Lyudmila Porgina: "Everyone believes that yellown and civin crawled into this family, knowing that you can get started"


This is the week the public discusses the shocking history, which turned around Alexei Batalov's apartments. After the death of the Great Actor, it turned out that real estate and large amount of money belongs to actress Natalia Yehřín and her husband Mikhail Civin, and not a spouse and daughter who suffers from cerebral palsy. The artist and her husband assumed the obligation to contain native actors under a lifeguard agreement. At the same time, the widow itself - 85-year-old guitan Leontenko - admitted that he did not know which documents sign. Meanwhile, the bill of the star family was empty, and they themselves remained without housing. It turned out that over the years, Drozhin and Civin were allegedly charity, helping older actors. True, they received the right to receive housing of artists after their death. Thus, they seized approximately 17th apartments. Actress Lyudmila Torgin, who was familiar with the family Alexei Batalov, was shocked when he learned about what happened.

- I immediately turned on in the fight, as soon as the cry came. We were shocked, and on the Internet simply an explosion of an atomic bomb occurred, "Lyudmila Andreevna told. - Alexey Batalov is one of the great actors of amazing intelligence, this generation has brought us up, gave us roots! And I was so glad that the Investigative Committee was connected. Without him, we would, of course, did not understand the intricacies. Notaries, lawyers connected. And I am very glad that the relatives of Batalov will not remain without money, without an apartment. I'm just sure about it: the country will not allow. The film "Fly cranes" is the era, I can watch it from the beginning, from the middle, from the end. I remember Batalov when he taught in Vgika, Kolya went to him to write on the radio "Cossacks" of Tolstoy. When you talk about Alexey Vladimirovich, a smile at once on the face. Happy one who was familiar with him. And, of course, allow this family to offend this family: an elderly guitana or a completely defenseless Masha is just a disgrace. They swam on the holy.

For me, and for Kolya Batalov was a cumier, a teacher who needs to be equal. We in the House of Cinema met at the premieres. And if Batalov asked Kohl to record something, was not even discussed. This was considered to be ordered over. We were not friends close, but knew about his daughter, about the guitan. In the sanatorium "Actor" in Sochi talked. There often, by the way, was the whole "contemporary" along with Galina Volchek, including Valekka Gafta and others ... My God, what people were going! It was the era of take-off theater, movies.

Alexey Batalov

Alexey Batalov

Gennady Cherkasov

- And Natalia Yezhzhina and Mikhail Civilin, did you know before this story?

- I met Natalia on television in one of the programs. She introduced himself as a member of the cinema actors in Russia. He is like a lawyer-lawyer. And after that we intersect somewhere at the funeral, farewells with actors. But what to tell you ... These are people of a different warehouse. I am an open person, I can be attached to love people. But yezzine and civilian - not my warehouse. Some chitrinka, hidden thought read them. I always carefully with such people, because I got used to that theater is such a house where everyone knows where everything is already on the touch. And you understand who you deal with. And here are some strange people, so what happened is retribution. And I am glad that it happened. I do not want to be planted and so on, I want them to understand that the situation is unfavorable for this family - this is called betrayal. I do not even know how to say more about: I don't want to swear with bad words.

Natalia Yezhzhina and Mikhail Civin

Natalia Yezhzhina and Mikhail Civin

Frame from the program

- What do colleagues say about this?

- All on the side of the Batalov family. Everyone believes that Yezhžina and Civin crawled into this family, knowing that you can get started. This is definitely. And they used the fact that the gentarian guitan and does not understand the subtleties. We, creative people, do not understand the laws, we are accustomed to another: to the texts, music on stage. We are not ready for the fact that our family will come in order to abstract. This is an ugliness! The trouble happened to Kolya, how many people stretched his hand. How can I help you? What need to do? We are accustomed to the fact that we are brothers and sisters. The theater is a temple of art, where people give their soul, where they are revealed, where we are naked in the spiritual plan stand on the scene. And so to take advantage of some weakness and defenselessness is just a cunning.

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