Design thinking: define the goals correctly


Often we feel some resistance when you try to achieve your goal. What is the problem? Most likely, you are considering stages on the way to goal as difficulty, instead try to present them as decisions.

We will understand how changing the image of thinking allows you to make more creative solutions.

what prevents you to achieve the goal

what prevents you to achieve the goal

Where did the concept of "design thinking" come from?

American experts in the late 1980s began to actively apply a psychological concept called design thinking, which was intended to help companies in the development of new products, studying customer needs, thereby increasing sales.

Is it possible to apply design thinking in ordinary life?

Currently, this method works perfectly not only for large corporations, but also for easy us with you, which are often in search of work, then a hobby, then the second half.

Take a job search for example - we will look at all the steps necessary to achieve the goal in accordance with the new concept.

Imagine your perfect work

Imagine your perfect work



Think for what you need a new job? Perhaps you are searching for more comfortable conditions compared to last work, and maybe this is generally your first job.

When you understand why you, in principle, you need a new job, you can find a decent option. Do not be afraid to ask questions yourself and analyze your own feelings.


The most difficult stage is the definition of a true cause. They can be a lot, but it is one of these reasons that is the main thing why you need a new job. Suppose you have compiled a list: a small salary in previous work, dissatisfaction with the results, boredom, etc. From all this, only one reason is the main one, your task is to find it in the list, as the success of your searches depends on this.

Formation of concept

You must understand for yourself what you want from new work and who of potential employers can make it possible to realize their plans. For this, it will not be superfluous to compile a list of companies and respectively positions in them to which you can qualify. These list you need to reveal that from the proposed suits you most. Take off to this step with all seriousness.

Form the image

It is difficult, but you need to try. Imagine that you have found the work of the dream: what is it from yourself? Think up its image in your head to the details. It is important for you to imagine the model to which then you will strive and do not get away from the distance during the search.

Try to run it right now.

Try to run it right now.


Spend an experiment

If possible, try to complete the work that so strive to get. Contact your feelings. Do you feel satisfaction? If yes, you can safely continue forward to the goal. If you experienced discomfort, go back to step # 2, you may have incorrectly identified the problem, because of what was mistaken with the choice of position.

Design thinking gives us the opportunity to correctly define your goals to come to the result that will really be arranged. Try, and positive changes will not wait long to wait.

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