Aurora: "I can open a whole cosmetic store"


- What is the female beauty in your opinion?

- In my opinion, beauty cannot be artificial. Beauty should be harmonious, smart and, probably, still happy. When a woman glows from happiness, when she has a smile on her lips, when her eyes sparkle from love, then she looks amazing. And everyone who sees her exclaims: "What a beautiful woman!"

- What procedures do you prefer to do with a cosmetologist and is there taboo?

- Once a month I make cleaning the skin of the face, and once a week I try to make the massage of the muscles of the face, not the skin, because we have the same muscular frame, as well as throughout the body. Muscles need to work. When in the morning you do charging, it would be nice to remember them. It is very important that the face does not "float." When we lose oval faces and appear broke, here you can immediately consider the age, everything looks very sad. Keep oval faces is very important. Once every six months I make biorevitalization. These are injections with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and other active ingredients, "cream under the skin." Injections are entered into the lower layers of the skin and maintain it from the inside.

- Do you use "homely" recipes of beauty?

- Daily care. Cleansing the skin in the morning and in the evening. Plus cream. I also love masks. I am their fan. I have a huge amount. I do some mace every day in the morning. But I do not mean masks made by your own hands. (Laughs.) Only those that have prepared professional cosmetology companies for us. Cucumbers, strawberry, Kiwi we do not put on your face. What for? If only to lay out a beautiful photo in "Instagram". And for the skin it is an absolutely meaningless story. It is better to eat all these vitamins.


"Because I am a beauty expert, I have a lot of cosmetics"

- What do you use from cosmetics in ordinary life?

- If I had now showed your wardrobe, you would sleep. I can open a small cosmetic shop. Since I am a beauty expert, then I have a lot of cosmetics, I send new items on tests, as well as hits as a gift. I am an advanced cosmetics and decorative, and care.

- How do you care for hair?

- Caring only with professional cosmetics. I regularly go to the salon, my hair is always painting by gentle paints, sometimes just toning. I regularly make a hair moisturizing procedure. I have only professional shampoos, masks and hair balms. For many years now it's all available. The main thing is to consult or with a specialist in the cabin, or with your hairdresser. It is important to pick up the cosmetics that is suitable for your type of hair and skin. There are a lot of nuances. And I do not use hair varnish. I do not like "concumed" hairstyles. I try not to use any nippers and irons. If there is an opportunity, I am my head, but I do not land with her hairdryer, so as not to overheat the hair.

"With long hair I look in a rustic. I understood it finally. And I don't even worry about this topic. "

"With long hair I look in a rustic. I understood it finally. And I don't even worry about this topic. "

- Why choose short haircuts?

- When did I have short haircuts? A hundred years ago!

- Well, not the belt you wear your hair?

- ha ha ha! Not on the belt, no! For me, a comfortable length is a square and a long car of different shapes. I just don't want longer. I tried to grow and even build up. I just don't go! I believe that it will forgive me and this does not look stylish on me. With long hair I look in a rustic. I understood it finally. And I do not even worry about this topic.

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