Amazing facts about the food habits of Americans


Litters of ice horning, infinite amount of froth potatoes and non-discontinuous portion appetite - all this you will see as soon as land in the United States. The editor tells that he surprised her in a month of life in America.

More Ice, please!

Wherever you come, the first thing you will be served by a jug of water with ice. In the States, the cult of cold reigns - in stores and hotels, air conditioners work at full capacity, drinks in the cafe are served exclusively with ice, and people on the streets eat several portions of ice cream every day. By the way, it is not surprising: in the summer, the temperature in many cities does not fall below +25 even at night, the wind because of the high-altitude buildings and remoteness from the ocean is practically no, therefore people are saved from the heat to underdigal ways.

SMALL size dish

SMALL size dish

Photo: Ksenia Parfenova

One size more

If you are used to feeding around in cafes and restaurants during the holidays, consider several tips. First, order snacks and salads at the rate of one serving on two or three people. Do not be surprised if the salad will be brought by weight of about 500-600 grams, that is, two times more than in Russia, it is so accepted here. Secondly, choose the portions of the size of "Small" or from combo offers. So you do not move and you will not feel the severity. And, thirdly, ask to pack your remaining. In the US for this, no one will look at your oblique, believe me.

Portions are unusual big for us

Portions are unusual big for us

Photo: Ksenia Parfenova

Water is not a drink

In America, people are much more likely choose a gas meter or juice, rather than cool purple water. Therefore, do not be surprised when you are asked: "What do you prefer from drinks?" - Although you already drink water. By the way, the water itself is always nailed from under the tap - here it is the same clean, like bottled, so people are not afraid to drink her. Speaking of other drinks, an interesting fact: Russian can be found immediately by habit of drinking tea after meals. In America, delicious tea is more difficult to find than coffee - it is here on every corner at an affordable price.

Abundance of sauces and seasonings

This is a country in which millions of people from all over the world have drove away from Netherlands to China for 18-19 centuries. Each people brought their traditions, including recipes for dishes that prepare to this day. You should not expect from American food fresh taste. You will constantly come across salt, sharp, acidic and pended dishes, in which the spices will be moderated, but they will complement the taste of food.

Sauce is served to any meal

Sauce is served to any meal

Photo: Ksenia Parfenova

While traveling on the states you will definitely encounter new and unusual. However, remember one phrase for all cases: it is not good, not bad - it's just different. Try unfamiliar dishes, go around restaurants and prepare yourself - so you will learn local life from different angles.

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