Gluck'Oza: "Announcement is normal"


- Natasha, rumored that the idea of ​​the plot of the video "Sogray" belongs to your fans. It's true?

- Completely right. Last year we held a competition for the best scenario for the future video. Ideas turned out to be more than two hundred, so they decided to remove not one specific scenario, but to combine all sent ideas. I wanted to transfer the emotions, feelings and experiences in the general mood, which contenders told us. And for myself I decided that the story would be in the rain. The fact is that in the graduation class I fell in love with one guy, a dancer who did not pay attention to me. For the sake of him, I went to the dance class. And, having seen in the lessons, he invited me on a date, which was spoiled by a strong rain. I remembered it for life.

Gluck'Oza shot a new clip

Gluck'Oza shot a new clip

- Poems for the song wrote a soloist of the Serebro group Olga Seriabkin. How did it happen?

- Olga wrote this song in collaboration with Maxim Fadeev. When I first heard Sogray, she made a big impression on me. Generally Maxim Aleksandrovich as no other feels my mood, can predict change in life. For example, soon after the song "Bride" I got married. Many of his compositions are prophetic. And now "Sogray" is the closest song close to me.

- The video was very sensual. But they say that shooting took place almost in Spartan conditions?

- The case was on the eve of the New Year. Removed in a large pavilion, which was simply impossible to warm up. In addition, the doors were constantly opened, a watering machine was driving. The entire film crew went to jackets, hats and gloves. For scenes with the rain, two full doubles were removed - it means that continuously, while I sang a song twice, Ice water fell on me. Therefore, the words "Sogray" were truly sincere. (Laughs.) I really was very cold and wanted someone to warmer me.

Glitch'oza is not afraid to nail

Glitch'oza is not afraid to nail

- Natasha, now fans discuss not only a new video, but also candid photos that you publish in my microblog. Do you like to provoke?

- I do not do anything special. Yes, shooting for a male magazine took place. But she was so natural and so expected that this did not have to surprise anyone. Moreover, it turned out enough Puritan. In the sense that most of these photo sessions are extremely clear: with the exposure of specific parts of the female body. But we seem to me, could not show not only erotic, but also the artistic side of photography. As for some exposure, this is normal. Around the world, artists do it. But you need to be able to distinguish between real life and the scenic image. It is unlikely that I would lay out such frank photos without being in the image of glitch'OZ.

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