Alice Grebenshchikova: "People see a smile, and wrinkles as it should be behind the scenes"


- You are filmed in the cinema and shine on the stage of the theater. Is there something closer to you? Difficult to combine?

- I adore the atmosphere of the set, and I love theatrical layouts, I love my native Petersburg and Moscow, in which I live smoothly, I love my mother and dad, and most of all I love the absence of the need to choose between each of these items. I could never answer the test "Coffee Cat-Pasternak", because it is unbearable - choose from two favorite one. I feel at home and shooting in the movies, and leaving the scene. And yes, combining the release of the play with the shooting in a large project is very hard, I can't do it. Previously practiced this, but now I know for sure that such loads are not for me.

- You look wonderful! With such dense employment, this is probably very difficult. Share your beauty secrets.

- I'm just a happy and driving man. And this feeling envelops me, reducing the attention of others from the way I look in the details. People see a smile, and wrinkles as it were for the scenes, because my life is stronger than anatomy. This is no secret, there are many centuries about it. We see portraits of the recognized beauties of the past centuries and perplexed what was going crazy? Charm and character, not the features of the face. Here is the same story with me. There is no miraculous cream or diet, there is some puppy joy from simple daily things - air, morning mugs with hot water with honey and lemon, how the room looks like. All this acts on the appearance of extremely beneficial. Although, of course, if you want to be slim, then you need to follow the power mode and it is enough to move, but about this every day there are millions, from all pages, from all screens.

- Soon the New Year's comedy lilia is a trophimova "Evening jesters or seriously with greetings." Your heroine, Zina, girl quite raging and straight, hubby. Do you close like this image?

- Not at all! I am a lyric and romantic, my tenderness and admiration for men. I never answer so men, as Zina does, for me it is unthinkable. When I read the script, I had an internal protest for each replica of my heroine, and therefore it turned out to be partly a challenge for me. Spectators often begin to identify the actors with their characters, I have repeatedly faced the fact that after the cascade they played the roles of near-mellie fun in curls and with chubby lips, people and me are the same, and my modesty is surprised in life. Now they think that I am an unfortunate hubby. Although ... Zina controversial, bright, but still she changes in front of the viewer, and this way, I hope it will be interesting to observe.

Alice Grebenshchikova and Julia Aleksandrov

Alice Grebenshchikova and Julia Aleksandrov

- surely you have a lot of suggestions about the shooting, participation in performances, projects, etc. Why did you agree to take part in the movie "Evening Snoves"? What "bribed"?

- For me, the company is very important. I first met with the director of Lily Trofimova, I literally fell in love with her burning eyes. Lilya had already invented the film in his head in his head, to the smallest details, and with his oblivion he was told what it would be. And this is such a passion for his business unusually infectious.

- Previously, you said that the new year for you is a home holiday. Did something have changed since then? Do you have already plans for December 31?

- I continue to stick to this opinion and I hope that I will not change it for many more years. It seems to me very important in the transitional moment to be in a circle of the closest people. There is still what story - we all love this holiday since childhood, but if I or my parents can find yourself another company, except for the family, then with whom will my grandfather stay with? He is now 91 years old, and I appreciate our common holiday, I appreciate the opportunity to please him, and he loves himself very much when we are going together.

The ideal New Year holidays are country. Hyperideal - in Finland, where we remove the house for a few days and a lot of walk in the afternoon, and in the dark, we play "Monopoly".

Alas, this year we will not be able to leave for the neighbors, so we still think that it may be an alternative.

"Many parents today prefer to raise their children realists, they say" miracles in the world do not exist, it is necessary to hope only for yourself! ". Do you agree with a similar solution?

- You know, I did not meet families where Santa Claus does not expect! Truth. Therefore, I do not understand what parents are you talking about.

- The image of your heroine is bright and peculiar, emphasizes its difference from others. Do you like the "wardrobe" of the girl or do you prefer something more classic?

- I love bright colors in clothes, but after forty, it became a little more careful to combinations than before. I think that in my wardrobe all the outfits of my heroine would have taken root, but in other combinations. Wear a red dress and green fur coat for me too, but just a red dress - why not? The classic in clothes is not about me at all. It seems that I have nothing like that, not a single trouser costume, there is no strict skirt. My - interesting cut and a variety of dresses. My - feminine silhouettes, I do not go style Oversiz. Although when I get tired, I turn to jeans with T-shirts and Hoodie with hoods.


Photo: Anastasia Belskaya

- Do you use stylists or pick images yourself?

Never resorted to the services of a stylist to select a personal wardrobe, but I love very much when at work with me a professional in this matter. I have repeatedly worked as a TV host on different projects, and here without a specialist personally, it is difficult for me to do. I do not have time to search for dresses myself, and happy when others do it for me. As a rule, outfits are different from what I wear in life, and I like it very much.

- What role does the wardrobe play in your life? Are you a shopaholic?

- Oh, no, not at all! I'm on the contrary on the opposite pole. I am very difficult to decide on the purchase. Even on a hike in the store. And I always sorry to spend money on clothes. I think, ah, I have and so much, why is something else! And I love to distribute the fact that I do not wear. I have changed the figure over the years, and some of the things it became strange to look at me, and now for the second year I gradually say goodbye to the old wardrobe.

- Now the Trend on the "bodypositive" is dominated in the world. Do you think it is about freedom of choice or only an excuse for lazy?

- I think everyone can look like it is comfortable. If health allows you to be large, and it's not hard for a person, then it is only his business! Own stateship seems to me the main criterion. Perception surrounding is a matter of taste. At all in any case you will not please. And this applies to everything. Therefore, neither a person nor the film should set the task to everyone.

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