Choosing the right dietary supplements


The main task of cosmetologists is to preserve the youth and health of the skin. For this purpose, all sorts of procedures and cosmetics, including those designed to protect it from the aggressive environmental impact and will resist free radicals - the main perieper perpetrators. Unfortunately, many, even the most expensive creams only have a superficial effect and do not affect the deep skin layers.

At the same time, the lack of proteins, vitamins, minerals and other important

Elements lead to accelerated collagen destruction, loss of elasticity and peeling of the skin, early appearance of wrinkles, nail fragility, hair loss. It turns out that we would smear on top, from the inside our skin continues to need the most basic ingredients.

With the help of nutrition, this deficit is not always possible, and it is especially true for the winter-spring period, when there are almost no vitamins in fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is proposed to take biologically active additives that help to make a ration more balanced, support the body and have a positive effect on our appearance.

In the West, the dietary supplements have long and firmly entered everyday life, as they contribute to an increase in activity, improvement of well-being and longevity. We still have alertness. Meanwhile, the competent reception of nutratestics can provide real assistance and solve many problems (including cosmetic), compensating for the lack of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, essential fatty acids and many other elements.

If we talk about the cosmetology effect, then as a result of the course use of biodeadows, normal skin functions are restored, the age-related manifestations are reduced, the condition of the skin is improved during seborrhea and acne. They cease to fall out, the nails become strong, the manifestations of cellulite decrease, the total mass of the body decreases. It should be noted that the positive result does not come instantly, but stably persists, especially with supporting courses.

What is what

"Biologically active additives are not a medicine and do not replace traditional treatment," Tatyana Trotsenko warns, the dermato-beautician of Astreya company, they are intended to replenish the missing substances in our diet. Previously, various roots, herbs, fruits, leaves and stalks of plants were used for these purposes, which were strengthened, supported and healing the body. Now the culture of herbage is losing popularity, and instead of the vintage "grandmother" recipes offer modern technologies that allow you to extract from natural components (vegetable and animals) all the most necessary and useful.

Bioduds are recommended to drink regular courses, and in some cases even constantly. Residents of developed countries are often resorted to Badam, and we see a positive result:

The fact that environmentalists complain about the widespread pollution of the environment and deterioration in the quality of products, the life expectancy in such countries is only increasing, not least due to the biodendurgates.

Active nutritional supplements have a pronounced effect on the main regulatory and metabolic processes in the human body. Periodically, they are confused with vitamins, but there is a difference between them: vitamins are often synthesized artificially, so many people can cause allergies, skin dermatoses and other types of intolerance. Additives are obtained from natural ingredients, where the active substances are contained in a bioavailable form, so they are easily absorbed and rarely cause side reactions. It is important to take biodendage

In the right quantities and combinations. For example, it is impossible to drink α-lipoic acid with a shortage of vitamins of group B, it is impossible to drink groups of group at without simultaneous magnesium intake, otherwise calcium will be washed. Only a doctor often knows about such sublicties, so it is not necessary to independently assign bio-supplements yourself, especially if there are some kind of health problems. "

Bada in cosmetology

If you use biologically active additives in a complex with cosmetics, then a much greater effect is achieved than when using only a cream or other means

Care. To maintain beauty and youth in the composition of biodeadows, it is worth looking for hyaluronic acid, collagen, phytoestrogens, various antioxidants, pre- and probiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids and, of course, vitamins and trace elements.

Hyaluronic acid

Being a natural component of connective tissue, hyaluronic acid is well absorbed by our organism, its individual fragments can be used as "building material" for the synthesis of own hyaluronic acid. "Such an additive makes sense to take if the main problem is dehydration and reduction of skin elasticity," explains Tatyana Trotsenko. - No less useful, it will be on the eve of the beach season, which often leads to the cutting of the skin.

The reception is good and the fact that the drug acts comprehensively to other systems of the body, in particular, hyaluronic acid improves the state of the joints, and in the presence of suitable "companions" can perform in an unusual role - for example, to help eye dryness. With this problem, many office employees are facing, forced to sit at the computer for a long time.

A biologically active additive DRY-EYES from Sesderma ensures the moisturizing eye and maintains the optimal viscosity of tears, stimulating the secretion of the water component of the lacrimal film. It facilitates the condition of burning and cutting in the eyes, relieves redness of the mucous membrane, removes the feeling of discomfort and protects the surface of the cornea. In addition to the GC, the Active Complex includes collagen, Chondroitin sulfate, Omega-3 Acid, Vitamin E.

These ingredients also have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Hyaluronic acid is not only a good humidifier. It is an integral component of the entire connective tissue, including articular cartilage and ligaments, therefore women regularly receiving biodulatures with GK are less likely to face the problems of the musculoskeletal system. Not to mention the fact that they look younger than their age. "


Another active ingredient for youth and health is collagen. This is a specific protein containing a certain combination of amino acids necessary to build connective tissue. The effectiveness of receiving collagen in the form of additives was proved by numerous studies in rheumatology and orthopedics. However, in order to get his daily dose with food, you need to use the chille on the day. Not everyone is ready.

The first signs of aging of the skin is the thinning of the dermis, the skin atony, the loss of elasticity - are associated with the deficit of collagen. So the choice is small here: go on a chilly diet or take collagen in capsules in a bioavailable form.

An additional source of collagen, as well as hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and coenzyme Q10 is a biodowder of Hylanses from Sesderma.

Its composition effectively moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin of the face and body, increases its elasticity and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, protects against free radicals and prevents first-time aging. In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the connective tissue, reduces pain syndrome in diseases of the joints and improves their mobility.

With age, the reception of collagen becomes an objective necessity for all.


The state of the female skin and her youth depends on the level of estrogen. Over the years, its content in the body falls, so doctors often prescribe substitution hormone therapy, but it is not suitable for everyone. There is a softer and natural solution - the reception of phytohormones.

They are close in structure, but still not identical to the estrogen of the human body. Their action is aimed at improving the sensitivity of skin receptors (and other organs)

to the reduced level of hormones. In addition, they increase the stability of cell membranes and have antioxidant properties. Phytoestrogens are found in clover, hop, beans,

In soy, sesame and linen oils, in the oil of inside and rags.

The biologically active supplement Primuvit from Sesderma based on an oil-based oily oil, medicinal and vitamin E oil is highly recommended for thin, dry, atonic, age-related skin, with weak, brittle hair and nails. Reception of the drug also helps facilitate the premenstrual syndrome and the state during menopause. As a result, the skin becomes elastic, its tone and barrier functions increase, the general immunity is improved.


"The destructive action of free radicals is considered one of the main reasons for our aging," Tatyana Trotsenko's story continues. - And the skin, being a natural barrier that protects us from negative environmental impacts, assumes the first and significant blow of oxidative stress. First of all, we are talking about the effects of ultraviolet, which increases the activity of free radicals and launches cascade reactions of cell destruction. Scientists have found that these cell rescuers are antioxidants - natural substances that can slow down the oxidation reactions. Antioxidants can be found in many plants, but in a particularly high concentration, they are contained in grape polyphenols, garnet extracts, cranberries, green tea.

With oxidant damage caused by excessive sun,

And also in stress, in conditions of environmental pollution, with impaired metabolism and, when smoking, it is recommended to receive the Resveraderm Plus capsules from Sesderma. The extracts of red grapes, a drone algae and grenade are included in the drug, prolong the life of the cells and improve their metabolism, optimize the metabolism, have neuro-and cardioprotective properties, reducing and rejuvenating effects.

Provide cellular protection at the DNA level will help the high concentration of natural vitamin C - as in the food additive C-VIT from Sesderma. The combination of natural vitamin C, lutein and micro elements (manganese, zinc, selenium) gives the drug to a pronounced anti-oxidant and rejuvenating effect, protects against damaging ultraviolet rays, provides a uniform beautiful tan and protects from sunburns (for this it is necessary to start receiving it in advance - to planned insolation). In addition, C-Vit is indispensable for people suffering from solar allergies. "

Drugs for weight loss

Of course, dietary supplements cannot replace healthy and rational food, so hope to lose weight only with their help does not make sense. But they are able to improve metabolism and accelerate the splitting of fats. One of these means is the emplation extract. This cactus is widely known due to its ability to lead to weight loss, while providing the organism with all the necessary nutrients. Cactus fibers adsorb fat molecules,

As a result, it becomes unavailable with digestive enzymes. The emplation extract, as well as the extract of green beans of coffee and the extractor of the brown algae, is included in the composition of the biodendage to control Lipopuntia Control Body Weight from Sesderma. The drug accelerates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, helps to remove excess weight.

Choosing dietary supplements

"Many doctors and patients are still being frozen with the word" biodo-ship ", and often explained by the elementary ignorance of their useful properties," said Andrei Chebykin - a gastro-enterologist, a specialist in the field of functional medicine of the Aurora clinic. - We have a minimal awareness of the badges, and naturally there is no culture of their reception. For comparison, you can bring the numbers: we have bio-additives regularly use from 3 to 5% of the population, while in Japan - about 80%. And now compare the life expectancy and the health indicators of our nations. Japanese pensioners vigorously travel around the world, and our barely find strength to reach the next store.

Few people aware that with food we have not received the necessary amount of beneficial substances for a long time, the body is experiencing a "hidden hunger". If you compare the content of vitamins and useful micro-elements in fruits and vegetables in the 70s and now, then the difference will be 40-70%. There are many reasons: collecting immature fruits, long-term storage using modern chemistry ... The composition of food products noticeably rooted, it is connected with ecology, and with an increase in agriculture intensity. To get a daily dose of vitamin C, a modern resident of the megapolis needs to eat two kilograms of apples per day! The same applies to other major vitamins

and trace elements. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly add them to food.

Poor well-being and long recovery after illness can be adjusted by simply adding missing microelements and vitamins into its diet, which in concentrated form are contained in the dietary supplements. And the body itself will quickly recover, without any medication. In fact, after a 30-year-old turn, when all organism systems slow down their work, everyone must take care of their health and choose optimal supporting bioodes. Bada can and need to be taken constantly, as well as we constantly eat food, but you need to competently approach them. In Russia, the rules for the registration and certification of the Badov often change, a non-specialist here is difficult to understand. The only thing,

What gives a certificate - this is confidence in the absence of toxic substances, and you will not receive an answer to the question of the effectiveness of the biodendage.

How to determine the quality of the product as a simple buyer, to pay attention to? First of all - at the date of manufacture, the expiration date and, of course, the composition:

- the presence of vegetable raw materials in it implies accurate content

active substance, and not its percentage ratio to the mass of the pill and not a simple list of herbs names;

- Microelements should be preferably in chelated form (in a bunch with amino acids), so they are absorbed in the best possible way.

Unfortunately, the modern market is saturated with dubious low-quality products, benefits

From the reception of which is minimal. Therefore, if in Europe, America, Japan, a person can independently order an additive on the Internet, then in Russia it is better to consult with a competent specialist who will not only pick up the necessary drug, but also tells the manufacturer.

Optimally, before appointing nutritical support for the body, the study of hair (nails) for elemental status, blood test for the content of vitamins. This will allow a specialist to identify a shortage of certain substances and make individual appointments.

It is better to prefer premium additives that pass voluntary clinical trials and hard quality control, which guarantees their effectiveness and lack of toxins. The coaches and doctors of sports medicine have long appreciated the benefit from high-quality dietary dubbeds, because the reception of biodeadows helps athletes to carry high loads. Well, we will help us to preserve youth and beauty. "

With love from India

"The biologically active additive" Chavanpras "in India is called the balsam of immortality, it is also fair to elixir youth, life, cheerfulness and health. Bad created based on more than 40 healing plants with a variety of human practices,

And it is designed to improve health, increasing the vitality, endurance, mental and physical potency. With a prophylactic goal, it can be used as a dietary supplement at any age, "says Pavel Rozanov, the creator of" Om-Balzam ", the distributor of Ayur Vedic tools in Russia. - "Chanprash" replaces a dozen other nutracens and paraphamutics, combined. In its composition - vegetable oil, honey, nuts, as well as calcium, silver, iron and so necessary human organism. Microelements: magnesium, fluorine, iodine, silicon, lithium, manganese and others. As for vitamins, "Chanprash" is rich in ascorbic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, group vitamins in and many others. "

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