13 ways to stop eating stress when you work from home


Let self-insulation - the best way to protect against COVID-19, the jams of the house can lead to unhealthy behavior, including overeating due to stress and boredom. Although comfortable food during stress is a normal reaction, regular overeating can adversely affect your health and increase stress and concern. Here are 13 ways to prevent stress overeating when you are stuck at home:

Check yourself

One of the most useful ways to prevent overeating is to understand why it is at all. There are many reasons why you may be forced to overeat, including because of stress or boredom. If you find that you eat too often or too much for one sit down, take a minute and check yourself. First, it is important to determine if you eat, because the hungry and need nutrition, or there is another reason. Before eating, pay special attention to how you feel, for example, on stress, boredom, loneliness or anxiety. Just take a pause and analyze the situation to understand what makes you overeat and prevent overeating in the future. Nevertheless, it is rare to fight with overeating, and you may have to seek professional help, especially if this is a common phenomenon or you eat to the point of discomfort and then feel a sense of shame or guilt after that. It may be signs of disorder of food behavior.

Get rid of temptation

Although a jar with a cookie or a bowl of multi-colored candies on the counter can add the visual attractiveness of your kitchen, this practice can lead to overeating. Seductive food within visibility can lead to frequent snaps and overeating, even if you are not hungry. Studies have shown that the visual effects of high-calorie food stimulates a striped body, a part of your brain that modulates control over the impulses, which can lead to an increase in thrust to food and overeating. For this reason, it is better to store especially seductive products, including sweet pastries, sweets, chips and cookies, out of sight, for example, in the pantry or buffet. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with time to enjoy a delicious treat, even if you are not necessarily hungry. However, too frequent overeating can harm both your physical and mental health.

Stick up a healthy power mode

You should not change your usual power regime just because you are stuck at home. If you are used to three meals, try sticking to this graph while you work from home. The same if you usually eat only two meals and snacks. Although it is easy to deviate from your usual power mode when your routine of the day is disturbed, it is important to maintain some similarity of normal nutrition. You may notice that fit your power to a new habit, and this is normal. Just try to stick to the regular power mode based on your individual needs and preferred meal time. If you are really confused and constantly snack, try to make a schedule, which includes at least two solid meals per day, and follow him until you feel that you are accustomed to your eating habits.

Do not limit yourself

One of the most important power rules to be followed to prevent overeating is not to deprive the food body. Often excessive restriction of food intake or consumption of too small calorie can lead to overeating and overeating. Never stick to a strict diet or abandon meals, especially in stressful times. Studies have shown that the restrictive diet is not only ineffective for long-term weight loss, but it can also harm your physical and mental health and increase stress.

People who ate homemade food for more than 5 times a week, 28% were overweight and 24% were excessive fat, compared with those who eating homemade dishes less than 3 times a week.

People who ate homemade food for more than 5 times a week, 28% were overweight and 24% were excessive fat, compared with those who eating homemade dishes less than 3 times a week.

Photo: unsplash.com.

Give the will internal chef

The lack of opportunity to eat outside the house in restaurants makes you prepare more food yourself, which, as shown, improves the overall health. For example, a study conducted with the participation of 11,396 people showed that more frequent use of homemade food is associated with greater consumption of fruits and vegetables. In addition, it was found that people who ate homemade food for more than 5 times a week, less frequently had overweight and 24% were excessive fat, compared with those who eating homemade dishes less than 3 times a week. Moreover, the planning of food intake a few days ahead can help you kill time, and even it has been shown that it improves the quality of the diet and reduces the risk of obesity.

Keep the water balance

If you are stuck at home, you will have more time to focus on healthy habits, including the use of sufficient liquid. Maintaining proper hydration is important for general health and can help you prevent overeating associated with stress. In fact, research has discovered a link between chronic dehydration and an increased risk of obesity. In addition, dehydration can lead to a change in mood, attention and energy levels, which can also affect your eating habits. To deal with dehydration, add a few pieces of fresh fruits into water to strengthen its taste. This will help you drink more water throughout the day without adding a significant amount of sugar or calories into your diet.

Move more

The jams of the house can seriously affect your activity, leading to bored, stress and increasing the frequency of snacks. To deal with this, give the time of daily physical activity. If you feel lost because of the closure of your favorite gym or training studio, try something new, for example, home workout on YouTube, walking in nature or jog in the surrounding area. Studies have shown that physical activity can improve mood and reduce stress, which can reduce your chances to overeat in stressful state.

Prevent boredom

When you suddenly discover that you have a lot of additional free time, boredom can quickly step after you took up your business list for the day. However, boredom can be prevented, well using your free time. Everyone has a hobby that they always wanted to try, or projects that were postponed due to a dense schedule. Now the ideal time to learn to be new, do a project to improve the home, organize a residential space, pass the educational course or start a new hobby. The study of something new or the beginning of the project can not only prevent boredom, but also make you feel more successful and less intense.

Do not be distructed

Modern life is full of distracting factors. From smartphones to televisions and social networks - you are surrounded by technologies that distract you from everyday life. Although watching a favorite TV show can help you distract from stressful events, it is important to minimize distracting factors during food or snack, especially if you often overeat. If you are accustomed to dinner, setting up a TV, smartphone or computer, try it in a less distracting atmosphere. Try to concentrate only on food, paying special attention to the feeling of hunger and satiety. Conscious food is an excellent tool that can be used to better understand your food habits.

Practice of Control Portions

People often snack products directly from the container, in which they were sold, which could lead to overeating. For example, if you take a freezer ice cream pint and eat directly from the container, rather than shifting one portion to a plate, you can eat more than planned, as studies show. To deal with this, practice the control of portions, feeding one serving of food, and do not eat from large containers.

The best choice is products with high protein, fiber and useful fats

The best choice is products with high protein, fiber and useful fats

Photo: unsplash.com.

Choose hearty and nutritious products

Filling the refrigerator with satisfying, rich nutrients products not only improve the overall health of health, but also help to fight with a tendency to stress, eating "delicious". This is a reasonable way to prevent the likelihood that you will refuse an unhealthy choice, whether candy or chips. The best choice is products with high protein, fiber and useful fats. Nuts, seeds, avocado, beans and eggs are just some examples of nutritious and healthy dishes that can help you get enough and prevent overeating.

Do not overdo it with alcohol

Although a glass of wine or a delicious cocktail can be a good way to relax, keep in mind that alcohol reduces your internal barriers, increases appetite and can increase the chances of overeating. In addition, the use of too much alcohol harms your health for various reasons and can lead to problems with addiction.

Remember your health

In stressful times, it is never important to remember your health. Eating nutritional products is just one of the components of health and happiness. The most important thing is to show compassion to yourself and do everything possible, given the current circumstances. Now is not time to limit yourself, overwork, try the bizarre diet, compare ourselves with others or focus on weaknesses. If you are struggling with uncertainty, problems with bodily manner or anxiety, use this time to establish new, healthy relationships with your mind and body.

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