Elena Borscheva: "The sense of humor cannot be congenital"


- Elena, and you - Hostess?

- Yes, the hostess when there is at this time. (Laughs.) But I really love to cook, especially the oven. Peace is mostly for loved ones when daughter orders something. She loves patties with potatoes, all sorts of cakes and sweets. And my husband recognizes the baked meat only: pancakes, pies. Sweet him is not interested.

"Have you started to cook when you married, or did you teach this mother in childhood?"

"Mom taught, but I myself had such a desire in my childhood, I myself began to take interest to this. Years at ten mom presented a book where in the game form it was told that children could cook at home until there were parents. And I tried everything! And my mother taught me - to make cutlets and cook borscht. I still remember the taste of the first boiler, which cooked myself: as if I added some liver there. Such delicious! Then I began to get involved in baking, took the book, and every day I had something new. (Laughs.) I wore something to school, treated my girlfriends, invited guests home. But more often, of course, he herself - and soon it was decentively recovered! After that, the oven stopped, realizing that the figure is more expensive. Then, when she studied at a linguistic university, she lived in a hostel for five years - and she also prepared himself, but it was all very simple: porridge, pilaf without meat, a soup of some ... there was no special diversity. And when it was married, I had to get acquainted with meat. In fact, I was a vegetarian, meat did not eat at all. But then again began.

- Has my husband insisted?

- Almost. (Laughs.) Said - it is necessary. You are a future mother, says all things.

- You were born in Kabardino-Balkaria. There, probably, were there any traditional national dishes that were preparing your mom and grandmother?

- The most memorable national dish with us is a lacquer, fried Kabardian pyshki. But in their cooking, probably, you need to know some secret, because they do not have such as Caucasian women prepare them. They are very tasty! And I prepare hichany at home so far. These are thin pies with filling inside - cheese potatoes, or meat, or greens. The dough is finely rolled out, the filling is put on, and they are roasted on a dry pan from both sides, and then on top are smeared with butter. Such thin, they resemble pancakes, but closed and stuffed. Martha loves them very much. And I am making Ossetian pies with cheese and beet trees - very tasty. This is from Caucasian dishes.

Elena Borscheva:

"We have the most memorable national dish - these are lacques, fried Kabardian pyshki. But in their cooking you need to know some secret: they do not work with such as Caucasian women ..." Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- Your spouse is from Belarus. Probably, had to master and Belarusian cuisine?

- Yes a little. In Belarus, the white mushrooms are always dried on the winter and then soups are boiled. My husband, I make his favorite salad: Mushrooms are taken, it is very long to cook, then another night stand in the water in which they were cooked, then finely fastened, eggs, roasted onions and carrots are added. And all this is also with mayonnaise. Recently, I put the mayonnaise a little less, after which my husband said: "You can't!" I agreed with him, and now he began to cook everything himself. So for Belarusian dishes in the family, it now answers. (Laughs.)

- You have a spouse - a fitness coach. How is his sports regime - and mayonnaise? ..

- Periods of sports regime are replaced by mayonnaise periods. For several months, it can only eat chicken breast and cottage cheese, and then in summer, when the form has been achieved, there are two months of mad outright - with mayonnaise, mushrooms and potatoes with crackers.

"You somehow told in an interview that in Belarus at the wedding, the future mother-in-law gives the bride to the apron and a handkerchief, as if transmitting it the right to be the mistress in the house. How did you have with this tradition? Do you feel a full mistress?

- Well, when the mother-in-law is not visiting, I feel like a hostess. (Laughs.) I think, and the husband supports me that the family should live separately from the parents. Then immediately understandable who are the main and who is responsible for what. And when there is still a bunch of grandparents in the house, it is not clear to the child whom he should listen. It seems that grandparents are older, but, on the other hand, parents must be more important for him. As a result, it happens not clear that.

"Due to the fact that you left the" Comedy Woman "project, it probably has much more time to some home affairs and the upbringing of the daughter?

- You will not believe - it has become less! Previously, we had shooting once a month, and rehearsals occupied in general a week. Sometimes there were some rare trips, concerts. And the rest of the time I was at home. Now I have a lot of things: I am shooting in new projects, lead a master class, I am still preparing my own project. So I have less time for the house now.

- All new projects will be associated with the comedy genre or is it something completely new?

- I'm not going to refuse my humorous role: it's stupid to get out of what worked all these years. Everyone knows me as a humorous actress, and I will continue to develop in this direction. In addition to all this, I still lead various events, presentations, birthdays. So humor everywhere helps.

Spring is the beginning of a new life, and I want all the opportune on this year. And in April, I always feel a big lift; Perhaps this is due to my birthday, this is my month. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Spring is the beginning of a new life, and I want all the opportune on this year. And in April, I always feel a big lift; Perhaps this is due to my birthday, this is my month. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- And you somehow said that we would like to lead our program about children and parents on television, about family values ​​...

- Yes, I am interested, and I think I'm ready for this morally. I am close to this topic, because I myself have a certain experience, and I can already talk about a lot.

- You have a very unusual story. In a fairly conscious age, at 21, you independently found your father who lives in Panama. Now, when some time passed, it is not perceived by you like something fantastic?

- No, for me it is completely natural. Of course, when people find out, it seems to them a Mexican series, something unusual, which is not there in life. But it turns out that it happens. Now I want to say: Finding your father was a very important stage in my life. Because now I feel much more organic now, I know everything about myself, and I understand everything to myself. Accordingly, you need to use what fate gave me, and in ordinary life, and in a career.

- Did you always have my middle name?

- No, since childhood I have, of course, was another patronymic. Because with the patronymic of Khulovna, I probably would generally be labeled at school. (Laughs.) According to the passport, I have the patronymic of Sergeevna, and it still remains so. And the patronymic of dad remained a scenic pseudonym. It is clear that there is no such thing in Panama as patronymic.

- With dad, do you continue to support relationships, communicate?

- Yes, necessarily. It used to be more difficult, and now there is a Facebook, and Skype, we are calling back, we speak, exchanging photos. Of course, Panama is not the closest light. But once I went there, without a daughter and without a husband, alone, for exploration. There were ten days there, and this, of course, is very little taking into account a long flight. I really want, of course, go there everyone together, and immediately for a month. With this winter we did not succeed, I hope that the next will be gathered.

- Are you talking to Pope in Spanish?

- Yes, because the Father has already forgotten Russian. He understands everything, but he himself is uncomfortable to speak. It's shy: maybe, say something wrong. Yes, and for me it is the practice of Spanish.

- Do you have Spanish so far in good form?

- Yes, I support language. I watch movies, I read, I try to go to your Spanish country. Here in the fall and my husband and I went to Barcelona, ​​now I am going to Madrid, literally for several days, practice.

"Elena, and you have a congenital sense of humor?" Maybe also passed from Pope or Mom?

"I am now a master class" How to develop a sense of humor "and say that it cannot be congenital at all. It all depends on the environment in which a person grows. And in my environment there are examples that prove it. At home, we always had a fun atmosphere, my moms and grandmothers are a wonderful sense of humor. And my mother always encouraged any creativity. I grew up with a cousin, and we have always set the performances, I thought up, wrote scenarios, I shifted fairy tales on the poetic way. And it seems to me that the sense of humor is all from there. Well, the mentality, of course, also affects. There is also a concept as "English humor". I would take wider, spoke about the European humor. By the way, it seems to me that the Spanish-speaking countries are very close to the yumor to Russia.

- That is, you can develop a sense of humor?

- Yes. Someone agrees with me, someone is not, but on your master class I give some exercises that help them. In general, in order to develop a sense of humor, it is necessary to expand the horizons, be aware of different events - both political, and in the film industry. And you should be able to laugh at yourself, that is, finding funny in yourself. Because when you learn to laugh at yourself, you will be invulnerable and you can already laugh at the whole world.

- Your daughter you probably also raise the same way? What is the atmosphere at home?

- relaxed. I have a husband, too, with a good sense of humor, so we joke on each other, and above it. March sees all this and hears. Clear case, sometimes offended. But I try to explain to her how to react to it. We had a case when she did not want to go to the kindergarten, because she was called "chicken" there. And I told her: "And you come to approach and ask:" Why do you call me chicken? It seems to me that I look like a kitty. " And the hands together, like foots, lay. " She did everything, and the children stopped teasing her. There was no problem in kindergarten.

- What are the talents already reveal?

- She has a big interest in drawing, the feeling of excellent is not alien to her. Recently we gave it to the big tennis. The first year was quite complicated, but now she is already doing successes. According to its physical data, it is well suited to this sport. While we go there for general physical development, but if it enjoy it hard, if you get it, we will do constantly. And they began to learn to play flute. She has a rumor, she plays constantly, but already familiar plays. And in order to learn something new, it must be constantly monitored. And she sings well.

- Would you like to wish our readers?

- Do not be afraid to be funny! And I also really like the statement of the philosopher Jerzy Les: "God is a humorist. If you do not believe, then look at yourself in the mirror. " It seems to me that this is a very logical statement.

The editorial board thanks the restaurant "Stariki-Bar" (st. Big Lubyanka, 13) for help in conducting a photo shoot.

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