Features of rhinoplasty, which is worth knowing in advance


Rhinoplasty, that is, the plastic surgery of the nose, these days is one of the most sought -led directions of operational intervention. After all, the nose is part of the person, "showcases" of man, and many problems with the same breathing difficult to solve without conducting rhinoplasty, not to mention the restoration of the nose after injuries or accidents. But in this case we will talk about the features of aesthetic rhinoplasty.

According to aesthetic indications, rhinoplasty is recommended for people from a curvature nose or its large size, outstanding hubber, a large or small distance between the upper lip and nose, ugly nostrils or the tip of the nose, the curve partition. As in many other areas of plastic surgery, there are also non-operational methods in rhinoplastics, but they are applicable if there are minor problems.

It should be noted that in the overwhelming majority clinics, the rhinoplasty of aesthetic nature makes only adult citizens who fully realize the consequences of the surgical intervention in their appearance. In addition, the final formation of the cartilage in the nose is also occurring by 18 years, therefore, with the exception of medical testimony, the minors are not conducted by rhinoplasty.

Evgeny Kazantsev

Evgeny Kazantsev

Operational intervention in the field of the nose is divided into two types. Open rhinoplasty involves cutting on the most narrow nose section with the subsequent connection of the skin over the cartilage. However, the open rhinoplasty has advantages: first, minimized the risk of bleeding, and secondly, the surgeon is able to open access to problem areas and maybe much better see the problem, which means that it is better to make more right solutions.

Closed rhinoplasty is carried out by cuts within the nose itself, which makes it possible to eliminate the visible effects of the operation in the form of scars. The methods of closed rhinoplasty are expanding as the latest technologies and medical equipment integrate, including video-endoscopic technologies, allowing to reduce the injury to operations.

As with any other surgical operation, a postoperative rehabilitation is required during rhinoplastics. The patient needs to be for 7-8 days after surgery to wear a special gypsum bandage, which fixes its nose in the desired position. The first day after the operation, the patient wears and splinters in the nasal sinuses.

When passing the rehabilitation, the patient is forbidden to wear glasses, it is necessary to refrain from physical exertion, do not attend pools, baths and saunas. During the first three days after the operation will have to abandon hot or cold food capable of provoking bleeding. The execution of these recommendations is mandatory, since otherwise patients who violate the prescriptions of the doctor in the postoperative period may face very serious problems.

Do not forget about restorative procedures that are prescribed after rhinoplasty: physiotherapy that reduces swelling of lymphatic drainage massage, ultrasound therapy. Naturally, compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor during rhinoplasty, as in other operations - the guarantee of the rapid restoration and excluding likely health problems.

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