergarten, where, by the way, English is not taught. But I think when he grows up, we will take it anything. Now it's too early to talk about it.

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