Find your prince: how to build a happy relationship


First of all, it is important for yourself to determine what is happiness. Aphorism "It's not the one who has a lot, and the one who does not need much" will help to better understand the assigned question. After all, true life is inside you, and not in the material component.

"Happiness is the inner peace and harmony, when you perceive yourself and reality harmoniously," Psychologist Marianna Abavitova believes. - Because if there are any alarms, if it overlaps all the sensations, then you are an unhappy person. The fact is that experiences can be happy, but, of course, in the foreground will be the feeling of the inner grace and the perception of life as the norm. That is, it is important to take yourself, your parents and the device of this world. "

Estimation of centuries The woman was created to love, take care of children, about her husband, to conduct business in the economy. Therefore, it is obviously wrong to try to surpass your man. A woman should choose a satellite of life on the head smarter and stronger - if a man is weaker than the character, it simply can be crushed.

Since childhood, we know the fairy tale about the princes and princesses, where the prince will save the prince - strong, smart and beautiful. The girl with a teenage period is looking for a "prince" for himself, and what will be her choice, such - and further fate.

Find your prince: how to build a happy relationship 23896_1

The most correct thing is to build partnerships "Love-Friendship"


If a man feels weak compared to a woman, he will never be able to protect and support her, and she will get used to this state of affairs and will do everything herself. As a result, the woman becomes "above" the man, thereby showing it that it is home in the family. She is not considered with his opinion, does not care about him, considers himself smarter and better. But the key to a happy relationship is friendship between partners. Although there are exceptions when a woman works and even more than her man earns, but never lays it and knows that they are partners for life.

"How did the world be conceived initially? Of course, a man was created as a defender, like the one who takes responsibility for a weaker, continues Marianna Abavitov. - But over the past 100 years there has been a change of social roles, and now I would not call for a man in a pair, it is necessarily stronger. Here, every person should push off from his worldview. If, for example, a woman is extremely important, so that the man is in her stronger, then she will look for him. The most correct thing is to build partnerships "Love-Friendship". To be on a par and do not try to surpass anyone, to communicate eyes into the eyes. "

If you look at your beloved and you do not see your further fate in it, and there are some questions that do not give peace, of course, it is worth thinking: Do I have the right choice? In addition to the woman, no one will answer this question, as it is very individual. Modern woman should have time to do: and work, and love her husband, and have time to spend time with children. This will be distinguished by a smart woman. It is very important that the man will respect his woman. That is, you need to accurately approach the choice. After all, the fact that we will choose who let's go, the more. Therefore, it is a man who must be a pledge of happy relationships and a happy woman.

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