Anna Tikhomirova and Artem Ovcharenko: "Our feelings - like music"


Ballet fans know this pair well. When they perform together on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater, their beauty, plastic, grace and how they feel each other, cannot but cause admiration. This is not surprising: after all, Artem and Anya are not only partners, but also loving each other people. G.

- Tell me how did you meet? Remember your first impressions about each other?

Anna: It was in the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, where Artem arrived to be intern from Dnepropetrovsk to the first course. I was then studied on the third. I was seventeen years old, he was eighteen.

Artem: My first bright impression of Ana - When she was sitting and kneaded on the second floor, and I was told that I should help her with a graduation concert. We began to rehearse together and became friends. As a result, Anya became my first partner, with which I danced on the Scene of the Bolshoi Theater!

Anna: He then helped me very much: the good guys always at the Academy on gold weight. Of course, my career was in the first place, and I did not think about any relationship. The only thing - I remember that the new year was a disco in the boarding school, and Artem invited me to the dance, a lot of compliments spent. We realized that I like each other. But the holiday was held, I again plunged with my head: a graduation, an international competition, I was invited to a large theater - and we almost ceased to communicate.

Artem: And for me, the profession was in the first place! There were many emotional moments related to the arrival: a new country, people, another language ... only two years later, when I came to work in the theater, we began to be friends again, to understand and listen to each other.

- And when the sympathy arose?

Anna: Artem was a good friend, I even somehow rushed into a vest, shared my undivided feelings ...

Artem: Then we began to go to the movies, I began to care for her.

Anna: For me, it was the first relationship, and I was a little afraid, because freedom is very important to me. When Artem offered to meet, said: "Let's try to live together all my life?" - I agreed.

Artem: I'll try for nine years. (Joking.)

Anna: I saw the seriousness of his intentions, and it conquered me! I remember, after a month of our relationship, when we walked, I shoved my hand in my pocket, as it was usually done, and there was a ring.

Anna Tikhomirova and Artem Ovcharenko:

"The wedding was not a goal - I was so good with Artem. We just wanted to make a holiday for our loved ones and relatives. "

Photo: Victor Goryachev

- Your opinion: Love prevents career or helps?

Artem: I would say that not love interferes with a career, and many couples are checked in this way. I often see how people who do not work in work, destroy their relationship. For me, our feelings are like music. Whatever words you choose - music is always higher than words. At least for me, because it is a direct way to heart.

- Before you get married, you lived together for eight years ... Checked feelings?

Anna: For me, the wedding was not a goal - I was so good with Artem. We just wanted to make a holiday travel to our life for loved ones and relatives.

Artem: Personally, I have an idea to make a wedding arose when I realized that all emotional moments, especially if they were positive and bright, with us for life. That is, these memories that will warm us later. MiG comes when the flower flourishes, and I wanted Anya to be the most beautiful on this day and that he remember us and our friends.

- And what moments remember now?

Anna: We ourselves invented the scenario of our celebration, took all our songs and melodies. And when Artem swam to me on the raft, and the dad took me by the hand, it was so beautiful! Strong emotions I have experienced only from the birth of a child. The most culmination moment was at the end of the evening, at sunset, when we gave each other funeral oaths, - we broke out of happiness! Then there began our dance on the water. We did complex support, I kept pyrotechnic rings in your hands, all around exploded salutes. We barely breathe, and we had such an incredible feeling that we were somewhere in space! It seems to me, of course, every girl needs to experience this.

Artem: When we began to make a wedding, I understood how many friends we had. It was a big idea, but the troubles turned out to be pleasant. When I went to the raft, drew attention, how many close people came to divide this holiday with us, which made it special.

Anna Tikhomirova and Artem Ovcharenko:

"Partner can be compared with a bird: if you eat it too much - ask, and if weakly flies"

Photo: Victor Goryachev

- Many perceive ballet artists as cemers. What are you when you closes the door?

Anna: In everyday life, our chief is the owner in the house, everything makes it yourself. He and cooking is excellent! And always, when he wants to pamper me, preparing his corporate dishes. My favorite is Sybas baked in the oven. Artem has a sense of beauty even in cooking. I also take an example from him. When I was pregnant, I went to master classes on cooking. He learned to cook borsch. And during pregnancy, he felt a full-fledged wife. (Laughs.)

Artem: It seems to me that in my life we ​​are the same as on the scene. The scene is a kind of mirror, you go to her as a bare. Of course, you play different roles, but the scene opens you well. Anya told about me, and I have lately very interesting to watch her. When she became a mom, she had a state of peace and happiness. And it is good that now she has free time: she learned how to cook and do some more things that did not do before.

Anna: Artem is the same. Once he came home and drew my portrait. It is so many talents, and he constantly surprises me. I think I think: what's new, he will still open in himself? ..

- Often you hear the stories that the ballerins silent the most intimate - motherhood. Is it easy for you to decide?

Anna: We also wanted children before, but then I wanted to dance and thought about my career more. But after the wedding, everything became a little different, and I, leaving the scene, was no longer experiencing such strong emotions as before. That love that has accumulated in me, it was necessary to give someone else. We realized that the child is needed by both.

Artem: I think now the question is not worth so sharply: or you are a ballerina, or mom. Everything can be combined. There are many such examples, and in our theater, including.

- Anna, did you have a dynamic pregnancy? Artem did not interfere with the active lifestyle?

Anna: No, he was well done, did not hold back me. In this period I wanted to live directly for myself, I began to walk more. I finally realized that in general you can walk in the parks! (Laughs.) I saw how many moms and children around ... In addition, I was engaged in English. Another acting studio of the Hollywood teacher Ivan Chabbak (under the leadership of the actor Vlad Motashnev) and was engaged in it for four months. We played scenes from movies and plays, and for me it became a coup. I hope that now I will be in a different way to present myself on a ballet scene, and it seems to me that it will be more truthful. In ballet, there is sometimes a conventionality, this is visual art. Especially in classic ballets there are many exaggerated gestures - so that you see and rated with the gallery, you have to play what is called to break aorta. I consider enough meager gestures, and the viewer still will feel it. The main thing is to skip a role through yourself.

- The sixth of August you had a daughter of Arianna. Why did you choose this name?

Anna: Back at the very first months of pregnancy, when we did not even know the sex of the child, I said that I like the name Arianna. At first, in the family, he was not perceived all, but Artem supported me. And then the friends said: "As you have come up with! Arianna is Artem and Anna. " After that, doubt disappeared.

Anna Tikhomirova and Artem Ovcharenko:

"When we gave each other izvas of loyalty - we just burst out of happiness"

Photo: Victor Goryachev

- It is said that the nature of the child is visible immediately, - what is he from Arianna?

Anna: When friends come to us, they wonder why she does not cry. The daughter is very calm, gives parents to sleep. (Smiles.) While she is the same as Artem, does not fuss.

Artem: I do not see it crying for no reason. Arianna is already holding a head and loves to consider everything, study ...

- Do you want a daughter to go to your footsteps?

Anna: I do not mind that she danced for a beautiful posture, it is important for the girl, but the profession of the ballerina I would not want for her. It is clear that if she wanted this very much, we will not discharge. I have such a desire appeared at four years - I repeated all ballet movements for the older sister. Perfectly, if the daughter is singing, music, maybe, and the actress will become dramatic. It seems to me that our profession is too complicated, and our names will always take over it. And I want her to have his own way.

Artem: Our task is to give the opportunity to Arianna to get acquainted with this world, get a variety of skills. Let her herself choose that she likes more. We, artists, often travel, and it is impossible to come to the same person as you left. Children who are toured with their parents perceive reality quite differently. It seems to me that the focus must be done on the development of the child.

- Anna, as far as I know, you have already begun rehearsals. When you can see you again on stage - and who will look at Ariana at this time?

Anna: My parents help us very much. We have a golden grandmother at all, she simply does not leave his granddaughter. Around Arianna so much love! There is someone to look after the child, but now, when I leave for rehearsals, even three or four hours of separation from her seem to be eternity. I hope that in January I will go to the scene, just at this time my performances are going: "Taming of the Shrew" and "Evgeny Onegin". So I will try to return to this point, but everything will depend on my daughter: in the first place now for me - she.

- You are not so many joint parties - would you like to do something new together?

Artem: No, we have enough joint parties. The first was the project "Big Ballet" on the TV channel "Culture", where we received the Grand Prix as the best pair. For us, this has become a serious test, because for a very short period of time it was necessary to learn six numbers - and stylistically, and actors are very different. Only a very good feeling partner, you can decide on a similar experiment. And further, already in the Bolshoi Theater, and Ane have become danced together: the play "Nutcracker", "Coppelia", "Sylphide". We perform a lot on gala concerts, tour. If we lack dancing on stage, then we dance at home. (Laughs.)

In August 2017, the spouse became parents

In August 2017, the spouse became parents

Photo: Victor Goryachev

- Imagine each other from a professional point of view.

Anna: Artem is primarily a wonderful partner. On stage, he thinks more about the ballerina than his own. I dance with him very comfortable. And if these are love adagio, he is always at the peak of emotions. Any roles are very deeply overwhelming - for him it is an opportunity to experience the emotions that he cannot experience in life. For example, Artem does not use alcohol at all, but it can be very well played drunk. I think Stanislavsky would say "believe," seeing him on stage. He is perfectly obtained both the roles of princes and deep, romantic, such as Romeo or Arman from the "Ladies with Camellias".

- Is there what is his business card?

Anna: Beauty movements. It is perfectly complicated and looks impurious, importantly. He has a cold head, I'm confident in it both in life and on stage.

Artem: I am not entirely objective for an ani, because she is my favorite wife, but it creates very bright images. If it dances jumping variations, stand out among all. Anya has expressive eyes, which are visible from the highest tier, and that's all. She has a very female energy on stage, and with all its brightness it can be touching and vulnerable. Anya seriously thinks over his roles, sometimes doubts, and you need, without interfering, tell her the right decision.

- It seems to me that when you dance in a pair, there is a double load of responsibility.

Artem: The duo is that you help the ballerina, you present it. You need to show it in the best form, and then think about yourself. There is a lot of subtleties, one of which is how to keep a partner. You can compare it with a bird: if you eat too much - ask, and if weakly - fly away ...

- You often go on tour. Where is the most loyal ballet spectators?

Artem: In Japan, the spectators are the most thankful. They meet you on a service leaving after the end of the performance, arrange the "corridor" to the road, and you go, in the course of handing out autographs, and take pictures with everyone. It is so sincere, truly! The next day, they make photos and go to another city, where you have a performance, and these pictures give there. And if we are touring six cities, then all six come the same people.

Anna: I have a fan that flies from Tokyo to Moscow even for one day to see my performance. I appreciate it very much! In Japan, the traditions of the cult of ministry are preserved, and the audience follows worldwide for their idols. On the last tour in Japan, I was not, and my fans approached Artem and asked for gifts for me. Pleasantly!

Artem: For them, it is important to give something to you - fan, a cup, toy; They warm their feeling that they were given to you too. When we were with Annea on tour in Vietnam, people even shouted. For them, it's just a space that I went to the scene of a ballerina in pointers, a snow-white pack ... They did not see anything like, and we are for them as an aliens.

Anna: In New York, a good viewer is fans who are already fifty years old with a large theater. These are ladies for seventy, and we all know them, and they know literally every artist. They saw on the scene of the Great Lavrovsky, Vasilyeva, when they were young, and now go to us. This is who the interview must be taken! Our viewers are also beautiful, always give flowers and support after performances. It's nice when appreciated what you are doing, especially when it is from the soul. It is important to give the stage all myself so that people felt and charged your energy!

- You are dancing professionally - do you have enough strength and desire to dance not for the audience, but for yourself?

Anna: Sometimes, mainly on tour, we go somewhere to be off the clubs. Artem is very interesting dancing - this is complete freedom, and you can create anything. (Smiles.) He's like a choreographer begins to invent new movements - it turns out very creatively.


Photo: Anna Vorontsova

- Do you have hobbies beyond ballet?

Anna: I love to play the piano. Artem sings very well, he has a beautiful voice timbre. My mother is a professional singer, a teacher on vocal, and her husband took her skill lessons. In a word, they rushed. I like how he sings, and we, while joking, are thinking about: and not to participate in the "voice" in the competition vocalists? And he loves fishing. In France, Artem caught the largest fish for the season - it was a tuna who weighed sixty seven kilograms. When I went down on the yacht, the fish did not even fit into the bathroom, I never saw such in my life!

Artem: It does not even matter here how much you caught, but the contact itself is important with nature. When you come to the lake, it seems that time stops. Telephone - away, only nature, forest, water ...

- Do you take a spouse with me?

Anna: I am not gouring for this classes, because I can't get up so early - at six in the morning. Acknowledge, I am a terrible Sonya.

- If you provide a fantastic situation that you have a free week, how would you live?

Artem: I would take myself something. Recently, I began to read a lot, and this is due to the fact that when you have a new idea or purpose, you need information. As for rest, I can argue one or two days, and then I must do something. I, even leaving the sea, attend the gym, doing jogs, swimming ...

Anna: I always want the sea. We often go to the sister in Los Angeles, bathe in the ocean. Italy loved, in France rested many times. The last time we went to Crete, and he opened with us from a very interesting side. There are good people, simple and warm. They want to feed you deliciously, do not try to deceive. (Smiles.) It can be seen, the place itself has to such communication.

- Can you formulate your life credo?

Artem: I want to find some phrase, but there is no unambiguous formula. Probably not to ask questions of life, try to exist outside the convention, do not stop learning and know the world.

Anna: I like the phrase Lao Tzu: "As soon as you understand that you don't need anything in the world, it will become yours." I did not immediately come to this - before I lived in some crazy rhythm and did not notice the simple things. And now I am glad to every day: After all, the sun shines, there is a loved one, and now the most intimate wealth is also our daughter! It is just necessary to relax, swim in your course and do not chase the illusory dreams that the society imposes us.

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