Top 5 useless things that take on vacation Mom


Decide on a long journey with a small child - in itself, worthy of respect, if we take into account all the difficulties that accompany big family holidays. However, often moms themselves complicate life, going on the road as when moving.

Medicines from everything

On the trip you will not use your entire home first aid kit: if your child needs a medical assistance, you must call a doctor, and while you expect elementary procedures to facilitate the child's condition, the rest of the drugs will write a doctor, and the insurance company will fill the amount spent. In your arsenal should be: thermometer, bactericidal agents, antipyretic. Everything. In case the child suffers from chronic diseases, you must take the necessary medicines along with the recipe so that there are no problems at customs.

Take only the most necessary drugs.

Take only the most necessary drugs.


Pots and bottle heaters

When planning a vacation with a small child, it is best to pay attention to hotels designed for holidaymakers with children: staff will offer you everything you need, even radionunk!

However, it is not necessary to hope for all the amenities and before leaving the country to clarify all the details at the hotel's administration by email.

Suitcase for the child

Many of us are killed by children who ripe on the airport their suitcase of the colors. However, in fact, a separate suitcase for a child becomes rather inconvenience than additional space for things. Especially if you fly with a transplant.

the child does not necessarily wear glasses

the child does not necessarily wear glasses


Large inflatable devices

If you are going to relax on the seashore, you should not worry that you will not find a circle, without which you can not imagine. Mulous inflatable structures in the form of animals and figures in order to stand on the beach - so-so the idea, and still takes a lot. All this you will find if not on sale, then by the pool at the hotel will certainly remain circles and inflatable flamingos from previous tourists who did not beat the suitcase.

Do not clog the suitcase inflatable devices

Do not clog the suitcase inflatable devices


Sunglasses for a child

Have you ever seen a child who came in chinno in glasses? Not? We, too. If for adult glasses is also a fashion accessory, then for a child it is just a hindering thing on the nose. It is best to do by ordinary Panama with wide fields, which will protect not only the head, but also the sensitive eyes of a child.

Freeing the space in a suitcase from unnecessary things, you will leave a place for souvenirs from vacation, from which your relatives and friends will be delighted.

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