Preparing Italian lunch


Paste with vegetable sauce

It is said that the Italians distinguish up to 300 species of macaroni. But all pasta are divided into two large groups: Pasta Secca (Dry pasta) and Pasta Fresca (pasta from fresh dough or home). The first of the flour of solid varieties and water due to the complexity of cooking is prepared in production, eggs are added to the second. Each family has its own recipes for paste sauces.

Paste with vegetable sauce

Kitchen: Mediterranean

Category: Pasta

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Dish cleared on: 4 people (a)

You will need: Makaroni from solid varieties of wheat 1 Pachapomidors 4 St polemotra 200 Genther Parmesan 100 Holive oil on taste-bazilka Small beamsole and pepper to taste

Cooking method:


Pasta cook, as indicated on the package. Finished pasta cover with a lid so as not to cooled.


Pepper cleaned from seeds and cut into thin stripes. Square to sprinkle with olive oil, lay out peppers, salt and pepper. Stew pepper about 7 minutes.


Share Peppers to Macaronam. Tomatoes give boiling water and remove the skin with them. Cut into pieces, add sliced ​​mozzarella to them. Salt and pepper. Fix with olive oil.


Add basil leaves. To serve a paste, laying out tomatoes with mozzarella and basil, sprinkle with grated parmesan.

Rice Minestron with Pesto




This soup is one of the most common dishes in Italy. The thick chowder was the food of the poor, especially the peasants. Minestrone can be translated as "big soup", that is, in the recipe a lot of ingredients. In each province there are features of the Minestron recipe, but it is believed that the basis of soup is a bean broth. There is another legend that Minestrone comes from the word "minister". Somehow, 500 years ago, the cook prepared for a noble person the soup, which included 7 types of meat, 7 species of vegetables, 7 different seasonings.

Rice Minestron with Pesto

Kitchen: Mediterranean

Category: Soups

Cooking time: 2 hours

The dish is calculated on: 6 people (a)

You will need: Fig 200 Gfasol 150 GKartofel 3 Stluk Side 1 Steel 2 Ststelder 1 Stebelluk 2 Stepotus Pesto 2-3 ChL Green (Cabbage Leaves, Spinach, Top) 300 GVD 2 liter Parmesan cheese for taste and pepper

Cooking method:


Beans soak overnight.


Greenery and green part of the onion-sowing chunks. Potatoes and carrots cut into cubes.


Celery, onions and white part of the onion rail and fry on olive oil by adding some water. When the bow becomes transparent, add potatoes and carrots. Stew about 4 minutes.


In boiling water put washed beans, greens and stew vegetables.


When soup boils, salt and pepper, reduce fire and stew about 1.5 hours. 20 minutes before readiness to add clumsy rice. Before serving, sprinkle with parmesan.

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