Do stars suffer from primo-mail draws?


Boris Moiseev admitted Womanhit that he received the most vivid impressions in his entire lives from the well-known "Raffle" program, which decided to swallow over the artist. According to Boris's plot, the factory was left into the inheritance, the full owner of which he becomes on his birthday.

"I said so much that happened to what was fully entered the role of the director. It was absolutely sure that the factory really goes into my possessions. Everything was so plausible, I even had no thought to doubt what is happening, "the singer told. In proof of his words, he told about the situation that he now remembers him exclusively with laughter. Walking in the factory and feeling her with a full-fledged owner, Boris, as in his opinion it is approved by directors, pretty worn, for which he immediately did a remark: "Sorry, but we are not worn at the factory." "From tomorrow they will be," the artist replied not to be confused. Before the last Moiseev, it did not assume that it was so "brazen" will play, but now there is something to remember.

Boris Moiseev. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Boris Moiseev. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

By the way, in the same program, Ksenia Sobchak became the victim of the draw in the same program. History developed around jewelry and supposedly Arab princes. A friend of the secular lioness, accompanying her in the restaurant, received a present as a diamond ring from the guests of the capital. Seeing the happy face of the girlfriend, Ksenia decided not to hinder her possible happiness and, without thinking, took an invitation to a party, where the girls on the limousine went immediately after the acquaintance. Everything was fine until the moment it was found that all doors in the car were locked. This is where Ksenia and nervous. When trying to use a mobile phone, a black guard reacted promptly and snatched a means of communication from the hands then still unmarried Sobchak. Men threatened to take the girlfriends to their homeland, than heavily angry the played girl.

"Do you even know who I am? Do you understand what will be with you? You will be very regretting that in general came to this country! You will definitely find! " - shouted the girl. Even in the position when strangers stood around with automata, Ksenia was not confused and considered that the best defense is an attack. Fortunately, everything cost, but what was the surprise Sobchak, when she found out that the report was the most girlfriend!

The singer Cornelia Mango told Womanhit that herself walds rarely, but the closest people and grandmother were enjoyed over her.

"Although my relatives live in another city, they do not miss the opportunity every year to laugh at me. For example, they can call, change the voice, imagining some company with which you need to talk. I, like a naive girl, always coming to this fishing rod! And all because I can not determine the voices of my relatives. This year I look forward to a new draw, and he will definitely! "

But the most cruel draw happened to Cornelia at the age of eight years. Friends decided to swallow her at all in a friendly: "Imagine, asked me to lick the freezer. Motivated their request to the fact that they themselves have already done it and did not regret it at all. Well, I also believed them, and without thought I made this "cool" act. As a result, I was so stuck that I could not rescue the "freezer" captivity and waited for my mother as many as thirty minutes! It was terrible. In general, they defrunned me for a long time and painfully. This is what naivety leads! "

Cornelia mango. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Cornelia mango. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Over the singer Dmitry sorcerer also love to make his friends. Once, while Dmitry was recorded in the studio, friends moved his car to another courtyard. When the artist came out and found his baby in the same place, he wondered. And this is not surprising, because all documents remained in the car, the keys to the apartment and other necessary things. Dmitry immediately decided to contact the police and has already started typing the number. Here, the guys and split and confessed in the draw, realizing that they went too far.

But Dmitry himself does not remain in debt and gladly plays his relatives. So, the sacrifice of an innocent joke of the singer was his brother Georgy. "The brother had to come an offer to become a TV presenter and he was looking forward to calling. Knowing about this situation, I gave my acquaintance to become the most representative of the program and offer George work. After the long-awaited call, he was on the seventh heaven from happiness and, without losing a minute, began to collect suitcases. "

As a result, Dmitry had to admit to the deed brother, but fortunately, everything ended well. Soon Georgia really offered work on television.

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