Dad, throw something: how to convince a man to help you dismiss children to study


The psyche of people works interestingly and at the same time logical. Feeling that you are ready to take on all the concerns, no man will offer: "Dear, let me help you?" After all, it will probably have less classes more interesting than wipe the dust from the shelves or spend hours in anticipation of the end of the supplements of children in the car in the parking lot. And what are you worse, what do it yourself? Let's deal with why you should not drag everything on yourself and you should awaken responsibility in the partner for the total child.

"You are on the way, and I need to do a circle"

The main reason why a man should help you take the children to school and the proximity of these buildings from his work. If her husband is worth 5 minutes, and the wife is intact × 40, then does it make sense to make extra work? The partner must appreciate not only his own, but also your time. And when children are somewhat and they are engaged in different ends of the city, the more it is worth distributing the duties. Choose who each one of you is more convenient to take, and go ahead!

"So far we are waiting for, you can work"

Waiting for a child with a mug lasts forever - every mother knows ... From those who incorrectly manages their time! While the kid draws or dancing, you can work, call behind the products in the store or go snack in a cafe. The same husband can make, especially if it needs only a computer, telephone and stable internet access to work. Then the reasons are angry with the missed clock will not be - the puzzle will work out.

The same can make a husband, especially if it needs only a computer, telephone and stable access to the Internet

The same can make a husband, especially if it needs only a computer, telephone and stable access to the Internet


"Spend more time together"

Agree, often dads dealing with business or working hours in the office almost do not see children. You don't need to blame them, because while you spend time with the baby, the man makes money to ensure the family and simply does not have a choice. But a joint travel on a car with a child will give the opportunity to finally chat with an eye on the eye. They can sing together for their favorite children's tracks, listen to audiobooks or just discuss the events of the day. Yes, and time in the traffic jam is so faster - checked!

"I don't cope, help me"

And the last point that works, lay out the usual human request for help. You do not have to give a hundred reasons why you can't today or this week disappear into the garden / school when you just ask for a husband to help. Often, men, whom Mom adored since childhood and guarded from the need to fulfill the houses, sincerely do not understand what you do all day. And those 1-2 hours that you spend on the delivery of children, also do not take into account. So it's time to put everything in your place and shifting some of the concerns on them.

ORA put everything in its place and shifting a piece of worries for men

ORA put everything in its place and shifting a piece of worries for men


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