Caring for two: Caring for the skin during pregnancy


Pregnancy - a difficult period for a female organism, when all systems are experiencing a colossal load. In this state, it is important to revise not only the lifestyle, including the diet, but also to pay attention to skin care, which will definitely change a little while you wear the baby.

What is worth paying special attention

During pregnancy, the hormonal background is always rebuilt, and therefore the skin condition can change both in the best and worse, no one can predict how your body will behave, you need to be prepared for any turns.

A frequent problem in addition to inflammation during this period, pigmentation becomes. The main areas that affect pigment spots are face, neck, zone neckline, where the skin is the finest. Often, stains disappear by themselves after a couple of months after childbirth, however, during the pregnancy itself, you can try to prevent them using products with SPF. Remember that before you go to the pharmacy, you will advise your gynecologist who will tell about all the consequences of using the fund you have chosen.

The second frequency problem during pregnancy becomes acne. The main thing is to remember that this is only a temporary phenomenon if you have not experienced such problems before pregnancy. Just as with the selection of Sanskrina, consult with your doctor, since the means against acne most often contain components that can be dangerous for the fetus.

Be sure to choose funds along with your gynecologist

Be sure to choose funds along with your gynecologist


Which components can be harmful to the baby

Retinoides are perfectly coped with inflammation, however, at the stage of pregnancy and breastfeeding, a young mother should abandon their use, although scientifically has not yet been proven, which harm can be applied. Gynecologists are recommended to refrain.

Salicylic acid. In external use, dermatologists do not see the reasons to refuse "Salicylok" in the fight against imperfections, and yet if the situation does not tolerate, use a solution, the concentration of which does not exceed 2%.

But what about stretch marks?

Even with careful nutrition of the skin, no one is insured against the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen, completely eliminate the possibility of their appearance is simply impossible. However, at the earlier gestation period, make sure that the skin in the tension places was maximally moistened by the means that you will pick up with your gynecologist. After the birth of the baby, you can think about the laser correction of problem areas, let's say right away, this is an unprecedented process, but you can always solve the problem.

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