Question of the day: Harmful creams are harmful to increase breasts?


What underwear is useful, and what is harmful?

Veronica Zhukov

"First, you need to wear comfortable underwear. I know that most young girls and women prefer lace linen, but it is impossible to wear it all the time. Bras are not recommended from strongly synthetic tissues. Breakfall bras are recommended to those who are really necessary - women with great breasts. But at the same time, the bones should be correctly arranged, the sides and straps should be quite wide, as well as the belt under the breast, from 3 cm. "

I heard that there are some critical age periods when you need to be examined by a mammologist. What does this mean?

Svetlana Kuzmicheva

"Indeed, there are moments when a woman needs to especially pay attention to the health of the mammary glands. For example, in 40-46 years, before the onset of menopause, it is necessary to seem like a mammologist. Also in the postpartum period, six months after the cessation of breastfeeding. And for the first time to the mammologist it is best to seem like girls in 14-15, after the regular menstrual cycle. Even at such a young age, it happens, problems arise. "

How best to sleep - in a bra or without a bra?

Polina Gorokhova

"In most cases, it is better to sleep without a bra in order not to push the night and lymphoid finishes at night. But nursing women, on the contrary, we recommend sleeping in underwear. "

Now sold cream to increase the chest. Are they not harmful?

Oksana Sizova

"I do not recommend using these creams. Moreover, women who have tried the cream data and received not so much to increase the size of the breast as not so much more than once. We had to deal with eductions and pain that have arose in women after such "cosmetics". What happened that the "magnification" of the size of the woman initially took ordinary swelling, which caused the tool applied by them. "

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