Anna Sedokova: "I'm trying to be an ideal mom"


- Anna, Travel TV shows - extremely troublesome occupation. And if in the frame not only you, but also children ... How did you agree to this?

- When I was offered to lead the program, I immediately caught up with this idea. To be near the children and find out new - what could be better? (Smiles.) I call my mother's mom. Because today Moms, and in general, women refuse to be solely addition to the kitchen. Women want to act, change the world, travel.

- How did your children treated participation in the project?

- Alina lasted the entire Internet to learn as much as possible about the countries in which we fell. And I have a very creative company! Polina, my kiss, is not enough that our sun, a positive motor, so also insanely talented. And dancing, and sings, and the most famous. Alinka is my senior, also in dancing, besides, she also has a brand of clothing. Languages ​​teaches school objects perfectly copes. Well, Hector is quite a baby. Sodes a little defender!

- Your daughter Alina in his 13 years is already engaged in essentially, full-fledged work - not only removed in the program, but also writes his own blogs ...

- Yes, she removes her impressions of each country. Such a voice of adolescents in our show. And her passion for the blogger began by chance. Somehow I have not enough time, and I asked Alina to help me mount the video for Instagram. Honestly, I sometimes pretend that I don't know how to help me all the time helped me. (Smiles.) And this daughter mounted the roller - it turned out incredibly cool. I realized that Alina Talent, and we began to develop him quietly. Now she has 112 thousand subscribers.

- Do you often occur extreme shooting?

- Each extreme release, because he is with children. (Laughs.) I remember, in Tbilisi, the director asked us to climb the top of the mountain. I'm generally afraid of heights, so for me it was such an overcoming of fear. And in Tenerife, we were at the highest point of Spain - Tadeid volcano. And then I was afraid of the children anymore. I remember Polinka climbed somewhere and shouted to me: "I am an extreme woman!" Here, I think, fields, fly from a volcano, like a lava, and what I will do.

Anna Sedokova:

"To be near the children and recognize a new one - what could be better? I call my mom's mom. Because today women refuse to be an addition to the kitchen"

- Your son has a rather unusual name. Who came up with him?

- I am often asked why I chose the name Hector for my son, why I did not call Fedor or Mikhail. And I really wanted to be something heroic in the name of the boy, so that he became strong and brave to fight for the family and protect us. I have always been looking for protection from men. From my dad I did not see any support, they dispelled with my mother when I was small. With my husbands, I also didn't always have an ideal attitude - I decided that all hope for a son. And I will protect me, and older sisters - Alina and Monica.

- By the way about men. Recently, you have been attributed to numerous novels, although you yourself do not talk about personal life. How do you feel about such rumors?

- I normally treat rumors, criticism, insults to your address, but not when it concerns my children. I always say that you can write about me anything, but do not touch my children!

- Do you have any special methods of raising children?

- Alina is now a teenage period, and she wants to spend a lot of time on the phone and smaller - in real life. I'm trying to be an ideal mom. But Alina sometimes says that other girls have a mother better. They do not make go to classes and train, allow just sitting at home. But I do not agree to it. I am a mom-terrorist. (Laughs.) And what can you do? This is upbringing. But I always say: "If you have a problem with a child, just talk to him before bedtime." This is an excellent method that always works.

- What is happening now with your musical career?

- I have time to combine everything. I recently got a new album "on the will". For me, this is very exciting, my team and my team have invested the whole soul in this album.

And as you understand, share part of myself, to open, show yourself in the true light, with all the shortcomings and flaws, is always very difficult and scary. But I was able to cross through my fear and now I am not afraid to admit that I am the author of this album. Each track is a real story, which lived by me and told on the first person, sincerely, without bills and without embellishment. Love, hatred, passion, pain, lust, hope - emotions, close and understandable to everyone. I know what I am writing about, - I myself more than once felt my bird, locked in a golden cage, was afraid of condemnation, pretended by the one who never was, - in general, was unhappy, although it seemed to others that I had everything well. Freed from prejudices and complexes, I became truly happy and now I want to help find happiness to others, because, as you know, music treats.

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