From Baldwin to Petrosyan: Star Men who became fathers aged sixty


There was a tendency in the world - more and more men of mature age, 60+, become fathers. We consisted, successful, they are ready to give all their love that appeared to the light. As such dads are recognized, the birth of a child for them is a real miracle, and they treat the miracle in a special way.

Alec Baldwin

Alek Baldwin at home is a real kindergarten. Since in 2012, he married the instructor on Yoga Hilaria Thomas, children in the family appear one by one. The eldest daughter of this couple, Carmen, seven years old, son Rafael - five, Leonardo - Four, Romeo - two years. And so not so long ago it became known that the 62-year-old Alek Baldwin and his 36-year-old wife was born a fifth child. The news of Hilaria herself shared with subscribers in instagram, posing a picture of a newborn baby. "He is beautiful, and we are incredibly happy," she said to subscribers. As for the gray-haired baby's father, according to friends, his joy is somewhat darkened by reflections on the topic, whether he will be able to raise his son.

"He is all right with mathematics, he knows how much time remaining time is." By the way, being a member of the popular American television show, the actor, answering the question of the lead, what he wants the most, said: "The money, as much money as possible, so that I can leave them to my wife and children when I die. After all, I will not be able to stay with them for a very long time, we admit honestly. "

Andron Konchalovsky

Union of the eminent director and actress Yulia Vysotskaya - one of the strongest in show business. They met in 1998 at Kinotavra. And after, so many years were able to preserve love and respect for each other. Although many tests fell on their share. For the past seven years old, the eldest daughter of this pair of Maria is located in a coma after the accident. According to Yulia, in the grief, they and her husband became supported for each other. But the youngest son Peter grew up a beautiful guy, very similar to the Father in his youth. When little Petya appeared, Konchalovsky himself was sixty-six.

Somehow in an interview, answering the question of what the difference in the raising of children in young and adulthood, the director noted: "When young, you do not understand what time ends. And they treat children with their own, without thinking about the fact that every day will pass, and the year will pass, and ten years will pass ... irrevocably. But when you clearly understand that mute and what your child will never be for six years, and then seven, and then eight, you begin to appreciate the time spent with him. "

Mel Gibson

A few years ago, the life of the star films "What Women want" and the "Brave Heart" rushed under the slope. The actor left his wife, who lived in marriage more than thirty years, to the Russian pianist Oksana Grigorieva. Their union lasted a year. As a result, the chalk gave half the state of the former wife Robin Moore, and from the remaining half paid the alimony of Grigorieva, who gave birth to his daughter. Depression, protracted ribs, assignment, robs - In that period, the actor often became a hero of the scandalous chronicle. Everything changed a meeting with a young athlete Rosalinda Ross. The girl began to try himself in the film industry and flew to Australia to help Gibson on the set. For the first time, their novels spoke in August 2014, when the paparazzi was climbing a couple on vacation in Costa Rica. And after three years, Ross presented the Son's beloved, Lars Gerand. At that time, the "largest father of Hollywood" turned sixty-one.

Boris Grachevsky

The founder of "Yelash" was sixty-three years old when his youngest daughter of Vasilisa appeared. With a mother's mother, a young student from Kharkov Anna Panasenko, the director met at the premiere of the film "Styles". And it was fascinated so much that he left for the sake of a young beloved wife, who lived in marriage more than thirty years. Skeptics predicted the imminent end of these relationships and was not mistaken. Anna dreamed of a career of the model and actresses, and simply "quiet happiness" in the company of the elderly spouse did not suit her. Soothing a year in the decree, Kharkovka plunged into the turbid waters of the Russian show business, spinning a novel with a young widget. Spouses broke up badly, with a scandal. However, Boris Yuryevich and now actively participates in the upbringing of his daughter and generously provides it. And on the birthday of Vasilisa last year removed her in one of the releases of "Yelasha". In April 2020, Grachevsky became a father again - the current spouse of the director Catherine gave him a son.

Michael Douglas

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas were born on one day, September 25, but with a difference of twenty-five years. "I met her at the film festival in Deauville and immediately said:" Catherine, I will become the father of your children, "the actor remembered. So it happened. In 2000, their son, Dylan Michael, and three years later - daughter, Caris Zeta, appeared. However, the life of this family was not cloudless. When Michael was diagnosed with larynx cancer, and at once the fourth degree, his wife fell into despair. Against the background of a strong stress, a bipolar disorder has begun. Surprisingly, the actor managed to relatively quickly to cure with ray and chemotherapy courses. But from Catherine everything was not easy: the state of the Euphoria was replaced by the decline of the forces and the most severe depression. In 2013, the spouses even attempted to part, but in a year they agreed again. "I'm crazy about it," Douglas admitted. As for the children of Star Pair, Dylan and Caris inherited the beauty of the parents. But the actor worries, no matter how they inherited his addiction to forbidden drugs from which he got rid of.

Emmanuel Vitorgan

Perhaps no paternity did not cause so many discussions as the appearance of the younger daughters of Emmanuel Vitorgan. In February 2018, the public was aggravated by the news that the 78-year-old actor was born her daughter Etel. Then the fans and the press suggested that Vitorgan and his 56-year-old wife Irina Markodik resorted to the services of a surrogate mother, but later, Irina said that I was allegedly giving in myself, but it was preparing for a long time. The people's artist posted a cute photo of a curly daughter in social networks and lasted in philosophical reasoning: "Of course, I understand all this that when my daughter goes to school - I will already be eighty, and when I want to marry, I will be more than a hundred years. But is it all important? I have not been so happy for a lot of years. These are incredible sensations, and the age of parents is not important in this case. The main thing is that a new person appeared. " And when the conversations have a little dull, the married couple sorrified again: in August 2019, they found another daughter, Clara. As Vitorgan says, these joyful events encourage him more carefully to their health. Well, the fans remain only to wish him long life.

Mick Jagger

The cult musician has always enjoyed the attention of the opposite sex. Mika's lubility went legends. He has eight children from different women. The youngest, Demo Oktavian, was born when Jaggeru himself turned seventy three years. At that time he was already a great-grandfather. The mother of the child - Ballerina Melanie Chemrick, with which the musician had a short-range connection. According to insider information, the couple met in Tokyo, after the concert The Rolling Stones. Having learned about the pregnancy of a 29-year-old girlfriend, Mick immediately said that he did not intend to associate himself. But in the upbringing of the baby is ready to take part. By the way, he even attended childbirth and specially flew to this from London to New York on a private plane. The contract that has signed a steam provides for the payment of an alimony of 15,000 pounds of sterling. Also Mick acquired a ballerina home. With the first opportunity, the musician arrives in New York to see the Son, and Melanie takes the baby to the concerts of the famous group.

Richard Gir

His last love, Alehandru Silva, who is younger than his thirty-four years old, the actor describes in the most enthusiastic paints: "She is smart, sensitive, patient and knows how to forgive. She likes to help people. Aleukandra practices meditation and vegetarianism, from under her hands, the most delicious salads in the world come out. And she also comes from Spain, kings and queens. " However, having learned about the pregnancy of his wife, he was very worried. Richard was not sure that he would have enough strength to properly educate the kid. He even appealed for advice to the Dalai Lama. The advice of His Holiness so calmed Gira that the married couple decided not to be limited to one child. In February 2019, their son Alejandro appeared on the world, and in April of this year it became known that a seventiary actor became a father again.

Rowan Atkinson

Nothing foreshadowed such steep turns in Mr. Bina's fate. It seemed that he was happily married to the make-up of Sanmet Castra, two children were born in marriage. However, after twenty-five years of living together, the comedian suddenly stated that he fell in love, and asked a divorce. While working on the performance of Cothermain Conditions in the London West End Theater, he met the young actress Louise Ford. Despite the condemnation of colleagues and the public, Rowan quickly asked a new lover to move to him to a country house in the Northern suburb of London. But the marriage process took some time. Nevertheless, in 2016, the couple could finally legalize the relationship. And in December 2017, Atkinson became the Father for the third time. Louise gave him daughter Isl. "Young Father" was so happy that she announced that he was going on maternity leave to sit with the baby. But the wife is building a career, what her own years!

Evgeny Petrosyan

For the divorce Evgenia Petrosyan and his "combat girlfriend", Elena Stepanenko watched the whole country with interest. But here are scandals, intrigues, investigations and the section of the property behind, and a humorist can enjoy family happiness with his former assistant Tatiana Brukhunova, which is younger for forty-four years. Everyone thought, the way would be limited. However, in the spring of this year it became known that 74-year-old Evgenia Vaganovich also had the joy of late paternity. To tell about the appearance of the heir, who was called Vagan, the couple decided only in the fall. Tatiana explained that she did not post the "pregnant photos" in the social network, as she did not want to fall under the squall of critics again. To choosing the name of the baby, the spouses also approached with full responsibility. Not only was the child called in honor of Petrosyan's father, his name from Armenian translates as "shield, under protection." "Today I see that we have chosen the most correct and strong name for the boy. A real man, without whims, "- shared with Tatiana subscribers.

Steve Martin

While his peers have long acquired his grandchildren, comic Steve Martin, famous to the audience for the cult films "Pink Panther" and "Outways", first became a father at sixty-seven years. The actor married 36-year-old Ann Springfield in 2007. Before that, they met for three years. Couple met for joint activities - both wrote for New Yorker. And if Steve, in his respectable years, no longer thought about paternity, for his wife Ann the question, which is called, was relevant. She did not leave hope to experience the joy of motherhood. And in five years, in December 2012, when the writer and the most fortunate was already forty, it was possible. Mary Martin appeared on the world. "That's fantastic. All the time of this world is yours. You have already achieved everything in life, protected from all sides, you do not need to build a career more, so you have a lot of free time. Now I just wander around the house and play with my daughter. It is wonderful!" - Shave shared in an interview.

Alexander Gradsky

The love story of the composer and mentor show "Voice" developed by the classical scenario "Sedina in the beard". At the time of meeting with the 19-year-old model, Marina Kotashenko, the rock musician turned fifty-four years old. Seeing the beauty from the window of his car, he called her with a call to touch the "live legend." By virtue of young age, that hint did not understand, but the phone left. The novel began a week after acquaintance, and soon the girl moved to Gradsky. I must say, during the life with the composer, Marina managed to finish Vgik, played in the theater and starred in several films. However, in recent years focused on the family. For the eyes of the town and his spouse called "Beauty and the Beast", however, they did not pay attention to the worships. In 2014, the couple appeared the heir to the son of Alexander. Then in an interview with the rock musician admitted that "the birth of a child perceives as a miracle." At that time, he was sixty-five himself. Four years later, the miracle repeated: Marina gave her husband to another son, Ivan.

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