How leather components appeared in perfumery


Choosing a perfume, we apply it on the wrist and wait for a few moments until it reveals. But how, sorry for tautology, will turn out on our skin fragrance with a skin note in the composition? Be sure to try! But first let's see how the leather components appeared in the spirits and what makes them so unique.


The skin passed into perfumes in the XVI century and, of course, was originally an attribute of aristocrats. It was the rich who became the first to soak their gloves with the essences of roses and violets, solving two tasks at once: first, the material smell masked so much, and secondly, it became much more pleasant to cover the nose, falling on the falsion streets of big cities. So it turned out: first the aroma of the skin was sought to hide, and then the perfumers were borrowed to be for their creations.


True, it is worth noting that we feel rather not the skin, but the smell of tweezing with an admixture of those substances that are used in the process: it can be oak, birch, juniper, heather, myrtle and other plants.


Another feature of the notes is that essential oil cannot be obtained from real skin, so the perfumers imitate it with other substances. For example, birch tar, which since ancient times was used to double in Europe, juniper oil with its unusual smoky aroma, fragrant resin styrax or oscillator.


It is clear that there are synthetic substances that are used to create skin odor. At the end of the XIX century, quinolines were invented - ingredients with a characteristic smoky-leather aroma. Thanks to them, several perfumes appeared, which then became legends: Chanel Cuir de Russia, Caron Tabac Blonde and Lanvin Scandal.


A few decades ago, the spirits with a skin of the skin were chosen except that the conservatives, but now the situation has changed completely. Of course, they are presented on the market not as wide as floral, citrus or wood flavors, but still quite diverse. And you should not consider them purely male.


It all depends on what notes the skin is adjacent. In combination with floral or powdered, it is revealed very harmonious and passionately, quite a female.


Unusual skin interpretation offers Hermes in the aroma of Cuir Dange and Memo in the hits of the Irish Leather perfume. Men's aromas with leather are more straightforward, among them you can select stylish Tuscan Leather from Tom Ford and Fahrenheit from Dior.

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