What is worth thinking about tooth implantation


We are all strive for comfort, fashionable gadgets make it easier for us, with public transport we transplanted on a car. The same thing happens in medicine, so people choose more preferred treatments for themselves to feel like with their own teeth, feel confident.

Is it somehow specially prepared and what to pay attention to the consultation about implantation?

First - Diagnostic Stage

Without computed tomography, nowhere. The fact is that the aiming shot and orthopantomogram is a two-dimensional image where bone structures are superimposed on each other. We should also consider too much anatomical nuances to be taken into account: the location of the maxillary sinus, the mandibular nerve, possible inflammation in the area of ​​neighboring teeth, etc.

But this is not enough. Therefore, the next recommendation for patients is photoprotock, which is extremely important, given the last time and increase the number of online advice.

Remember that you do not come for implant, but to the tooth be chewed, so you need to assess the condition of opposing teeth, their anatomy, is there a place for the crown in height. On computed tomography, it is not necessary to estimate the closure, so I need intrarotrian photos. If only they knew how many patients were "swing" on this and remained with implant, but without the tooth itself, so on the crowns in the mouth.

Olesya Rugarev, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Anesthesia and Safe Dentistry for the Development of Integrative Approach, Vice President of the Independent Association of Periodontovologists, Social Worker

Olesya Rugarev, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Anesthesia and Safe Dentistry for the Development of Integrative Approach, Vice President of the Independent Association of Periodontovologists, Social Worker

Second Stage - Analysis

The task of the surgeon is not easy to put the implant "where there is a place", but to analyze.

What about the patient's bite? If there are disorders, the implant may be overload, which means it will not have a long time, and, as a rule, complications make themselves known in 3-5 years.

Does there have enough space for the implant in the width between the teeth? It is extremely often when the tooth is not long ago that the neighboring teeth moved towards the defect, because the nature of the emptiness does not tolerate and seeks to fill it. In this case, it is worth thinking about local orthodontics when the braces are fixed precisely in the area of ​​neighboring teeth and literally for 3-4 months, a sufficient place for implant is created.

Hidden inflammation. Doctor analyzes computer tomography and necessarily draws not the inflammation on the tops of the roots of neighboring teeth? Then they should be pulled out before implantation so that it does not affect the entire progress.

It is also important to pay attention to the state of the maxillary sinus and, if necessary, send the patient to prepare for the ENT specialist.

Third Stage - Planning and Implantation

What with periodontal status, is there an inflammation of the gums?

You will definitely need a complex of professional oral hygiene and the intervention of a periodontolologist, a specialist who deals with the treatment of gums and bone tissue. After all, the pathological microflora, it is everywhere, it is worth paying great importance and preparation for the operation and home care of the patient for the oral cavity. If you do not pay attention to implantation - healing can be held with complications, and already subsequent inflammatory diseases in the field of adhered implant are called mucosite and re-implanted, which can lead to its full loss.

And the last moment . Two parameters are important for implantation: the width and height of the bone tissue. If they are not enough, then the conditions must be created for the long implant service! And here we are talking about the need for bone plastic and gums plastic to create that contour of the tissues, which was once on his teeth. It is not necessary for beauty, but for a function! Because the lack of soft tissues (motionless gums) in the field of implant may entail soreness when cleaning in this area, jamming of food and latch of the implant turns in the future.

I hope that these recrections will help you consciously approach implantation and choose your doctor, because the work of the Implantologist's surgeon is not to "screw the screw", but to responsible to analyze the risk factors, based on the situation and take into account the treatment plan, see the whole picture, And not "hole between the teeth." And remember that the wait costs too expensive!

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