Kill Star


According to statistics, 80% of women are sick varicosis and only 30% - men. What is the associated gender scatter?

Let's start with the fact that I will identify the main causes of varicose disease. This is a genetic and anatomical predisposition to the disease, a low-effective lifestyle, an increased mass of the body, constant static loads (work on the legs or the seat in the office). So, the beautiful half of our society, women, there are still additional risk factors: pregnancy and desire to look stunning - wearing a high-heeled shoe.

During pregnancy, the tremendous transformation of the female organism occurs: a hormonal background is changing, intraperous pressure increases, the volume of circulating blood increases all these changes to violating the normal operation of the venous system. Wearing a high heel increases the load on the lower limbs, which leads to the hypertonus of the icy muscles, and the constant loads of this nature lead to a violation of the work of the veins on the legs.

To the first "calls" of the manifestations of varicose disease, such symptoms can be attributed as fast leg fatigue, a sense of permanent discomfort in the field of shin, the appearance and growing edema on legs, vascular or capillary meshes appear. In the manifestation of such symptoms, you need to consult a phlebologist's doctor, if necessary, carry out a tool research, perform ultrasonic angiosication of the vessels of the lower extremities.

But do not forget that similar symptoms can manifest itself with other diseases. Perhaps you simply have a restless leg syndrome that does not have anything to do with varicose disease. And in order to give certain recommendations that will be useful to the patient relating to food, lifestyle and therapeutic manipulations, the diagnosis and identification of the reasons that made you appeal to the doctor are necessary. In any case, in order to reduce the risks of the appearance of varicose veins of the veins of the lower limbs, it is worth adhere to the general principles of a healthy lifestyle: moderate physical exertion, no excess weight, labor and recreation.

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