Sofya Kashatova: "My son appeared on the light in the water"


So the life of Sofya Chestnut actresses, which is spent part of the time in Mexico. When our heroine was small, her mother married Mexican, and the family moved to live in that country. Therefore, every time you meet Sophia in Moscow - friendly, smiling, - it seems as if she brought a little sun with him from there. But this time the actress arrived not alone, but with the baby. Half a year ago Sophia became mom; About his new life, as well as who became its chosen one, in an interview with the "Atmosphere".

- Sofya, we have a very bright photo session. And what is your mood color now?

- Probably yellow. No wonder on me the jumpsuit of this color. (Smiles.) Some solar, warm story. By the way, when I sent two cover options, I, without hesitation, chose the one that in yellow.

- You probably have Mexico associated with the Sun?

- Yes, there is beautiful. Being a pregnant, I planned to make a photo session by the sea, in the rays of the setting sun, but did not work out, unfortunately. In general, Mexico is a special attitude towards women who are preparing for the birth of a child. When I walked along the coast, who meet me, people smiled, folded their hands in a prayer gesture to Namaste and bowed to me and my belly. I felt hardly hard to the ancestor of life on earth. (Smiles.)

- Why did you decide to give birth there? Home for you is still in Mexico?

- No, house, in Moscow. But in Mexico in winter, warm, awesome fruits, the sea and a very suitable approach for me to childbirth, super scenario. Here, it is also possible to give birth at home, and there I found an excellent obstetrician Anica, who organized absolutely natural childbirth in the clinic in the clinic. I read a lot about this technique, and she impresses me. Historically, a woman went away from people, civilization and gave birth to the river.

Blouse, Forel

Blouse, Forel

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- It was not scary to experiment?

- No, it happened not in the river, but in the obstetric sterile jacuzzi. I sought everything to be as comfortable as possible with muffled light, not in the medical environment, but in a more homely atmosphere. In the clinic, I rented a room where I came with my midwife and with my doctor. I decided to take neat - after all, this is my first birth. And here in such a company - the midwife, the gynecologist, my mother - my son George appeared on the world.

- What were the first emotions when did you see the baby?

- Births were long enough, twenty-one hour, and, of course, I felt physical fatigue. Emotions - joy and easy surprise, because when you see the face of the child, I realized that he was just a copy of his father. From me there was no absolutely nothing. Now Georgic is changing a little, and I already see in him and some kind of features, and initially he was a poured dad.

"Why did you give him such a name - George?"

- They wanted to call George, but due to the fact that in Mexico his name would still be written as George, they decided to dwell on the European version. This is absolutely the same male name, very strong. Slavs - Georgy Victorious, in Europe - St George, in Mexico - Saint Jorge. It seemed to me, George very fits my son. And when, in Moscow, someone from friends calls George, I'm not in my own, because it looks like George.

- He is very similar to Angel - such a smiling, calm. But you do not show it while? In instagram, only your joint photo from the back.

"I don't want, he is still small, and we did not baptize him." But this is true, our baby is really a miracle, and he rejoices to people. George was born in Mexico, but his Russian family, and we speak Russian. Already later I will teach him English and Spanish.

- You have a nanny. How did you find it?

- Lenochka we know for many years. She was nanny at my daughter of my close girlfriend, and then helped us on the housework. And when I was waiting for George, I asked, I would not want to work with us and nanny, and she gladly agreed. She said that she just wanted to look for a family with a child, and then everything coincided. We are very good together, and I completely trust her.

- Surely you prepared before childbirth, read the appropriate literature, listened to doctors, psychologists. Was the theory and reality coincided?

- There is such a technique: I don't have to take a crying child. Otherwise, the baby will quickly cut out how to achieve his own. And in theory I was agreed with this. But in practice it turned out to be absolutely impossible to endure the cries of his own baby. After all, he cries, because he is painful or something worried about how you can ignore this call about help? If you do not come to him, do not regret, do not stroke the head, it will feel abandoned. We discussed this moment with my girlfriend Jana, she is a psychologist, and she said: "A little child needs to give a sense of security, protection." Georgic is rarely crying, but as soon as I hear it, I find yourself next to soothe. They also told me that it was impossible to sleep with a child in the same bed - it would be difficult for him to wean. But, first, it is very convenient if you feed the breast, and secondly, what are the incredible sensations when your beloved crouch is nearby! I read Instagram Irena Ponarushka, she writes: if you grow a child, you need to receive pleasure from it. In fact, this is an incredible buzz - sleep with him together. Maybe it's wrong, but so beautiful!

Suit and top, all - Shushu; Shoes, Baldinini; Earrings, Poison Drop

Suit and top, all - Shushu; Shoes, Baldinini; Earrings, Poison Drop

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- wakes up, probably often, you are hard.

- It happens. But it is very important to look at the situation from the right corner - here he is next to me, I cried. I immediately reassured him, fed, and everything is fine with us. I'm not hard. Then, this is all temporary. He will grow up, and completely definitely will not want to sleep with me in the same bed. In the meantime, I enjoy this wonderful time.

- What does it take especially?

- All he does, cause me such a dignity! How he smiles - it's just a miracle! And tonight he took my hand - and so much tenderness was in this gesture. Such a very soft, sensitive touch. Very few people in our society have a similar gift. I want him to save it. I feel his care. You know, it was amazing. When we just flew to Moscow, I put it in a crib and sat down. He darted the baby and did not notice how he fell asleep. I open my eyes - and see that he lies and looks at me. Not crying, not gulit, just looks like I sleep. I took it as care about me. (Smiles.) Although, maybe it was unconsciously on his side. Momas are ready to naphantize a lot, come up with some incredible qualities to their children. But I am pleased to think that my son is a kind and caring person.

- You are such bold travelers, made a flight to Moscow. How everything will happen on: your job, a small child.

- I think everything will be most comfortable as possible. In the summer, I will be here, engage in my projects. And in the winter we will fly back to Mexico. I plan so, I hope so it will be.

- To whose advice on education do you listen?

- I listen to many advice, but I choose what is responding to me. This is my first child, and I'm just looking for my path in motherhood. I remember, Georjdik was quite small, he rose a temperature of 38.8. I, of course, horror, panic. One doctor advised to immediately give medicine, the other said: do not, be patient, feed with milk. I still decided to give a tablet, and my son began to be allergic. Now I know that it does not fit him. And I know what approach will use in the upbringing - the most natural possible.

- What does your mother think about this?

- She agrees with me. It has been for a very long time, more than thirty years ago, raised her child (laughs), and now much has changed from Soviet times. I'm closer to the Mexican approach - everything is easier there, more natural attitude towards human health.

- Yes, it turns out, the more information, the worse.

- It is very difficult to find your way. This applies not only to motherhood, but in general everything - how to eat, what kind of sport choose which clothes to wear. From an excess of information you can get confused, only one thing remains - listen to yourself.


Photo: Alina Pigeon

- By the way, you are now in a wonderful form. What do you do for this?

- Number one - breastfeeding. Number two are healthy food, although I can't say that I sit on a tough diet. I followed her the first two months, and now it is almost all. Of course, it is not about chips and fast food, which I did not eat in food and before pregnancy. In Mexico, a very relaxed approach: they say, everything is possible if the child does not ariele allergies. There is a reaction - do not eat this product. You want to play sports - do you want, do not want - no need. Strip away from your sensations. As a result, there is no tension, you are in harmony.

- Do you still do sports?

- I wanted to say now that there is absolutely no time for this, but to a rushing. There would be a desire, an hour can always be carved. In fact, you need to enter this again into the system. I went to ride a recently ride and knocked down my legs with unaccustomed. Now I want to spend time with a child at the maximum, you want peace of mind, comfort. The main thing is not to play it at all, and then you can lose my career.

- Do you have a house or apartment in Mexico?

- Flat. Already, of course, our city is greatly built up. When I was small, everything was different. And in the center is now difficult, a lot of people, noisy.

- Do not love when there are many people?

"I used to feel myself with a metropolitan resident, even the center, I liked a party, movement, and now I somehow uncomfortable in megapolis. I do not even know with what such changes to tie. Not sure that with the birth of a son. I became comfortable in a quiet peace even before Georgic. But now it has gained a special meaning, because to carry a small child in public places is not very correct. So, the more time spend on nature, aside from civilization, the better.

- Priorities changed ...

- The center of life has shifted to a new person. And he became the main one in the family: for me, and for her husband, for my mother and even for grandmother, which is surprising, because before the main person I had for her. She admitted to me that he loved me more than everyone in the world, and now loves Georgic. (Smiles.) And I do not have any jealousy, I completely calmly handed him the status of a pet. (Laughs.)

Dress, blumarine; Shoes, Vicini.

Dress, blumarine; Shoes, Vicini.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Sophia, two years ago, when we did an interview with you, you admitted that you meet with one person, but do not think about the family. And these are such serious changes in life!

- This suggests that never can be confident. (Laughs.) I carefully treat the words. And if not convinced of something 100%, then I do not do any loud statements.

- But man is the same?

- Yes. (Smiles.)

- Still managed to conquer you. We must really trust each other to decide to become a family.

- Of course, you must trust 100%. And this decision was for us conscious. Georgic - desirable baby.

- Do you coincide your views?

- Overall, yes, and our common vision is that it is necessary to love this world, people and relate to them with respect. Now it seems to me very important. It is necessary to raise a person not in aggression to others, but in love, because life changes with this approach, and it can be so beautiful! I, being pregnant, went and spoke to my own yet born baby: "This world is waiting for you! And you will make it even better! ".

- But your screen heroine of Vika from the series "Psychologies" on the STS, it seems, my husband does not trust, once takes power into his hands.

"Not that she does not trust him as a man, they say, he is capable of treason." She does not trust him with her life and the life of his child, because, in fact, he is unable to take care of them, to provide food, normal housing. And the man should do it. Now it has become fashionable in everything to blame the woman that she somehow does not behave like himself, does not inspire on the feats of his hero, but in fact the relationship is always a road with a bilateral movement. And if a woman sees that the man is infantile, that she remains, how do you put it, take power into your hands? Perhaps the reason that our men became too soft, painted their battle qualities, lies in excessive maternal custody. During the Second World War, most of the male population died, so Moms brought up sons with such an increased care and trepidation. And the girls, on the contrary, became more independent, independent. I confess, I also got used to rely on myself, and now it's a little difficult for me to build a family. For me, more comfortable when partnerships are in marriage, this approach seems to me common. After all, the woman has the strongest intuition - and do not listen to the opinion of the wife from the side of the man stupid. In general, I think that if people met, got married, they were lucky: they have double advantages, they have the opportunity to look at the situation from different sides - male logic and female intuition - and come to the right decision. Maybe this is the main task of building a family, and not in the struggle for the title of the owner in the house.

Costume, Forel; top, shushu; Earrings and Rings, All - Poison Drop; Shoes, Principe Di Bologna

Costume, Forel; top, shushu; Earrings and Rings, All - Poison Drop; Shoes, Principe Di Bologna

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Will there be any transformation of your heroine in the second season?

- Yes, they are waiting for serious changes. By the way, we have something in common with Vika: it is also pregnant. And from whom, I won't say secret. (Smiles.) Moreover, it is interesting that it was brought to the script, not knowing that I was in a position. Fortunately, until the seventh month I did not recover at all. It was a very intense working period, and thank God, because I did not have the opportunity to relax, overlook, Celebrate. But I began to treat myself with greater caution. And it is right, regardless of whether you are in a position or not. My girlfriend-psychologist even thinks of writing a book that you should always stay "a little pregnant", take care of yourself and love, because otherwise no one will take care of you.

- What do you think psychologists help someone?

- Of course help. Moreover, I consider the psychology of a very important area of ​​activity. You need to understand and soberly evaluate the situation. There was a moment when I also appealed to a specialist - not for advice, but rather, for the awareness of myself. A normal psychologist does not give advice, he will be repelled from your personality, on what choice it will be most comfortable for you. And in any situation it is important to come from the heart. Mind, pursuing his mercantile purposes, can and deceive, but the heart will not betray.

- Above you said that I now want to be at home, but most importantly, you can not get to it, you can lose my career. Do you consider yourself to the fans of the profession?

"Yes, but he learned himself to calmly live periods when there is no work." I used to worried about this very much. And then I realized that such emotions are destructive, the benefits of them are still no. No projects - no money, but I persuaded myself to suffer. Less than myself allowed, I climbed expenses and was waiting patiently when the situation would change, put a certain period. If during this time nothing happened, I would like to look for another job. But I waited.

- Now satisfied, how is the career develop?

- Yes, definitely. There are decent projects, and I am glad to this. In general, I really like how our cinema develops. In recent years, the quality of television series has become much higher.

- Do not think about returning to the theater? You played in the play.

"Yes, I had a play" Dance Teacher ", in which we were busy with Evgeny Papunyishvili. When the rehearsals began, I was pregnant in the first time, but since I had already agreed before, I could not let the people. I am a hyperspical person. And these insane dancing began, with support, thefts. I all told me that I was crazy. But Georgic Well done, stood. We released a performance, and then I replaced the actress from another composition.

- Has my spouse react to it?

- worried, of course, was terrified. But he knows that when I think about something, it is difficult to keep me, and respects my work with respect. While I do not plan to go back to the stage - you have to take the baby at the rehearsal, and I want it to spend the maximum time in nature. But on the shooting I will take it. You probably made sure that he behaved perfectly during our photo shoot.

- You stepped over the thirty years old. How do you perceive your age?

- Perfectly! In my opinion, a woman is up to twenty-seven - it is generally some kind of kindergarten, it is not interesting with her. Yes, adult men will be formed, who choose twenty-year-old girls in their companions, but I do not understand them. I am not a claim to young girls: they are in the active period of internal growth, accumulate information, try one thing, other, recognize yourself, but only to twenty seven years you can somehow define the path of the person in which direction he will go. I am very comfortable at my age now.

- Do you feel that you need to do something in the beauty plan?

- Yes, in Mexico I did not do this at all, periodically made some masks and went to the massage. Now I understand that it is worth trying more to treat your appearance. A woman needs to be engaged in themselves, it shown it and very correctly affects not only the external beauty, but also harmonizes the inner world. When we dedicate time to care, we calm down.

Cloak, Nissa.

Cloak, Nissa.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Did the man take care of? Now Barbershop appeared, special series of men's cosmetics.

- Yes, and some broke Botox, something else. I do not judge them. Each one, but it seems to me that the beauty is still a lot of female. In a strong field, the main thing. It's nice, of course, when a man looks good, but this can be achieved by sports, the right nutrition. Well, haircut make a beautiful, hands to be not in the ground, preferably. (Laughs.) But injections, face suspenders - bust, in my opinion.

- That is, going to the secular event, you will not pick up a husband tie into tone to your shoes?

- No, for him it will be very strange. He is not at all a metrosexual. Of course, neatness, cleanliness, is important - but this is what is being taken in the family by education.

- Are you akchyat in everyday life?

- It seems to me, middling. I do not like mess, but not an excessive pedant.

- Do you have a division of duties on the house?

- A woman should be cleared around the house. My husband is half an Armenian, and he has an easter idea of ​​the family and female responsibilities. Alas, I do not fit into this framework.

- Armenian dishes do not cook for now?

- No, not cook. But we know each other for a long time, so he belongs to me with understanding. Acceptance is also an important part of the family union.

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