Notes of Thai Mommy: "Thairs are lured in the home of the house"


While the most bloodthirsty festival is raging on Phuket Streets, I decided to get acquainted with my nearest neighbors. Amphibians and reptiles.

Snakes, poisonous cockroaches, tarantulas and scorpions - all this litez are usually scared those who are going to go to Southeast Asia. So, all this literality ... really is in Thailand. Just usually our paths are somehow not intersect. Snakes live somewhere in the jungle yes, on the nearest to our house, the serpentry farm, so popular among tourists. Tarantulas and scorpions - apparently, somewhere near snakes.

We also seen poisonous spiders, in the nearest zoo. Bite of this spider is deadly.

We also seen poisonous spiders, in the nearest zoo. Bite of this spider is deadly.

But our real neighbors, with whom I ended up really made friends, is hekconic. They quietly run on the walls and the ceiling, look into the packages with edible and die for a long time under the lamp. At first, I, the ultimate, nervously shuddered when I went into room and saw the rapid mileage of something living on the wall. But then I got used to and even loved these creatures. In addition, Thais themselves believe that Gecko in the house is to good luck. They are called "house" and even specially lured into the dwelling. In addition to luck in life, they tritely catch mosquitoes and other animals.

Even in the vintage caves you can find images of gecko.

Even in the vintage caves you can find images of gecko.

But once the gecko was considered rather sinister beings. In the Middle Ages were confident that if you touch the gecko, the horror blisters will appear on the skin, which will remain for life. And one bite of this creature instantly kills a person.

But if in Thailand to gec icons relate gently and tremble, then in the neighboring Laos there are no such respect to them. There they are salted, pickled and set themselves - it is believed that the tincture on the gecko increases male potency.

Enough to go out to meet a different exotic living creature.

Enough to go out to meet a different exotic living creature.

By the way, if the number of "ku-ku" in the execution of cuckoo is considered, then in Thailand listen to "cries" (I do not know how to call those strange sounds that they publish) Gecko. One "Creek" is ten years of life. Today, today our "house" promised that I would live even fifty years. Thank you dear! There in the kitchen for you remained some sweets ...

Continuation of a story…

Olga's previous story read here, and where it all starts - here.

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