Personal life will help to establish sleep


Allow today to disassemble the dream with one of my clients, which agreed that her work with a dream was described below.

So, the young woman turned to me with the fact that, despite the appearance, youth and charm, she does not have to create a long relationship with men. She dreams about the family and a reliable partner, but for 2 years the dream remains only a dream. Approximately 3 years ago, she broke up with a man with whom he was in a relationship. He was a suitable partner to create a family if it were not for one "but". His jealousy sometimes passed any borders. The young man could raise his hand on her, in his jealous gusts he was rude, unmanaged, dangerous. The cause of the pair of parting was one event. A client with his partner rested in the club, where he again went out of himself. This time he hit her so that in his eyes darkened. At this point, all the hopes of the girl for reliability and security in these relations were collapsed.

After parting with the beloved to be in close relationship with a man for my client meant to be in danger. And let other potential partners were affectionate, caring, educated and attentive. It did not matter, as the traumatic experience was stronger. He always dictated his conditions: "Be the alert! .. You can not trust and relax! .. It is better to escape in advance to reiterate pain and humiliation."

3 years after the event, the client had a dream: "I was again on that evening. I am in the club and understand that my former beloved is looking for me. He is angry, just in rage. And I hide and watching his search. Suddenly the club security officer comes to jealous, pulls out a gun and shoots focus, killing a man who has a threat. "

When parsing sleep, we found out that its unconscious in the process of healing this injury. We see that, firstly, the girl watches in a dream that there is a threat, but it does not at the same time at the same time. Now my client observes this picture from the side.

Secondly, the security mechanisms of its unconscious work so that they neutralize the threat.

In general, this dream says that now the client can observe this drama from the side, and not to participate in it directly. She can take a look at her, not involving, not experiencing all the horror again and the pain of that case.

The second important point is the fact that a security guard appeared in a dream. Psychological injuries are so painful for us precisely because in traumatic cases there is a threat, but there is no one who could support, protect or listen.

Soon unfolds in such a way that a strong figure appears, which monitors the safety of the client, saves it from an angry man.

In everyday life for her it means that it is enough to protect himself, as well as her painful experience gradually becomes less tragic. Now it's just an event in her life. And the fear of men will gradually weaken.

Perhaps a sober, relaxed look will help her to see a person who is not dangerous for her at all.

Thanks to this example, we know that the dream and his careful analysis is able to heal spiritual wounds and return an optimistic look at life.

I look forward to your letters with our own examples of dreams at: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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