Natural accents: get rid of pigment spots


The most outdoor part of our body is a person, so it is not surprising that many girls fall almost in panic as soon as they see the slightest defect on the skin. However, the problem of pigment stains can still be attributed to minor imperfections. The reasons for the occurrence of this problem can be a lot, starting with a long stay in the sun and ending with hormonal disorders. Is it possible to do something? Sure. We will tell about the most effective ways to combat this trouble.

Always use Siblock when entering the sun

Always use Siblock when entering the sun



The essence of the procedure is to eliminate pigmentation using photo-pulses that destroyably affect melanin. Immediately after the procedure, the girl notice the darkness of the skin, but it is not necessary to scare - everything is fine: dark skin will gradually come down, opening a new and clean layer.

One of the main advantages of the procedure can be considered the lack of unpleasant sensations, as well as a short period of recovery. Nevertheless, it is worth familiar with the contraindications:

- Sensitive skin.

- Diabetes.

- The presence of scars in the processing zone.


The second half-quality method is a chemical peeling. Depending on the complexity of the problem, the specialist will examine you and offer superficial, median or deep peeling. Get ready for what you have to visit the procedure for at least 4 times to get a better result.

Remember that the easiest peeling can be spent several times a year, the middle is once a month, and the deep one is half a year. And do not forget about the sunscreen during the course of this rather aggressive procedure.

Salon procedures offer a large selection

Salon procedures offer a large selection



Probably the most effective procedure, but not every girl will decide on it. If you still annoy yourself, choose a proven clinic and a qualified specialist, since the consequences of improper use of the laser can be very sad.

The essence of the procedure is the effect of the laser only on a pigmented area without affecting clean skin. After a few weeks later you will get a good skin without pigment stains.

The main advantages of the procedure:

- High efficiency.

- Atraumaticity.

- painlessness.

What are the contraindications?

- Pregnancy.

- Lactation period.

- Oncology.

- Inflammation on the skin.

But you can resort to folk methods

But you can resort to folk methods


Is it possible to get rid of pigment spots without visiting the cabin?

It is possible, but only if the degree of lesion is insignificant. Excellent folk remedies are lemon juice and parsley juice: you need to squeeze juice, soak your cotton disk and lubricate the affected areas. After drying, wash the juice with warm water. The full course is 10 days. Try!

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