Only calmness: how to respond to the cassign out


In the United States, according to the results of the study of the Williams Institute, about 4.5% of the population in the course of public surveys were told that the LGBT community belongs to the LGBT community. Abroad has long ago recognized the same-sex love of the norm and allowed such couples to marry, adopt children and live as well as other people. We explain why it is important to accept a person with others from your glances and how to do it.

In the US and other countries it is the norm

In the US and other countries it is the norm


Unconventional orientation - not vice

You do not need to perceive the child's craving towards people of their sex as a disease or the consequence of poor education. This is just his feature, exactly the same as freckles on the nose or a certain color of the eyes. Only the fact that is initially laid in us, and not the omnipotes of the family, the level of education, environment, etc. has been influenced. But intolerance to the LGBT community is exclusively a social trait, which is incorrect in the main aspect: no one is right to judge those around them for their preferences.

Help the child to open

Having brought up in a patriarchal society with an derived idea of ​​the submission of a family, a person with unconventional orientation is always difficult to tell the truth. Especially close to which he values ​​and whom sincerely loves. If you were close to the child before, it's not difficult to understand his inclinations and gently talk about it, explaining that they love him anyone and he had nothing to be shy. You do not need to hint that you will be unpleasant to the truth and you would like to "cure" it. Just understand that your child is a continuation of you, but not you. Give him the opportunity to live an independent happy life.

Love is beautiful in any manifestations

Love is beautiful in any manifestations


Do not go to insult

Yes, you will probably be difficult to take this fact, especially if you have not come across such features before. However, be sure to keep yourself in your hands and do not let the will with emotions, followed by regretting the birth of a child or a threat to take him to the doctor. Explain that you are not easy now, but you will try to cope with the nerves and work on yourself. Let him tell me how he came to the awareness of his characteristics and whether he had the experience of relations with the people of his sex.

Be careful with others

Even if it became easier for you after talking, do not hurry to talk about it all around. In our country, unfortunately, not enough education in this area. Many people are negatively tuned to the LGBT community and do not want to see his representatives next to them, without having reasonable reasons for this. "Surchase the Soil" before telling about the preferences of the child to his relatives and your friends. Over time, others surround themselves and only those who sincerely love your child will remain near and values ​​with communication with him - it should be.

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