Why are my dreams repeated?


I welcome you again, dear interpreters of dreams.

An interesting question about repeating dreams I came recently from one reader heading.

"Please tell me what can mean a dream that repeats once a few months. In fact, the frequency is difficult to track it, but as soon as he dreams, I remember that I have already seen him. Such de Mie Vu in a dream ... After waking up, I remember that I am looking for something on a wide sandy road once at a time, I do not find any way. Around people, but they are like in the fog, I do not speak with them. I look at my feet all the time, trying to find something. "

First, the dream is very interesting. Undoubtedly, its content itself is more than transparent. Our unconscious turns before us the painting of a search for some answer. If we had a dream with this girl, I would consider such questions: "What are people doing? Who are they? Pofantaziruy, why are you only concerned about the search? What situations in your life it looks like? ".

However, now we cannot receive direct answers to these questions. Therefore, we consider such a phenomenon as repetitive dreams.

Attentive readers remember that the dream is a presentation of our unresolved tasks and conflicts that unfold in the unconscious. Therefore, we can safely say that a repetitive dream is a reminder of an unresolved task.

Such a dream should be considered not only with the help of a meaningful part, as we did in the first paragraphs of the article, but also check what life circumstances accompany this dream.

Pay attention to what is happening in your life, in your relationship with loved ones or colleagues, when suddenly you start seeing duplicate dreams.

Perhaps it turns out that cyclical not only dreams, but also the situations that they accompany them.

For example, one of my acquaintances for a long time dreamed of a variety of military equipment: parades of tanks, ships, low-fat military aircraft. In a dream, she watched these parades from the side, not participating in anything, just with the delight of observation. After examining the external events in detail, it came to the conclusion that dreams with military processions coincided in her life with the fact that she raised the power and armor in communicating with loved ones. Being increasingly invulnerable, strong, powerful, she created the impression of an invincible and inaccessible person.

Repeating dream helped to reveal to her that she avoids communicating with native people, hiding for his armor, and she should be warmer and more affordable for them.

Do you dream of the same dreams?

Get ready to decipher their hidden messages!

Did you dream of sleep, and you want Maria to shut it on our site? Then send your questions by mail [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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