Zara: "There is no ideal relationship"


- Zara, you somehow told about the fact that for a long time they could not have children, and then overcame these difficulties. If not a secret, tell me how did you overcome them?

- I had no children for a long time, could not get pregnant, so I went to St. Petersburg to his beloved Holy Xenia, she patronizes such as me. Then flew in Jerusalem to ask God for me to send me the happiness of motherhood, and I heard me. I gave birth to two beautiful boys. Now the main care is to grow and raise the sons, but another cherished dream remained. I dream to give my sons sis.

"You have two little sons, children grow very quickly, and they have to go to the army." What do you think necessarily a young guy to go to serve?

- Sure. My grandfathers fought, brother and husband served in the army, I believe that my sons will also need to go to the army. Honestly, I am glad that in the army now it is necessary to serve one year, but my men say that a year is not enough. It takes more time so that the conscript rebuilt, he became a real man and the head of the family.

- Is it necessary in order to appear Patriotism?

- You need to develop patriotism in children, I do not even have doubts about this. Despite the fact that my sons of Eastern blood, I will raise them by Russian patriots, and they will definitely go to serve in Russian troops, but it seems to me that parents must instill love for their homeland since childhood by their example, and not oath in the army.

- So you disagree with the fact that this country has no future? Some singers and singers say so during popular gears.

- I often drive tours in different cities and countries and see how well people live well. But if I was asked: "Zara, where would you like to live?", My choice would still stop in Russia. In order not to say these singers and singers, I disagree with them. This country has always been promising, she has made a strong jerk in recent years, I hope that development will continue further. And difficult times were in all countries.

I really hope that everything in Russia to get better, people will begin to live stably, as in other developed countries.

Zara. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Zara. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

- Do you believe that in our country you can be rich and decent person?

- I know some rich people as decent and kind. I do not know how they earned their condition, but I see that they always work a lot, guilty by large companies, correctly spend their time.

I see that they are fair leaders, generous with their subordinates, they are reciprocating them, their common cause flourishes.

Maybe my words will seem naive to someone, but it seems to me that there are more and more such people, and they should not be respected, not to love.

- People always talk a lot about love, and for you what is this feeling?

- Love and love are completely different things. Love is a temporary and pleasant passion, no more.

Love is when you can't live without your beloved man, if the first delicious piece of him, if you completely trust, if you want to give birth to children from him.

To this happiness, you need to strive and not be afraid to make a mistake, because everyone has a chance to meet her love, but you need sure to wipe. The ideal relationship does not happen, and you do not need to be afraid of the trick, you need to be able to always recognize your mistake.

Love does not tolerate arrogance, indifference. When a quarrel happens, the main thing is that there is no such thing: "Why should I call the first? No, I will not, he needs it more, albeit calls. " It is not right. We never had it with her husband, we both go to each other to meet.

- And what, you never have a quarrel?

"We often have disagreements in the matter of raising children, because he believes that it is necessary to be stricter, but I believe that you need to be softer. As a result, we are both changed, I get stricter, it is softer.

- When the couples fall apart and begin to "take garbage from the hut", as you think, why is it going on?

- It comes from powerlessness, from fear, from ignorance, how to be what to do. Such public scandals of former spouses are trying to attract public attention to get support. It is sad when it happens in front of children, loved ones. Unpleasant when friends put before choosing, with whom to communicate.

With my husband there are such familiar, such situations only negative emotions cause such situations, because we were friends in our time and with my husband, and with my wife, and now you need to categorically decide, whose side accept. Sometimes they behave selfishly, just like small children, without sparing feelings of their friends.

Zara. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Zara. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

- Zara, sorry that I give all your secrets, but this year, in the summer, you will be 30 years old. How will you celebrate the anniversary?

"You know, I'm not completely shy of my age, so you can't give any secrets." If earlier, at 18 years old, I cried that I did not achieve anything in this life and I will not reach, now, of course, I am glad that by 30 years I have a favorite job, my spouse, children and, I hope, recognition of the viewer for whom you want to work.

For the anniversary I had a solo album called "In the dark eyes of yours", there are many Russian romances, ballads, there are lullabies that I sing to my sons for the night.

And I would like to note the birthday first on the stage, and then call friends and somehow go for a walk.

- You with such pride answered the question about your age, do not feel fear, are not afraid to grow old?

- And what to hide, now there are so many secrets to look young, so much rejuvenating procedures, it is possible, in the end, resort to plastic operations. Women in this regard are very inventive.

An example is Sofia Rotaru. Her unfair beauty simply admire, I hope at her age, I will also look as well.

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