Dangerous thrust: how to replace alcohol on the festive table


For many of us, a festive table becomes synonymous with alcoholic drinks, but today more and more people refuse to leisure such leisure, preferring to fill the festive glasses with completely other drinks. Modern rhythm of life does not allow us to relax with the help of high degrees, as the resident of a big city must be kept in a tone, and even a few grams of alcoholic beverage can disrupt plans the next day. But how to please the guests and do not leave the table blank in the nearest holiday? We will give a few excellent recipes that will not leave your friends and relatives indifferent.

Berries in the case

We make a terrific berry-citrus drink that will not only be up, but also charging you with vitamins. We will need cranberries and red citruses. Before preparation, poured the cranberry water and freeze in the form for ice. From citrus and a small part of the remaining cranberries, squeeze the juice and at will dilute water if the drink is too acidic. We break over the glasses and put the pieces of cranberry ice cream, decorate the glasses with mint branches.

Eagle apple

Beautiful recipe for fans of autumn drinks. We will need a zest of orange, apple juice, carnation and honey. Heat apple juice on the stove, then put the cinnamon and the orange zest. Cook all together 15 minutes until a characteristic flavor appears. Add honey to the finished drink and serve only hot. Guests will not remain indifferent.

And what are your favorite recipes?

And what are your favorite recipes?

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Fruit punch

Another festive recipe, ideal for a party. We will need five kinds of fruit for your taste. For example, we can take bananas, cherry, strawberries and an apple. In addition, take care so that in the refrigerator it was vegetable milk, such as coconut. Grind all fruits and squeeze the maximum amount of juice from the mixture. Add cold milk and additionally put the pieces of ice. Mix and spill on the glasses. Ready!

Nebanal Rosehip

A drink from Rosehip may well get on the festive table, if you cook it on the right recipe. We will need orange, dry rosehip, cinnamon and sugar. The crushed rosehip is poured with warm water and insist a couple of hours. Oranges are soaked in boiling water, remove the zest and squeeze the juice from the pulp. We deliver from the pulp, pour into the pan and add all the remaining ingredients, except for the rosehip, which add a little later. Remove the entire mixture from the plate and leave it. Fix the drink and pour in high glasses.

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