Fighting instinct: why men are difficult to do without sex


No matter how we belonged to sex, it is impossible to deny that this process is one of the most important in the life of any person. This is the most powerful source of pleasure, which is difficult to resist, especially for strong sex, which, according to many women, cannot live without constant sex contacts. In part, it is true, however, the case is not at all in promotion - the male nature dictates its rules, which we decided to talk about today.

The nervous system can fail

Unlike women who can restrain the desire and successfully suppress the attraction, the male body literally suffers in the absence of intimacy. Moreover, the nervous system is most suffering, no one knows how it will affect the absence of sex on a particular man - this may be attacks of aggression, apathy, obsessive thoughts and even deep depression. It's all about the lack of hormones, which are produced only during the intimate process itself, namely, dopamine and serotonin. If a man has been accounted for for a long time without intimacy, he begins to fill the "hormonal emptiness", using alcohol and harmful food in large quantities, which only for a short time allows hormones to play up, but the euphoria is very quickly coming.

Testosterone is rapidly falling

One of the most important male hormones is Testosterone - can dramatically reduce its presence in the body, if a man avoids sex for more than a few months for one other reasons. Due to the low level of the hormone, such problems begins such as hair loss, bones can become more fragile, as well as a man becomes sluggish and gradually loses interest in the activities that did not leave him indifferent. As an option, a man can replace sex exercise, but this effect does not last too long.

Gradually begins to disappear interest in women

Gradually begins to disappear interest in women


Interest in women gradually decreases

This problem concerns not only men who have long come out without sex, but even married representatives of strong sex. Even if a man loves his partner, after a few years of coaching, when all the positions and games are tried, a man begins to bother frankly. During this period, treason is especially often occurring. Another extreme - a man in principle ceases to be interested in the sexual side of life, finding the source of pleasure in other things, for example, the beloved hobby. In such a situation, the woman is important to show the initiative and warm up the interest of his man, or seek help to a family specialist who will talk to the problem with you and prompt a way that will help heal the passion with a new force.

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