How to find your true calling?


Receiving the certificate of maturity, each graduate school arises before a rather difficult choice of a higher educational institution in which it will submit documents for further training. According to the procedure for admission to the applicant, the right to submit documents no more than five universities. And since each year the number of graduates in Moscow is about 65 thousand people and for such a number of graduates accounts for about 300 state, non-governmental and commercial higher educational institutions of the capital, the choice is not very simple. Applicant must be seriously approaching this issue and decide on the list of educational institutions. There is a serious and painful question: "Where to go to learn?" And "For what criteria to choose a university?".

Moreover, this choice involves quite serious thinking. First of all, the applicant must decide on the profession and in what country he wants to study. Having determined the country further, everything depends on parents, since the main selection criterion for most of the average applicants is the cost and availability of training. After all, today the number of places of state order is very limited and is about 20% of the total number of students, so it is extremely difficult to enter the budget department, and sometimes it is simply impossible. Therefore, most choose universities based on the financial capabilities of parents. But also: before submitting documents, it is advisable for references about the level of corruption in the university and its reputation. Or rather, you need to know what universities, more precisely, the diplomas at their end are enjoyed by the employers. Also, if you come to conquer the capital, then you need to clarify the provision of a place in the hostel. It is advisable to pre-first in it to clarify the living conditions.

Correspondent Womanhit. I went to the training, which conducted a consultant for the success and personal motivation in the "Theater of the Living Actor" Gennady Ternovsky and found out: how to properly approach the selection of the university.

- For a long time in Russia there is a problem of the first higher education. Probably in 90% of cases in the first university they come because it is necessary to have a higher education. And as a rule, no matter what. If only it was. Instead of not hurry, and after school year-another "look around" yesterday's schoolchildren storming universities.

Phrase, like: "I don't want to lose year," looks stupid. After all, if you "choose" not the university - you will lose much more. The second point is a prestigious education, prestigious specialty (lawyer, economist, banker, etc.) - people are imposed on people fashion, parents, society, in other words by collective mind.

And therefore, by completing the university, having worked a little, and realizing that this is not that, the person arrives at the second higher. And well, if he already understood by this moment, what he wants from life. Although often it turns out that according to first education, the person does not even work.

The view is that success must have a higher or prestigious education - complete nonsense. A huge number of highly educated people "ride ends meet."

Of course, education is important. But it will have a sense if a person "finds his university" and after graduation will be engaged in "his business". Therefore, the most important thing for the future applicant is to determine what he wants to do in life, to determine his "true desire." How? There are very simple ways.

In addition, it is important not for the very formation, but special knowledge. According to statistics (about 2000th year), 20% of billionaires do not have higher education, and two of them do not have any education at all.

The problem is that in our educational institutions there is no such subject as "the philosophy of success." Everyone wants to be successful, but how to do it in our schools and universities is not taught ...

You need to understand one simple moment. Each person is created by the Universe in order to fulfill his own purpose. And what kind of purpose, a person must understand himself. And for this, he must answer the question - what do I want most about what my most cherished desire? And just just this desire and will be it to the destination. Because God will never do so that the person does from under the stick what is destined to him. To fulfill it well, the person must completely surrender to his work. And then the person will be happy, and the Universe will always give him the opportunity to earn. And it does not matter what he is doing. Grow flowers, prepares food, plays tennis, considers money or serves in the army. He will be happy. And just because it is to determine the purpose, and fulfill it, and there is our main task. Because if a person does not do what I want, he goes against himself. So it goes against God. This, by the way, is said even in the Bible.

For some reason, parents believe that they know better what their children need. And impose their opinions to them. His decision. Own life. They tell them how they should live. Where learn where to work, on com marry. Well, or marry. You owe us. We gave birth to you, we brought you up, you must and have to listen to us. Wait guys ... This means how it turns out. Did you make a favor? Performed the work that should not be performed? If you follow this logic, then the child gave birth, and say this helpless baby - everything is now, now. Look for me to go, clothes, protect yourself and so on. So, it turns out? No way! This is the responsibility of parents. Feed, raise, educate and so on. But what life to choose, the child must determine himself. Himself must find his purpose. And the purpose is laid in his heart, in his soul.

Parents, like the first and main teachers of a person, should help him. Should teach listen to your heart. Must be friends to a child. But this "you owe me," must forget. No one should. And the faster they will understand it, the better for them and for the child. Each of us must only in this life - to myself. Must find its purpose and be happy. But this is the most important thing.

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