Magic numbers: who are such people "Troika"


Yana Zhikalova is a certified numerologist-correctologist of vital roads. According to Yana, a person's numerological map carries the most likely history of your life with maximum accuracy, since it reflects congenital talents, gifts, potential and features of the individual. A numerological map helps not spend many years to search for yourself, and get answers to the most important questions today.

Based on the magic of human birth numbers, you can understand how to get out the winner from a particular situation, to solve any problems, and in some cases, just at the time of the straw.

Today we will talk about the number of fate with a number 3.

How to calculate the number of fate?

To do this, you need to fold your birthday figures, birthday and year of birth among themselves. Zero in numerology is not considered.

For example:

05/13/1990 - date of birth

1 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 = 27

Next we fold 2 + 7 = 9

That's how it turns out Number of fate.

Yana Zhikalova

Yana Zhikalova

As for the people of "Trok", their destination is to join the spirit of others, to merge. This is a lucky man, Fortune's favorite, will not be bored with that. The image is a representative of the spoiled "golden youth", his motto: "Smile, gentlemen!". This is primarily optimists, pretty early, they understand that the world is not sullen, positive emotions are needed as air.

Field of activity . This is the beauty industry, business related to clothing or beauty. All with regard to art is subject to the troika. They are perfectly writing poems, paintings, music. Become very good actors.

Troika protects the female guardian angel. He accompanies people who are prone to adventure and risk. And "Troika" - in the life of adventurers. Their guardian angel is pretty strict, does not like when he does not listen to him.

People born under this number are constantly developing throughout life. They are endowed with such an energy that the goal and the desire that such people often do not complete to the end give them a vest of purposefulness. They have a desire to create and express themselves in art. They are very emotional, they are not inclined to make decisions, often follow the call of hearts and let everything on samonek. People with a number 3 love to be the center of attention. They can easily drag the blanket on themselves, can build contacts. In communication such people are open, quickly conquer attention.

Financial Plan Fortuna loves such people. Such people attract money to themselves, in principle, without making special efforts. They are able to live and make money on their own creativity. For Trok, it is important to enjoy popular. They do not differ enviable constancy in love relationships. But if they have harmonious and strong relationships, where there is love, they will be faithful.

They have a very developed intuition, a sharp and live mind, good sense of humor and openness in communication. Charming, beautiful appearance is about them. The most important thing in them is spectacular qualities, which is important for any person.

Now about minuses. Such people have a tendency to dictatorship. They always need to comment on something, to add something. They differ angry. Aggressiveness sometimes manifests itself when the stone falls into their garden. Very jealous people. Laziness when the strength is dried, overcomes such people.

3 is one of the most successful and happy digits. For a long time, she was given much importance. Even today, this number has an aura of mysteriousness, combines the past, present, future, life and death. Such a digit is perfect in the whole universe.

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