"I call Russia" High Heel Country "": Russian women with eyes of foreigners


Perukau graduated from the Academy of Arts in the class of jazz vocals, built a career of the singer in Sydney, and then began to create completely different music. Today it is the author of such popular techniques like "Vocal Yoga", "emotional cleansing" and others. With concerts and seminars, the singer traveled many cities in Russia.

How and when did you get to Russia for the first time?

- It was in 2011. It so happened that at the same time two events occurred in my life. On the one hand, Russian organizers

Invited me to Moscow with a concert and a seminar for women. And at the same time I met my future Russian husband, who immediately made me an offer and invited to Russia as his bride. It's funny that I dreamed of his invitation the day before it really happened. I will not say the same thing about the invitation from the organizers, I did not come in dreams, I immediately reveal.

What were stereotypes about our country before arriving here?

- I had a certain idea of ​​Russia long before arriving in the country. Until 2010, I did not meet Russian people. My acquaintance with Russia was absent. At school, I read the story of modern Russia, about the revolution, the creation of the USSR. In a more conscious age, I, like many in the West, hooked on the books of Megre about Anastasia. Russia seemed to be a mysterious country, mystical, unusual, bright and disturbing.

Who was the first woman with whom you talked to Russia?

- A year before my arrival in Russia, one Russian girl wrote me a message that she really like my music and she would like to organize my performance in Moscow. Given that I lived in Melbourne, I understood the complexity of this project, problems with logistics, visas and other things, therefore answered with refusal. Then she told me about the village in India, where a very eclectic artistic environment and where many Russians flies for the winter. When I went to India, in Delhi, continue the study of the Vedic approach to singing, I decided to also visit this place in Goa. Arriving, I was amazed by the beauty of white women, only then I realized that most of them are Russians. I began to go to the lessons of Dance Tribal Fusion and the girl came up to me and asked: "Are you perukua?" It turned out that it was she who called me a few months earlier to Russia. And then such a random meeting. She promised me to acquaint me with a large number of Russian women whom she knows and with whom it seemed to her, I am close in spirit. What she did! So my immersion began in the Russian world, and after six months I stepped on Russian land, landing at Sheremetyevo airport. By the way, the same girl met me at the airport, she came there along with my future spouse.

"For Russian women, the value of love is extremely high. Love, marriage, raising children - these traditional values ​​are close to women in Russia, and that's fine! "

"For Russian women, the value of love is extremely high. Love, marriage, raising children - these traditional values ​​are close to women in Russia, and that's fine! "

Do you have many friends among Russian women? Is there any one quality that is inherent to your Russian women friends?

- I am glad that I have quite a lot of Russian girlfriends. Moreover, in different cities of the country - from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. I traveled almost the whole of Russia, so the regional cities and real wildlife and became acquainted with a large number of women. If we talk about my friends, then they have a lot of common qualities. Many of my girlfriends are interested in female sacred dances, yoga, meditation. They are distinguished by an incredible grace, a certain fler of mysticism, beauty, brightness ... They are unusually generous and open. In general, for Russian women, the value of love is extremely high. Love, marriage, education of children - these traditional values ​​are close to women in Russia, and that's fine!

How do you feel about feminism and understand it for yourself? Why was it so relevant today?

- I think feminism is a very sad trend of modernity, struck West and penetrating Russia. The very idea of ​​opposing and comparing women with male patterns ugly and trauma. We will never be equal to a man, we do not need it and unnatural. Yes, there were tough times when women were burned on the fires, there were times of their oppression and humiliation, but the answer to them was to be the flowering of the world of a woman - like a flower pierced through asphalt. Feminism is an attempt to break this asphalt with some kind of violent scrap type tool. But a woman is not a steel rod, but a lively blooming organism. That is why the Western world is amazed from the inside. Women lost their femininity, they suffer from obscene. And now this disease came to Russia. Tens of thousands of women appeal to me with a request to help them return to themselves, to their sensual nature, to their ability to feel, rejoice and

take your body, your inner world ...

Describe Russian women in several points. Let's start with the appearance.

- Russian women are very beautiful! Nowhere in the world I have not seen such a number of attractive women as in Russia. And I call your country "Country on a high heel" - I could not even imagine such a number of "studs" on the streets.

The next point: time and effort to treat yourself.

- Russian women pay a lot of attention to this issue, and I am glad to be friends with a number of women who have made it our profession - they open their natural beauty salons, natural SPA centers, produce natural environmentally friendly leaving cosmetics.

"Relationships with men are important everywhere, which is distinguished in Russia - the preservation of the roles of men and women, and it is invaluable."

Relationships with men.

- Relations with men are important everywhere, which is distinguished in Russia - the preservation of the roles of men and women, and it is invaluable. In a world where the difference of floors is erased, where landmarks are lost, in Russia it is possible to maintain the value of what you are a man or you are a woman.

Attitude towards family and home.

- You have a relation to family and children much more tremendous than in the West, and this is again super! We, women, by nature, the keeper of a homely hearth. And in Russia, this quality is elevated to Absolut. Through our body, life comes to life, and the fact that in Russia do not forget about it, puts your country much higher than many so-called "developed" countries in my eyes.

Attitude towards money.

- Russian women, on the one hand, are extremely independent, on the other, they clearly count on the active manifestation of a man in making money. Russia is a country of extremes, on the one hand, there is a clear request for money to make a man, on the other - the absolute majority of women admits that while it is for them to make earnings of the family. Many Russian women are superbly educated and get more of their men.


- If at the seminar I will ask women who received a higher education, raise your hand, then in Russia there will be 3 or 4 times more than in the West. Studying and self-development in your great honor. This is a kind of unofficial religion. In addition, the desire for the study of their spiritual world, search for responses to deep questions of being, meditation, self-knowledge, disclosure of their talents, the topic of the purpose of a woman and the like causing a much greater number of women in Russia than in the West.

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