Svetlana Abramova: "We with Anton had love at first sight"


Beauty, as you know, terrible power. The fans of the television show "for 10 years younger", which comes out on the first channel knows perfectly well. His constant leading Svetlana Abramova - a girl, undoubtedly, bright and charming. But for such a complex and even risky project of these two qualities a little. Is bodily beauty and what he, a recipe for women's happiness, was really important, - they talked about this with Svetlana, who did not marry himself.

- Svetlana, how did you come to TV? What did the first direct ether remember?

- I have a legal education. I graduated from St. Petersburg State University, but quite soon realized that the profession of a lawyer is not mine. Therefore, I arrived in Moscow and began to take private lessons with a teacher on speech technique. We were engaged in the studio of the Ren-TV TV channel, in parallel I studied at the school of television and radio on Shabolovka. The student I was diligent and stubborn, I practiced a lot, gradually met the team of the TV channel and one lucky day was invited to the frame. My career on television began immediately from direct ether - I was invited to keep sports news. Then, in the live broadcast, my author's heading "Press Review" was published, then there were a show "Light", "100 percent" and, finally, "10 years younger". I will never forget my very first direct ether. No parachute jumps and American slides will compare with the excitement that I then experienced! I remember the small room, stuffed with cameras, appliances. I sit at the table in the pitch silence and darkness, the souflers turn on, and the voice of the director from the hardware counts: "Three or two-one!" Sufler starts to work - on it a news saver. At this point, as they say, all life swept before my eyes! (Laughs.) I presented that millions of people are now looking at this screensaver, and through the fractions of the seconds they will see and hear me. And if something does not work for me, I will say something wrong, I'll make a job, I quilute or still happen something terrible - all this will notice. What will happen then? I will say right away: these are the most irregular thoughts that can come into the head of the leading ether. I understood that it is necessary to somehow cope with excitement, not to lose concentration. But I had it badly. Fortunately, I did not harm and did not mistaken, I regularly spent the ether, although slightly trembling voice. It was a victory over himself. More experienced people, my teachers with whom I shared my experiences, said that I was not the first. All novice leading and excitement, and loss of concentration, and errors. They, the teachers, reassured - they say, on the other side of the screen, the normal people are sitting, who, even if the lead is mistaken, will take it with understanding, so it is not worth worrying. Although the experiences were colossal.

Svetlana Abramova:

With colleagues under the program "For 10 years younger"

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- You will keep a show designed to return to women youth and beauty, and when you yourself understood that beautiful? Beauty more often helped you in youth or created problems?

- At school, probably class until the seventh, I considered myself at all attractive. And only later, when the boys began to pay attention to me, thought that, probably, there was something in me. Without false modesty, I can say that in high school I was the most pretty girl and many good, the right boys cared for me, provided signs of attention. But I, as it often happens, I liked others, and in my youth a couple of times I even experienced unhappy, unrequited love. I walked sad, and it seemed to me that in fact all my attractiveness was worth nothing, no one loves me and would never love in life. In this approximately the mood, I graduated from school and entered the university. However, in the first year, one of the most enviable grooms at the university - a graduate student who liked all the girls, - drew attention to me, clearly allocated from everyone, and then I again believed that I could attract men. Once, it was also at the beginning of my student, I returned home, an unfamiliar artist approached me, who wrote pictures on the embankment of the sink river, and said that I was so beautiful that I should be attended by the beauty contest. I have never thought about it before, I thought that these contests were not for me. But after a couple of days, a casting on Miss St. Petersburg State University began at the university, I went to him to raise self-esteem, and eventually won this contest. Probably, then finally came the awareness that I was beautiful. And, I must say, the appearance I never created problems, only helped.

Svetlana could become a lawyer, but chose a different profession

Svetlana could become a lawyer, but chose a different profession

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- You are today - and you are twenty years old. What image do you like more?

- Now I like me more than twenty years. Although then, of course, there were our charms - all the same, youth have indisputable advantages. But at twenty I probably not yet fully realized what my strengths are. Now I am much confident in myself, self-sufficient, independent. And externally changed too: it became slimmer, I had cheekbones, you went away with youth roundness. And already have a certain experience. Not only life, but also one that helps a woman to be in friendship with his appearance. That is, now I know what to do to look more spectacular and more interesting.

- You as a presenter listened to so many female confessions! Already determined the recipe for women's happiness?

- Of course, love is needed. Need self-realization. We need respect. In my opinion, when a woman lives without it, then the complexes begin, soldering towards their appearance and to the rest.

- So we spoke about love. Are the rumors that you got married?

- Yes, the wedding was in June. My husband is called Anton. He is Muscovite, although we met in St. Petersburg.

Now she is a master of direct ether, and once experienced an excitement in front of the camera

Now she is a master of direct ether, and once experienced an excitement in front of the camera

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- I know the amazing story of your dating. You said that during a walk in Peter, the abolishing power pulled you in the cafe "Happiness", and there you met views with one of the visitors. With this, your novel started. Now you are married. And how does Anton relate to publicity?

- Not certainly in that way. I sat with a girlfriend in a cafe "Happiness," and Anton went to take coffee. Here our views met, and it was love at a glance. Anton came to us, sat down for our table ... We have no problems with publicity. This question did not even get up, from the very beginning it was decided by himself. And Anton has already become, you can say a public pair. Although my husband is absolutely not from television party, works in the field of high technology. He is generally a physicist for education. He has a very complicated specialty - nuclear physics. But he is so ... Very sociable, sociable, versatile and creative!

- It is necessary, it is usually believed that techinaries are such a cracker ...

- No no! Anton, surprise, not a tear. He is generally the most tender man in the world. Chute, gentle and sensitive.

- Does the feelings have been checked for a long time?

- Enough. We are familiar for four years. Together for years and a half. Yes, we checked feelings, it's true.

Svetlana and Anton have long checked feelings

Svetlana and Anton have long checked feelings

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- And how are you the first impressions of family life? Somehow today, young couples are not very in a hurry to tie themselves with such uzami ...

- Here I tell me someone about five years ago, I would go to the registry office, I would answer: yes you are crazy! I am generally another person, I don't need it, I love loneliness, freedom, privacy. And now ... That's true: never say "Never"! With Anton, I really spend every day together, support each other in everything, it helps me in work. And every second I wonder with him!

- There is some regularity: family happiness smiles at those girls who themselves rose in a complete and prosperous family. Is this your story? Was you in childhood and youth before your eyes an example of an ideal marriage?

- In my case, this pattern does not work. I generally seems to me that she ... let's say, doubtful. In fact, quite often, on the contrary: a girl, watching an example of a sad, dysfunctional parent family, wants to do everything different in his life - to build relationships with the chosen one, full of tenderness, love and care. In general, the example of an ideal marriage has never been before my eyes. But not because the family was unfavorable. I really grew, surrounded by love, care, attention, but one mother brought up me.

Before the wedding they were familiar four years

Before the wedding they were familiar four years

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

With my dad happened to the misfortune when I was very small. He was a big boss, and in the nineties they attacked him on the street, hit the head. He stayed alive, he had a strong heart, but Dad completely lost his memory - did not remember me nor Mamu. After this incident, I saw him very rarely. Mom was afraid to carry me to him. I believed that it would be stress for a little girl who could not understand why his father considers her an unfamiliar child. And anyway, I remember that he treated me to me. Even counting the "foreign" child, he loved me. And then dad left life ... Therefore, when I grew up, I did not have an example of a family relationship, as it should be. I did not know how a woman should behave, as a man should behave. But you know what I find here plus? I did not have a positive example before my eyes, but there was also no negative. Therefore, I represented my man, my marriage, built relationships based only on my desires, fantasies, dreams and ideas about how it should be. At the same time, we always reigned respect and love for men formed by Mom.

- Do you actually believe that, "refreshing" appearance, a woman really can change the fate, what is it really so important? And what ideally wants to achieve your team on the project?

- Our goal is to add confidence in the heroine, ready to fight for your happiness. We often come to the project, who have never had the fact that they receive, there are such a number of love, care, attention, understanding. It is for the first time they are for the first time - to listen to them, they wanted to help, completely sincerely and with sympathy treated them, we all are our television group. There was one heroine out of the depthion that my husband bent for twenty years old, she did not hear human words at all, and then she was told that she was beautiful that she was a woman ... Of course, when the participants get into a similar atmosphere, they change. Therefore, our goal is not only to make an appearance. Not one external transformation changes life - and in conjunction with all what I spoke before. And it is difficult to determine what the stronger is affected. Maybe just correctly chosen words that we speak our ward, radically change her attitude towards themselves, peace, people. On our project a woman is fully transformed. In any case, we strive for this. And her life changes.

Svetlana Abramova:

Anton and Svetlana got acquainted in the cafe "Happiness", and this meeting became symbolic

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- was the heroine that especially struck your imagination?

- There are many of those. Here, for example, Alice Mont, singer. I knew nothing about her life, because it was not a fan of her creativity. And I began to communicate with her - and was amazed. Alice has a very difficult fate. The first husband is tyrant, the second - tyrant who raised her hand on her. There was some terrible horror. However, despite everything experienced, she is a stunning person, so open, kind, positive, which remains only to admire. We had a heroine - a soloist of the Quarter group Tatyana Litvinenko, who won cancer and remained a positive, light man. I did not affect fate: why, they say, this disease got me, and not to someone else? And at the same time there are people who seem to be all well, and they are some kind ... and, you know, I noticed a pattern: those who are not positively configured, forever the problems: it does not heal, it hurts, it does not come true. And those who can enjoy and believes in good, everything goes without complications. Here we recently had a heroine, with which it was difficult to record the final. She did not like everything. Even light - put it, so she decided - this is not to be seen what she is ugly. "I'm probably very terrible! Not as you wanted! " There are no such people to change ... I generally say colleagues: "Light, you have an excerpt - eh-th!" (Laughs.) And how in such a project without patience?

- What do you say to those who categorically against plastic operations, believes that the person after them loses his highlight, his important feature? After all, this is true.

- No not like this. And I know what I'm talking about. Our surgeon does not change appearance, that is, does not make another female other - let's say, like Angelina Jolie. Heroine We leave her individual features - just the face looks fresh and younger.

Life did not even kill the desire of romance

Life did not even kill the desire of romance

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- Will you have sixty years old, also risen to lie down under the plastic surgeon's knife?

- I - yes, probably. If there is a need. Still, the profession of the TV presenter obliges to be always in shape. I already said our Sergey Nikolayevich: "As soon as you say - I immediately to you!" He: "So far, the light, do not do anything." He is so strict that I am afraid of him. (Laughs.) He is generally a great authority for me, especially in his area.

- What about worthy, beautiful and natural aging?

- Probably, ideally, it is necessary to strive for this. I am very happy for women who do not want to change anything in themselves, because they are in a state of harmony. As a rule, they have a strong family, they are loved and love themselves. When a woman is doing well, why should she write a request to our program? And when it is bad, you are looking for a reason and way to get out of this state. Our heroes seem to: now they will change the appearance now, they will make life - and life will work out. And what is interesting - it often works.

Svetlana is sure that they and her husband are created for each other

Svetlana is sure that they and her husband are created for each other

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- We wish everyone to find your happiness! You and Anton have already found him. But you said that before the wedding already lived together. Life did not start? Often the love boat sinks, getting into this everyday life ...

- Surprisingly, but with Anton, I did not have this "otovovuhi", which so everyone scares. Initially, it happened so it turned out that we divided the responsibilities of the house, I do not specifically agree on anything. I like to do household chores, Anton has his male worries, on it all electronics in the house. My husband trusts me take care of comfort, and I am serious about the mistress - I like to know what is happening on the "my territory", which lies. With Anton, everything is still very easy and simple, harmoniously, and we get pleasure from it. It seems that the usual thing: someone from the spouses scattered things, and another annoying it. We have no such thing, just because we are always helping each other. With Anton, I have never even reproached each other - there was no reason.

- Is the information true that Anton was already married?

- Yes, he was married.

"Then, probably, not only to you, but he also had to decide on marriage."

- You're right. When we met, Anton was very passionate about the work, and we had no conversation even indirectly about marriage. Neither he nor me at that moment it was necessary. We built a career and did not think about the family, but over time I understood that they were created for each other. And so, from the opposite, we reached the fact that the wedding played. (Laughs.)

Svetlana Abramova:

"It seems to me that it is not correct to desire a child at all, but from a particular man. Now I want - it is from my beloved husband"

Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Abramova

- You have a house already, as I understand it, is. Case for children?

- There is a house. And - yes, we really want children.

"Are you no longer afraid that a child can prevent her career?"

- absolutely this is not afraid. It is impossible to say that before I, like many young women, rightly really wanted children, went crazy. It seems to me that the child is not correctly desired, but from a particular man. Now I want - it is from my husband. This is our joint desire.

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