Causes and prevention of intestinal disorders


Intestinal disorder can be caused by several reasons.

First: And in an unfamiliar, and in a familiar place, you can pick up such infection as intestinal sticks and giardias, rotaviruses and pathogens of dysentery. Second: A new place involves a new food. And the body can react to a change of diet. Third: Change of drinking water. Fourth: Violation of the rules of hygiene is irregular hand washing, insufficiently washed vegetables and fruits. Fifth: The body is experiencing stress with a long flight, climate change, time zone, etc. Sixth: You introduce a large amount of fruit in the diet, especially exotic.

Specialists allocated to a separate list of products, the most risky for the person. This is any non-bottled water; seafood; meat cooked with blood; Greens, salads and leafy vegetables, nonpasteurized dairy products and fruits.

People who have long trips experience, including countries in the risk area in intestinal diseases, are advised to prepare for vacation in advance. And put the course of probiotics to strengthen the immunity and improve the intestinal microflora.

During vacation, you need to remember about several immutable rules that must be observed both children and adults.

Wash your hands. With soap and with every opportunity. Before a meal, after the toilet, when returning to the room. On vacation, more often you wash your hands, the less chances to pick up the infection. Wear with you antibacterial napkins or a special hand gel.

Use only bottled water, even during teeth cleaning. It is better to buy the bottles of the manufacturer known to you. In cafes or restaurants, preference gave tea and coffee - boiled drinks drinks.

Do not order ice drinks, as it is most often made from tap water. If you like beer or soda, then before use, wipe the neck or cover of the can with an antibacterial napkin, and it is better to use a disposable glass.

Purchased fruits and vegetables are always after washing under the crane rinse with bottled water.

If you have to eat in dubious establishments, for example, in the Indian eaters on the edge of the village, then choose well-rooted or boiled dishes to minimize risks. Europeans's stomach may not perceive food that local residents eat with pleasure for many years. Be careful and do not experiment.

At the first signs of disorder, drink as much water as possible. Discard coffee and black tea. You can drink herbal beams. It is better if the drinks will be slightly sweet or salty. If diarrhea continues more than two days, in addition to it and vomiting there is a stomach pain, the temperature rose above 38 degrees and blood is present in the chair, then you need to immediately seek medical help.

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