How to choose the right predictor or extrasens and not fall on the fishing rod to charlatans


Is there a "magic" place in the modern world? Skeptics believe that there is no, nevertheless, millions of people regularly refer to psychics, runologists, to the top to predict the future, learn the fate, describe the possible problems in marriage, business, at work - yes, in almost any field of human activity.

People calling themselves as astrologers, psychics, practitioners on maps, a lot. This is a street fortune teller at the station or bazaar, and a solid woman in his own studio or office, and an impressive man - a specialist in Tarot cards, Lenorman, runes and magic. But since there are no clear criteria for profession, "professional standards", people rely only on the word, less often - on the recommendation, and quite often, instead of real experts on gadania fall to Charlatans. Well, if it's just "empty", and not professional fraudsters and criminals who are treated in such a way of robustible people.

How to distinguish this profi from charlatan? Since there are no universal criteria for professional skills, the answer to this question is not simple, but you can. Let's start with the first - this, so to speak, the axiom of choice - these specialists do not stick to the streets to passersby, do not go on apartments with a proposal to pay, do not call unfamiliar numbers, do not write in personal messages on social networks and email. They always have a lot of customers, and often there is a queue, painted as it is conveniently or convenient to people contacting them. Therefore, the first principle of choosing a wizard on the cards is never binding not to understand with whom on the streets, stations, bazaars, do not trust the "suddenly" to you on the door to people who would not appear. Similarly, it is not necessary to respond to email messages, in private messages on social networks, since now it is fraudsters and charlatans who most often use such a method of self-recording and attracting customers.

The second principle is a real specialist there is a deployment, an apartment or an office in which it takes for a long time. As with any other professional selling his services, he does not have the reason every week to change the room - so it will be more difficult to find and he will lose part of customers. Therefore, the permanent address working for a long time is one of the main arguments in favor of a specialist - let not like the superprofessional, but at least as an honest person. Sometimes these practices may also be found in the cafe - to this now can also be treated normally, since the masters prefer a neutral territory, there are real masters and specialists who prefer remote communication on video links. But it should be noted that communication in the cafe is possible only at the "consultation" stage, and increasingly complex practices are carried out already in the place of its permanent location.

We go further. Most of the truly skillful specialists are known to those who are interested in fortune-money - they have sites on the Internet or pages on social networks, publications in the press, telecasts with their participation, and most importantly - the regular customer audience. And they fall to them, most often, on the recommendation - personal or correspondence. Therefore, if you want to get to this specialist, it is better to thoroughly study the journalial market, read about each of the famous gadels.

Excessive aura of mystery, catchy outfits, excessive pathos - all this plays against the real professional. Of course, a certain entourage will not save anywhere, but really capable practices on the cards, psychics do not focus on an external attribute, designed to shock or scare a low-voltage in the occult and esoteric topics of the average man.

It should make it take up and excessive attention to practice to your wallet. A real professional, concerned about his reputation, most often has more or less fixed rates for its services and engage in "revealing" of the entire contents of your wallet or card, it will not. Yes, and the money is interested in a lesser extent, comparing with the ability to check out his professional skills.

By the way, about professional aspects - this practitioner will not add to you the Golden Mountains and the highest career peaks, or, on the contrary, intimidating terrible incidents with you or your relatives. He will calmly and thoroughly tell you what risks can you expect in the nearest and long-term perspective, to which victories you can come. Thus, he gives you a pulse for thought, for some other movements in one direction or another. This wizard will never give any guarantees to a person who appeal to him.

Another distinctive feature of these practitioners is that they bypass all negative topics, try to teach them as gently as possible, so as not to scare a person, do not cause him some actions that could go to him or his close to harm. Such an approach is inherent in professionals, not charlatans, the whole interest of which is purely financial.

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