On my conditions: Let's stop attempts to blackmail


Psychologists are increasingly faced with the appeals of people who have become victims of blackmail, and this blackmail is not always based on material benefit - most often experts deal with the consequences of psychological blackmail, with which partners manipulate their second half in order to build relationships as it would be convenient them. We decided to sort out the types of psychological manipulations in more detail.

"I will be offended if you don't do as I ask you"

At first glance, a completely harmless condition. But only for the first. Very often, women are resorted to the manipulations of the insult - men are hard to understand that they were "took on the hook", and therefore they quickly go to the partners' conditions, although this scheme works in the opposite direction. Of course, in any respects there are times when the offense is fully explained, but only until the moment it becomes a way to get the desired one. As a rule, after the part-victim understands how deftly it is manipulated, immediately breaks toxic relationships, so it is not necessary to think that you will be able to rescue from problems with the help of a steady offense.

"I am, what is it, take me"

Yes, it is impossible to change an adult, agreeing on the relationship, we accept partners with all its pros and cons, however, it is important to understand when the partner goes the line when the second partner begins to experience discomfort in relations. Very often you can hear from the second half: "Let's take each other that we have" And it would seem - wisely - but no: as soon as you specify a partner to what you are not satisfied, he will immediately remember you this conversation: "We agreed, do you refuse me to take?" And everything in such a spirit. In such a situation, it is difficult to object to something that the manipulator is achieved.

insult - the way to get the desired

insult - the way to get the desired

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

"I will be with you, but you have to /" ... "

The main rule of harmonious relationships - the partner cannot make conditions that the interests and rights of the second half would suffer. Otherwise, the manipulator receives almost unlimited power over the partner - from satisfying sexual fantasies to which the partner is not ready to domestic smallests, dying the life of the couple.

As a rule, thus the manipulative partner is trying to assert due to an emotionally weak partner, and for this it shows the maximum categoricality that may be issued for the truth. Be careful.

If you notice that such installations are a common thing for your pair, you should not ignore them, because sooner or later such relationships will go to a dead end, from which it is not so easy to get out. It is impossible to call such relations with healthy, and therefore try to consult with a family psychologist, together with which you can try to find a solution to the problem and learn how to reflect the attacks of a blackmail, if for some reason is not ready to break these relationships.

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