Oksana Skakun: "I dream that my daughter's dad is aware: it is very important for her that he was nearby"


When Oksana Jackun offers the roles of girls who are worried about disappointment in love, the actress is sure that it will be perfectly cope. Some roles, according to Oksana, as if written off from her life ...

- How are you more often called - Oksana or Ksenia?

- from birth used to two names. Mom and sister are called Ksyusha, colleagues and acquaintances - Oksana. And I like it.

- In St. Petersburg, the most famous Ksenia is Ksenia Peterburger. Did you be called in her honor?

- I was born in the sixth February, on the day of Ksenia bliss. And baptized Ksenia. But only when I turned three years old, my mother learned that I also had a birthday on my birthday. So I celebrate two holidays in one day. I will say honestly, it is not always pleased. Since no one does not congratulate me on with the names. And Ksenia Petersburger helps me in life. I always ask her help in difficult moments and thank you for everything I have.

- You are a native Petersburg, more precisely, Leningradka ...

"My parents arrived from other places, but he met already in Leningrad, and I was born there. So yes, I am a rootist St. Petersburg. Now I can call myself a Muscovite, as almost two years ago I moved to Moscow and got here with my dream - a small but cozy apartment. I chose a destroyer away from the center to walk more often with my daughter in the fresh air, and from the window to admire the forest. It is very soothing.

- It was difficult to decide on moving?

- Of course, difficult. After all, I had to move with a small child in my arms. The hardest period was when I had to leave her in St. Petersburg after the birth of my daughter and go to Moscow in search of housing. It was the most difficult ten days in my life. When I called my mother, and next to the most favorite sounds heard, then tears flowed a stream. Now I try not to separate with my daughter more than five days. But the work has a job.

For the sake of love Oksana threw everything in Russia - a family, a career - and moved to France

For the sake of love Oksana threw everything in Russia - a family, a career - and moved to France

- How do you have time and work, and be a mom and dad?

"Even the daughter calls me" You are my mommy and daddy. " Funny and sad. I have to spin, and how else? After all, I want to give my daughter all that I was not in my childhood. And thanks to my mother, which I had to persuade for a long time, so that she would give up work and devoted himself to his granddaughter. And in the meantime, I assumed responsibilities for two. Moreover, it is even nice to me. But I would really like to not miss my childhood my daughter and how much time to work.

- Not so long ago, the details of your conflict with a former civil husband, a citizen of France became known. Is he really trying to pick up your daughter?

- He had a condition: either give up a daughter, and I will keep it or live with her, and I won't get a penny. Now was the birthday of Nicoletta recently, he did not even congratulate, did not send a gift. All this is very hard for me to understand, because we decided on a child in love and harmony. We had a very beautiful story, we met the sea, and the offer he made me on the yacht in France. In the summer we came out with him in the open sea, I went to sleep in the cabin. A few hours later he woke me up and asked to climb to the deck. There I was waiting for a covering table with champagne and oysters. Mattled. The clouds were painted in pink color. Romance! William hugged me and said that he wanted me to become his wife and spent the rest of his life with him. Then I felt the worst on the planet! I loved! Madly and selflessly loved. He was ready for everything to him. Leave your homeland, quit a career. Agreed to sit at home, to do the economy. It seemed to me that this is great happiness, and I did not want more ... and how after all this you can play in the feelings of the child? After all, Nicoletta loves and waits for dad every day.

- There are many stories about the cunning husbands of foreigners. Apparently, it was not easy for you in France?

- I was very difficult, because I can't do without my work. Find yourself in France in the film industry, I could hardly could, and I was depressed. But if our relationship continued in the same atmosphere of love and respect, as the first years, when we could not breathe without each other and fell asleep together, I could push the work on the background, because our love was above these needs. I have already agreed on it, threw everything in Russia - a family, a career - and moved to him. But he, alas, was already another person.

"That's why you decided to give birth to a child in Russia?"

"Our relationship was spoiled, and I was afraid that if Nicoletta is born in France, then he will have every chance to take it away." And I wanted a healthy child. I remember, for six months, I sobbed every day, the relationship was so tense. The last drop was the case in the store: I bought things for my money to equip the house, gathered two huge suitcase. He took me to Marseille Airport and threw me with a huge stomach and two suitcases in front of a long staircase! Lay, raise myself! Then I realized that a healthy child is more important to me, you need to run!

Oksana Skakun:

The actress often plays heroines that are experiencing difficulties in love. On the set of the film "Studs-3"

- Do you still live in fear?

- Unfortunately yes. I do not know what he will throw out tomorrow. He is a man of mood. It may write how misses the daughter and regrets that we are not together, and the next day to declare that it is not even his daughter. Sometimes it seemed to me that I was going crazy. And something to prove - no longer forces. I just wanted Nicoletti to be dad. She asks me every day: "When will we go to him?" And what to say to her, I do not know ...

- They say to feed themselves and daughter, did you do our own business?

- After the birth of the daughter, I realized that the dad we lost and support too. I knew that you won't be filled with one filming in the movie, although I started to actively starve immediately after childbirth. Go somewhere to work on the five-day and give up shooting? No I can not! And the fate itself suggested me: one St. Petersburg designer offered me to create a collection of clothes with him - I dreamed about this in school. There, my first line appeared, which I called in honor of my daughter Nicoletta Mares.

- I had to overcome myself?

- On the contrary, I had to open myself on the other side. What I am extremely glad.

- Recently, you play girls who are experiencing difficulties in love. Probably hard and re-worry such emotions again?

- I'm even glad to such roles. If I did not survive all this, how could the life of my heroine? Even now rehearsing in the new play "Today or never" on the play of the Red Arch and very surprising: it feels like the role of my heroine is written off with me.

"You have recently turned thirty years old, and you have already experienced so much that it is enough for a whole film." Looking back what would you change in your life?

- I often thought on this topic. Probably, no wonder we are given all the difficulties. Most likely, I would not change anything. I have the most important thing in life - my daughter. And I dream that Dad Nicoletti is still aware that for his daughter it is very important for him to be near.

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