Red wine is useful for health - True or myth


The benefits of red wine for health have long been disputes. Many believe that a glass of drink every day is a valuable part of healthy nutrition, others are inclined that the use of wine is overvalued. Studies have repeatedly shown that moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of a number of diseases, including heart disease. However, there is a subtle line between moderate and excessive consumption. This article discusses in detail the red wine and its effect on health.

What is red wine and how to produce it?

Red wine is obtained by grinding and fermentation of solid grapes of dark color. There are many types of red wine, differing in taste and color. Common varieties include Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pino Noir and Zinfandel. The content of alcohol is usually 12-15%. It has been proven that moderate use of red wine is useful for health. It is mainly due to the high content of powerful antioxidants.

French paradox

It is often believed that red wine is the cause of the "French paradox". This phrase refers to the observation that the French have a low level of heart disease, despite the consumption of a large number of saturated fats and cholesterol. Some experts believed that red wine was a dietary agent defending the French population from the harmful effects of these substances. However, new studies have shown that food cholesterol and saturated fats do not cause heart disease when consumed in reasonable quantities. The true cause of good health of the French is likely to be that they eat more solid products and in general lead a healthier lifestyle.

In France, wine - part of the daily diet

In France, wine - part of the daily diet


Vegetable compounds and antioxidants

Grapes are rich in many antioxidants. These include resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin and proantocyanidines. It is believed that these antioxidants, especially resveratrol and proanthocyanidines, are responsible for health benefits from red wine. Proanthocyanidines can reduce the oxidative damage to the body. They can also help prevent heart disease and cancer. Resveratrol is contained in the peel of grapes. It is produced on some plants in response to damage or injury. This antioxidant has many health advantages, including combating inflammation and blood coagulation, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. Resveratrol can also extend the life of experimental animals. However, the resveratrol content in red wine is rather low. You will have to consume several bottles per day to achieve the amount used in animal studies - this is not recommended for obvious reasons.

Reducing the risk of heart diseases, stroke and early death

A small amount of red wine is associated with greater health benefit than any other alcoholic beverage. It seems that there is a J-shaped curve that explains the relationship between the consumption of wine and the risk of heart disease. People who drink approximately 150 ml of red wine per day have a risk of about 32% lower than non-drinking. However, higher consumption sharply increases the risk of heart disease. The use of a small amount of red wine can reduce the risk of heart disease, helping to keep the "good" cholesterol HDL in the blood. Oxidative damage and oxidation of "bad" cholesterol LDL can also be reduced to 50%. Some studies show that people who are already exposed to high risk of heart diseases, such as elderly, can even benefit from moderate use of wine. In addition, the use of 1-3 glasses of red wine per day 3-4 days per week can reduce the risk of stroke in middle-aged men. One study also showed that the use of 2-3 glasses of non-alcoholic red wine per day can reduce blood pressure. Many studies have shown that moderately drinking wine have a lower risk of death from heart disease compared to non-drinking or drinking beer and alcoholic beverages.

Other health benefits from red wine

Red wine is associated with several other health benefits, many of which are associated with its powerful antioxidants. Red wine consumption related to:

Reducing the risk of cancer: studies have shown that moderate consumption of wine is associated with a decrease in the risk of several types of cancer, including colon cancer, basal cells, ovaries and prostate gland.

Reducing the risk of dementia: the use of 1-3 glasses of wine per day was associated with a decrease in the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Reducing the risk of depression: the study of people of middle and old age has shown that those who drank 2-7 glasses of wine per week, with a smaller probability of depression.

Reducing insulin resistance: consumption of 2 glasses on the day of conventional or non-alcohol red wine for 4 weeks can reduce insulin resistance.

Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes in women: moderate consumption of red wine is associated with a decrease in the risk of development of type 2 diabetes in women.

It seems obvious that a moderate amount of red wine can be useful. However, some important negative aspects that are discussed below should also be taken into account.

Negative consequences of consumption of a large amount of alcohol for health

Although moderate amount of red wine can benefit health, the use of too much alcohol can cause destructive health effects. They include:

Alcoholic dependence: Regular use of alcohol can exit from under control and lead to alcoholism.

Cirrhosis of the liver: with daily use of more than 30 grams of alcohol (approximately 2-3 glasses of wine) the risk of liver disease increases. The terminal stage of the liver disease, called cirrhosis, is life threatening.

Increased risk of depression: those who drink a lot, the risk of depression is much higher than that of moderately drinking or nonbeid.

Increased weight: Red wine contains twice as much calories than beer and sweet non-alcoholic beverages. Consequently, excessive consumption can contribute to high calorie consumption and weight gain.

Increased risk of death and diseases: the use of a large amount of wine even only 1-3 days per week can increase the risk of diabetes in men. High alcohol consumption is also associated with an increased risk of premature death.

It is recommended to drink per day no more than 1-2 wine glasses

It is recommended to drink per day no more than 1-2 wine glasses


Is it worth drinking red wine? If so, how much?

If you love red wine, nothing to worry about, unless you exceed the recommended quantity. In Europe and America, it is believed that moderate consumption of red wine is 1-1,5 glasses per day for women and 1-2 glasses per day for men. Some sources are also recommended to conduct 1-2 days without alcohol per week. Keep in mind that this refers to the overall consumption of alcohol. The use of this amount of red wine in addition to other alcoholic beverages can easily lead to excessive use.

Despite the fact that red wine is associated with some health benefits, none of them deserves the promotion of alcohol consumption. There are many other effective ways to improve your health that do not require you to use something that can be harmful.

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