How to wake the skin after winter?


Vera Nesmeyanova, Dermatologist, Cosmetologist Brand Janssen Cosmetics:

"I propose to start with simple. A good refreshing effect gives all means of deep moisturizing action. In addition, they improve the structure and quality of the skin. We live in an aggressive environment where the factors that violate the skin's ability to maintain natural balance are surrounded by . It can be young, mature, oily, combined, any type and structure, but at the same time it necessarily experiences thirst. This is especially pronounced in the winter and spring periods. And since the skin is not able to compensate for the lack of moisture itself, it is necessary to help it with the help of special care products. And do it all the time. After all, well-humid skin has a completely different relief. Dehydrated looks like a parchment,

And saturated moisture - elastic, literally glows from the inside. Ampoules and serums have primarily a moisturizing effect, and therefore ideal in this case. Procedures that cleanse the skin improve its color and give shine, a lot. There are programs designed for both the cabin and home care. First of all, these are peelings - appliques based on acids, exfolizing components and enzymes. We emphasize: modern cleansing agents can and should be applied regularly as needed. They cope with the tasks assigned to them without disturbing the hydrolyphid balance of the skin. Soft purification based on carbohydrates and amino acids is both skin care, for example moisturizing. Fat skin with a tendency to the formation of comedones and with unhealthy color is needed primarily cleaning. In this case, the multi-stage detoxification, deep cleansing are the first and main step, the result of which is the glow of the skin, instantaneous and prolonged. The detoxification is usually recommended every two weeks or intensive courses. The tasks of this procedure are a uniform gaining blood circulation (both in the center of the face and on the periphery), exfoliation of the damaged leather layer with the help of peeling and cleansing already by means of a mask that "pulls" contaminants from the pores. Janssen Cosmetics offers, for example, a multifunctional thermomasque-exfoliant-based Cranberry-based Thermo Peel Mask Cranberry. In the finals, a mandatory stroke is to disinfection

and tightening pores. I especially love the so-called cream veil from the finish-product series. It gives the skin ability to reflect the light, perfectly masking all its imperfections and dark areas: nasolabial folds, wrinkles, pores. Balancing cream with the Tinted Balancing Cream effect from JanSsen Cosmetics, I consider the ideal completion of the detoxification procedure. It instantly lines the skin color, gives it smoothness and mattness.

Spring I am very advised to use the entire cosmetic group: serums and creams with a radiance effect. These products add pigments-veil approximate to the skin color, are golden, silver and pearl. Janssen Cosmetics Dr. Innovation Lux Roland Sacher possess not only rejuvenating and revitalizing action, but also reflective. Their composition includes pearl extract and golden pigments.

According to the experience, I know how good the effect gel + pcm-complex serum containing pearl water, caviar extracts and magnolias. It fills moisture reserves, gives the skin freshness and radiance, and instantly! "

Olga Shcherbak, Lead Cosmetologist Sothys in Russia:

"The goal of any procedure conducted by the cosmetologist on the outcome of the winter (and in Moscow March and even April, quite another winter months) should become a" resuscitation "of the skin, after which it is easily and fully fulfills its functions. And of course, looks healthy, rested, fresh. And how can this be ensured? Due to the increase in blood circulation and stimulation of the processes of general metabolism: the oxygenation of the skin will be more intense, the fabric will immediately get a healthy color. Most often, cosmetologists prescribe procedures that strengthen the walls

vessels. And the efficiency of products aimed at solving a problem, can be strengthened by specially designed massage techniques.

And in the spring, the need for them especially increases. The wish of visitors to the salons now sounds: "Wake up, cheer up so that I wake up!" Often, the skin looks tired and weakened, including due to the toxins accumulated in it. That is why, with each change of season, it is recommended to use care products that contribute to their excretion, which automatically entails the revitalization of the skin. It acquires the ability to breathe freely, the tone and healthy radiance is restored, the skin becomes more susceptible to the active components of the care products. Moreover, regardless of what product is Anti-Age or moisturizing. Detoxification provides primarily a good drainage, unloading a lymph-tichetic system of the upper body from slags and toxins that accumulated in the skin. It is carried out with the help of active ingredients, deeply exfolizing procedures, mechanical cleansing and lymphatic drainage massages. First we work with physiology, then go to cosmetics. Sothys Suite Lux Cosmetics Brand offers several variants of deep skin cleansing procedures based on the base products for oily skin. But today I would like to highlight the innovative multifunctional complex Anti-Toxin, which is part of seasonal care products. These products will come up with the way right now. Their global goal is to maintain the energy balance of the skin throughout the year. The complex effectively stimulates the cellular mechanisms of detoxification, as well as the processes of recovery, increases the saturation of cells by oxygen, due to which the skin color is significantly improved and aligned. The scheme of seasonal care is simple: first there is deep skin cleansing, then applying a special concentrate, massage and mask, which contributes to the delivery of all active components deep into the skin. But all this is a real spa procedure with luxurious flavors that change depending on the time of year. At the moment it is a combination of fragrances "Peach-apricot". After all, the French are manufacturers of Sothys - True Gourmet. Peelings, as

And any brand products, not only high result and delicate, but also endowed with luxurious flavors that improve the mood and give pleasure from each care! "

Navel Gafateiti, General Director of Buti Line, the official representative of Gisele Delorme-Paris in Russia:

"In the spring for radiance and freshness of the skin, I recommend making" leveling and clarifying care "from Gisele Delorme-Paris, which gives an instant refreshing effect. It is best to go through the course for

Restoration of skin radiance: need to do the procedure once a week for six weeks (or as express care as needed). The procedure begins with demacia. With the help of an aligning gel, the skin is cleaned, the remake of the Lotion is fixed in the alignment. After that, it follows the exfoliation stage using gommage-shine and serum Vital ACTIF with AHA acids. The next step is to again use the leveling lotion, which perfectly removes pollution, brightens and speeds up the cellular update. And now the stage "aromatic enveloping": For sensitive and dry skin, we use the complex aromatic "No. 7 regeneration", and for normal or prone to fatty - complex aromatic "No. 5 normalization". During the "enveloping", the face is covered with a hot towel and stick it with his hands. Next follows 20-minute face massage

With modeling and drainage elements. The beautician uses the serum leveling + mineral additive. This duo clarifies the skin, reduces pigment stains, moisturizes and tones the epidermis. The next step of the procedure is a mask. The mask is applied to the face, neck and zone, the mask is applied and three algae mask, as well as the mineral additive. This trio increases the susceptibility of the skin and optimizes the action of active ingredients, removes the swelling, softens, revitalizes and brightens the epidermis. After 15 minutes everything is washed off with warm water - and again leveling lotion. During the mask exposure, the hands of Gommage "Glitter" are exfoliation (in five minutes it is removed by a hot towel). In the finals of the procedure, we apply serum leveling on your face, neck and zone. Aligning cream - for the same zones. Products brighten the skin tone and give a glowing chromatic effect. Complete care is necessary for a beautiful chord - applying a sun cream for the face with SPF 30 to the entire face, neck and zone of neckline. "

Polina Sanaev

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