6 tips to help get pregnant


If you can't conceive a child for some time, you should not immediately despair and give hands. Listen to the advice of specialists, change your day and think positive.

Weight control. Overweight of a woman or its disadvantage can disrupt ovulation mode. The body perceives the living conditions as unsuitable for the birth of a child and does not make it possible to get pregnant.

Overweight in men also significantly reduces the chances of paternity.

Regular sex. If you plan to get pregnant, it does not mean that it is worth arrangeing a whole sexy marathon. A similar approach will only weaken the male organism, and spermatozoa simply will not have time to mature. But the sexual act once a week does not guarantee that sex will have for the period of ovulation.

Temperature control. This concerns only the male half. After all, the reception of hot baths, visiting the sauna or close underwear can increase body temperature and spermatozoa simply "overheat".

Turn the sport. Yes, strong and tightened press will only benefit when childbirth. But an excessive load on the muscles of the abdomen during attempts to conceive can prevent fertilization or lead to ectopic pregnancy.

Psychological barrier. Our body listens not only to the physical condition, but also to our thoughts. It also happens that absolutely healthy couples are too concentrated on the idea of ​​pregnancy than creating an emotional shake. This may prevent the entire process of conception. Take away, relax and after pause, try again.

Tell me "no" harmful food. You need to leave in your diet only home food and forget about fast food. Exclude fried, oily and flour, because these products can reduce the activity of spermatozoa. Caffeine also adversely affects the "fertility" of the body.

Use products rich in vitamins and minerals. Then your body will understand that you are capable of making a new life.

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