Why are the stars become designers?


Bait like Valeria

At the end of 2010, the singer became the face of the Novosibirsk shoe company. But Valeria decided not to be limited only by the framework of the advertising campaign, but became a real ideological inspirer for local masters. "When I was a shame, like all the girls, loved to draw outfits for the princesses, sewed dresses for dolls," said the singer. - When older became old, I wanted to look stylish. And since it did not have a big choice, then "kovdoval" with accessories - scarves, decorations. "

- How did you get the idea of ​​creating shoes?

- I was offered to create a line called by my name, and I did not give up. And as a person who spends 15 hours a day on his legs, I know how the convenience of shoes and its practicality is important.

- Do you yourself wear your shoes you created?

- I can often see me in the shoes of this factory. I use it for everyday images. As for my line directly, this is a spring-year-old collection, and in Moscow it is too early. But I have already seized several couples for myself, which with pleasure will be happy with the onset of heat.

Sporty style from Olga Buzova

Last year, Olga first reached the podium as a model, at the same time he took place and debut a novice fashion designer. Painted by the success of his first collection, as well as the spouse supported by the spouse, it was thus supported to this week. In addition to dresses, skirts and trousers TV presenter created a men's sports collection. Apparently, her husband inspired her, the football player of the Moscow "Locomotive" Dmitry Tarasov. According to Olga, she tried to take into account all the mistakes and misses of the past experience and created comfortable and very high-quality clothing. So, in the views presented at the show, you can go to work, and on a date, and to the institute. The female lineup, a young designer divided into three directions: knitted dresses, office outfits and evening. Literally for the year, the passion for Buzova turned into a real profession. Under his brand, she already opened eight stores and plans to launch four more.

Katya Lee. .

Katya Lee. .

Futurism from Kati Li

Last year, the soloist of the Factory Group created its first collection of conceptual clothing, as well as the same brand. The debut of a young fashion designer passed in an unusual setting: guests were invited to the "secret laboratory" for the production of superheroes - employees in the coats offered to all the wishes to scan the retina, in the center of the bar, chemical fluids were buried in the spubs and mines, . Models in tight jumpsuits and natives were replaced by cardboard moving figures, and a man appeared in the showroom of the show. "Almost everything that is sold in stores, I am great. And so I always stuck clothes. Well, and then I realized that it is much more interesting to create something your own, than to sew someone else, "says young designer. - Now concert suits for the factory group are sewn according to my sketches. And I myself basically always go to my clothes. In most cases, the cost of shopping clothes is overestimated many times - I know for sure. I can buy something original, handmade, and I do not see the point of overpaying for brands. "

Turnkey images from Irina Saltykova

At the end of 2009, the singer opened his own home of beauty and style. At the same time, Irina became an innovator in this area, because it tried to unite under one roof and beauty salon, and a designer boutique, and atelier. This house is the real braeshe saltskova. According to her, she herself (they helped the knowledge, once received in the construction technical school) decided, in what place to break and build walls, what to put the tile, how to place furniture, etc. Also, Saltykov also became a fashion designer. It creates sketches of evening outfits, shoes, fur products. And under the influence of his daughter, Alice Irina was still fond of creating and youth clothing. Of course, professionals help her. Under the start of the artist works more than a dozen man. But the singer personally participates in the creation of each thing (including shoes): from choosing size, fabrics, accessories, negotiations with foreign suppliers before placing an outfit in the store.

Yana Rudkovskaya and Yevgeny Plushenko. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Yana Rudkovskaya and Yevgeny Plushenko. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Warm welcome Rudkov and Plushenko

In 2011, Yana and Yevgeny became the persons of the famous brand specializing in winter clothes. And it was not an accident, since three years earlier Rudkovskaya had already tried her strength in the model business together with the famous designer Ilya Shiyan. What a producer was accepted in the creation of directly collections and remained a secret, but here is the Star Dima, in which Dima Bilan, Sergey Lazarev, Evgeny Plushenko and even Rob Schneider, made an impression. Now the spouses took the work together. They not only advertise collections, but also take part in their creation: Starting with organizational issues and ending with creative ideas.

Handwork from Nastya Tsvetaeva

Anastasia can already be called a professional decoration designer. It all started in 2005, when the actress was under the heart of His Son Kuzma. Her tummy grew noticeably when the future mother discovered that it was almost impossible to find a pregnant elegant dress for pregnant women. And created its clothing line for future mothers. It was a pen sample. Coming out for the second time married and having moved to Tel Aviv, Nastya was amazed by the work of local jewelers. She was so fascinated by this beauty that began to get acquainted with the masters, recognize their secrets, and eventually risked to do something herself. A new occupation was so interested in it that she continued to work and during the second pregnancy. Decorations of Tsvetaeva recognized professionals. The artist was asked to pretend their new collection at Fashion Week in Moscow.

Irony from Vadim Galygina

They say that Vadim from his youth adored to wear jerseys with funny inscriptions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the artist eventually came to creating his own line of "funny" T-shirts. It is said that products with the inscription were specially popular: "Suslik Suka personality." True, at that time Galygin was a resident of the comedy show and helped a professional designer more than created something he himself. And in 2011, the humorist spoke about the release of inexpensive youth clothing under his own brand. Naturally, the artist began with the usual one - from T-shirts. And then he developed a line of underwear.

Shura. .

Shura. .

Shura generosity

As you know, the singer is very demanding for clothes and will not come out of the house, if he does not achieve, for example, the desired combination of colors. He likes to complement his suit with scarves and cervical headscarves. All fur coats and coats in which the musician can be found on the street and parties, sewn on his sketches. "I have long generated something, sewed in my sketches, gave my friends ... Then the idea came to make a clothing line for pregnant women (future moms should always be beautiful) and for children. Found a partner in Voronezh and began to make crash, "says the singer. "So if you finish with the music, then with the hunger I will not die: I can collect beautiful bouquets, I studied in Riga. Create beautiful clothes while small parties, but if that - you can expand. I know how to make a decoupage, make up the furniture, invent the design of apartments to friends; In general, surviving in any situation. " By the way, Shura does not greading and often gives his author's clothing. His things with pleasure wearing the whole team of artist, as well as the housekeeper and members of her family.

"I am not greedy, let people be beautiful, it is just happy me," says Shura.

Retro chic from Renata Litvinova

It would be awesome if the director he was considered to be one of the most stylish women in Russia did not try to create anything personally. According to the actress, its ideas about the style and the image have developed even at the time of study in Vgika, when she studied the classics of world cinema. For the first time, Litvinova designer works could be seen back in 2009. Naturally, in her collection, the influence of the images of great kinomasters are traced: skirts-pencils, black small dresses, veils, scarves, capes, feathers and loops. Renata believes that it creates outfits for ordinary women, as they are very high-quality and democratic at a price. At the same time, it categorically declares that in no case considers himself a designer.

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