Why does a man want to marry?


From the letter of our readers:

"Hello Maria!

My young man we live together for six years. We live well, do not swear, I love each other, we have time perfectly. But I want to marry, and he does not want to marry. At first we just spoke on this topic, then argued, now we swear. He says he loves me, wants to spend all his life with me, but not ready to marry at least at the moment. Offers wait. Says: I decide this question over time ... But how much can you wait? I do not understand anything. I don't want to part with him, still I love him, and the behavior of him already begins to annoy him. Maybe you explain what is happening? Thank you. Anya. "

Hello Anna!

Your situation is quite common in our modern world, and I hope its discussion will help other our readers. To begin with, I hurry to calm you, today many couples do not register officially marriage, but simply live together. By the way, for many years and quite happily. But, of course, most often it is she striving to legitimize the relationship, because social stereotypes play here: a successful woman should be married and children !!! In addition, official relations are more stable and safe.

Now, as for men ... Why are they so diligently seen from the wedding? There may be several reasons. It happens that a man is simply not interested in legitimate relations. It may be the so-called "avid bachelor." As a rule, he has a bunch of his interests, from women they want sex, funny communication, perhaps attention ... such to marry simply impossible. Or the man was already married and perhaps unsuccessfully. In general, he passed all this.

It happens that a man is afraid for his freedom. That's right, because he can forbid drinking beer with friends, will begin to demand a report on each made step. Again, the mink fur coats will need to be ... or not confident in your relationship: it is afraid to be abandoned or disappointed. Worse, if subconsciously he expects to meet another.

Therefore, if I really want to marry, determine what type your man belongs to and build a relationship based on this. In the end, the story knows a lot of examples when "avid bachelors" deliberately changed their principles. There would be a reason ...

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