4 ways to create a festive mood



Many smells of oranges and mandarins are associated with childhood, the New Year, the Christmas tree. However, we are so accustomed to eat them every day that they no longer cause a feeling of joy. Update your impressions! Stick a few pieces of cloves in Mandarin and the story of it on the Christmas tree - you will get a new smell and unusual decoration.

The smell of citrus reminds of the holiday

The smell of citrus reminds of the holiday



Yesterday we entered during Yol - the days before the new year are considered magic. Night candles and make desires.


Burn "live" fire


Christmas tree

Even if you are an opponent of a live tree: a pity tree, I don't want to clean the needles, etc. Bring a few small spiny twigs into the house - your dwelling is filled with the aroma of needles, which will create a festive mood.

Oil burner:

Aromalamp: "Two in one"


You can also take advantage of aroma lamps - smell and candle in the "one bottle". Add coniferous or citrus oils that you like more.


Santa Claus boots, maybe he himself, deer, snowmen, light bulb garlands - all this can be made of any material. However, such trifles will improve your home and get closer.

Decorations do not happen much

Decorations do not happen much


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