Mikhail Polikamaco: "I have never been a chibanted child who was acting as an acting skill with young years"


Dynasty in the acting world is rather a rule than an exception. The popular actor and movie actor Mikhail Polikamaco does not hide that his fate was predetermined almost from birth. After all, his father is the legendary Semen Faraday, Mama - Marina Polikamaco, Starzhil Theater on Taganka, Grandfather - People's Artist of the USSR, Actor of St. Petersburg BDT Vitaly Polikamaco, Grandma - Artist of the Leningrad Philharmonic Evgenia Fish. Mikhail told Mikhail about his family in an interview.

- True, that you have closely followed your mother's career from childhood, trained the secrecy of the grandfather's mystery, did not miss a single movie with the participation of the Father?

- I grew up in the acting family and just saw it. What does "followed"? My grandfather I did not find, I know him only on video. As for Mom and Pope - well, yes, childhood passed in the theater on the Taganka, watched their performances, was with a dad on the set. But I can't say that was such a chibanted child who was acting as an acting skill with eight years. I still loved playing football and walk with the guys. I just grew up in this acting atmosphere.

- You mentioned football, there was no dream to become a football player?

- No, I did not think that I would become a football player. I already understood that professional football is better practicing from five to six years. And I was at the amateur level. But I was passing me to football. Dad played a lot for the Bauman Institute, he graduated from MVTU named after Bauman. And since childhood, I also play a lot in the yard. Then Dad spoke for the acting football team "Starko". I even played with him a couple of times, being a student of Gitis.

Mikhail with his father, the legendary Semen Farada.

Mikhail with his father, the legendary Semen Farada.

Photo: Personal archive

- What is your first memory of dad?

- A lot of memories. As a child, Dad was all the time with me. And I really loved with him to ride concerts in military units, on egg and dairy factories. It was a feeling that I am going with a dad to work. In the theater, everyone applauded, and here only to him alone. And then he improvised a lot depending on what place came. His performances were never standard.

- Have you adopted something in this plan?

- It's hard to say, I have a little more fate. Dad did not have acting, and I graduated from Gitis. Then I did not read anything from the stage. Remember his participation in the program "Around Laughter", his concerts. I am far enough from this. I am a theater actor. But adopted - adopted, of course, at the genetic level.

- He was a very famous man, how did this fame affect you?

- I do not think somehow negatively. I was just sometimes it's a shame that dad spent a little time with me, because fans, viewers, colleagues ... When acting parents, their children are very hungry to attention. For example, I feel it now on my children. For two days I was not, flew, they just do not depart from me.

- What Semen Farad was in the family, how did he bring you up?

- Since I have a single child, he was very poisoned. I do not remember any moment when he scolded me. Mom scold me more for twos, for the goss of the music school. Just dad was happy that in forty-two years he became a father. The biggest buzz, when Pope I went somewhere. I knew exactly - it will be cool, and no one will scold me.

The solid experience in the TV projects about medicine was inspired by Mikhail to change in lifestyle. The actor lost weight and regularly pays time to sports

The solid experience in the TV projects about medicine was inspired by Mikhail to change in lifestyle. The actor lost weight and regularly pays time to sports

- What are the features in you from him?

- Throughout people who see me from the outside. The only thing I can say what I learned from Pope is accuracy. He always did everything for sure. He had a calendar, which he recorded his routine of the day. And I do the same in the phone. For me, a big tragedy, when I summed up or late. Here I have, of course, from dad.

- Do you also raise children like you?

- No, slightly different. I just bring up three. And he brought up one. If I had one child, I probably raised him as dad. And here, since I have a gang (in the good sense of the word), then in some moments I often strict. Girls Emilia and Sophia I have one age, but the son of Nikita this year is already entering the institute. He is an adult man, do not look with him. Then he will be worse from it. After all, the beginning of adult life is always a big responsibility towards himself. If you and the Seventeen-eighteen boy continue to suck and cherish him, like fifteen, then it will all affect it.

I do so that he does not relax at the beginning of the way. Because he chose the same profession as me, grandfathers and grandmothers. For example, I did, I don't remember the first two years at all. I was all the time at the Institute. I lived almost there. And all this pass. The most important thing is not to miss this moment to learn how to work - Plow.

- Where are your daughters learn now?

- They learn in Pushkin's lyceum. There is a good English, and other humanitarian sciences. One moved to the sixth grade, the other in the third.

- What are you happy?

- Many are pleased. They are engaged in vocals at the Alekseev music school. Last year, the eldest went to the festivals, in this, together with the younger, received prizes for the first places at the festival in Vienna. They are quite brisk girls. Of course, I scold them for something, and I also get upset when I think about what country they will live in. I want them to live in some world, in peace. What has been going on in recently, scares me a little.

- You said that sometimes scolding children, and today, someone scolds today?

- Mom can scold me. May face a wife. Aunt, which is eighty-one, like my mom, can call from Israel and scold for something.

- Do you only rest or do any creativity?

- I do not engage in creativity. But I ask my spouse before the premiere of learning with me. There are a huge amount of home, household affairs. I almost can't cook, but I am engaged in life, I buy products as a responsible husband and a family man. I come home and do not fall on the bed, saying: "Come me! Undress me! Wash me! " Everyone has duties. Of course, on Lara is fully home, but it is trite to endure the garbage, spending it - that I can. True, since childhood I have hands-hooks. Never mastered anything, did not nail, did not sew.

- Your family work is discussed?

- Of course, I discuss with Larisa, children still do not understand this. But it is more about my employment. Spouse all the time says what you need to rest, and I say that you need to work. On this topic, we climb it sometimes.

Mikhail and Larisa became her husband and wife in 2005. Despite all stereotypes about acting marriages, in their family, they reign complete mutual understanding

Mikhail and Larisa became her husband and wife in 2005. Despite all stereotypes about acting marriages, in their family, they reign complete mutual understanding

Lilia Charlovskaya

- Some time ago you loosened. For the sake of the role or they wanted?

- For the sake of health. Over the years, the body says you that it is already hard to carry this backpack on myself - overweight. Nine years I'm trying to somehow deal with overweight. And much better feel. But this is daily work. Charging and simulator. Ten kilometers on foot. And also when I rested in Bulgaria, I bought myself a Scandinavian sticks for walking, this is a very cool thing!

- You worked a lot and work on television, what attracts you?

- I always wanted to work on television, from the institute. There were first not very successful samples, then better. Television is also a specific school: a school of improvisation, a second decision making. In the theater you play someone, and here - yourself. I do not know what will happen next maybe the robots will begin to conduct programs, but now it is interesting.

- Theater and movies ... What do you put for yourself in first place and why?

"I can't say that more important." It all depends on the material. But it seems to me if the actor does not play in the theater, he is not an actor. Because the theater is a school. Without the theater there is no art that is associated with the game. Now people appear who are removed only in the cinema. For me, it is a bit strange, because the acting profession is primarily allowed. And the cinema is a specific specificity. There is such a story: if you are beautiful and young, then you can take a movie. In my opinion, this is a big misconception, because it turns out not a movie, but some fashion show. It has nothing to do with art. If a handsome guy or a girl is required in the frame, they must learn in the theater institute and play the diploma performances.

- Are you a vain person?

- I can not say that I am a vain. Immediately remember the statement of the Bulat Chalvovich Okudzhava: "When it seems to me that I am ingenious, I go wash the dishes." It seems to me that way you need to live. Comprehensive in life and bougar on stage and in the frame.

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