Hugh Jackman: "On the set


On the fourth of January, the film "The Greatest Showman" comes to the screens, in which Hugh Jackman played Fineas Taylor Barnuma, Novator, who produced a revolution in the world of entertainment in the XIX century, organizing a stray circus. In a conversation with Hugh Jackman shares his impressions about the shooting.

- At the heart of your new film "The Greatest Showman" The history of the life of Fineas Taylor Barnuma. But at the same time, this is not a film-biography ...

- I think this is the film that Barnum himself would like to see about himself and his life. With some adding drama and the presets of the plot, because he, like no other, knew how to create an interesting story. He knew that far from always naked facts and the true truth was needed for this. But many things shown in the film really happened. Barnum was an innovator. It seems to me that now we would not look at any realistic show if it were not for him. In some way, he became the inventor of show business in our modern sense.

- But he was not averse to resort to deception?

"Yes, he cheated, instigated." Somehow on one of my first works, in the store, he bought five hundred ordinary green bottles on the dollar apiece. Then I sold the lottery tickets for which he offered an unknown prize. This prize was the most bottles tied with a red ribbon. "People want to win more than get a prize itself," said Barnum then, realizing that people in this situation were just as ready to believe deception, like when they look at the magician. He was then sixteen years old. His childhood is difficult to call careless. He had only one pair of shoes, and that he lost after Father's funeral, because his father left too much debts. This poverty made Barnuma cheer and smash, but he partly made it to whom he became.

Hugh Jackman:

The film "The Greatest Showman" The history of the life of Fineas Taylor Barnuma

- How did you work with Michelle Williams, who played the first wife of Barnuma Cherity?

- Michelle One of the greatest actresses of his generation. After several gloomy drams in her career, she was very glad to play in a family music film, which finally can see her daughter. She, by the way, happened on the set, as well as my daughter, who at some point told me: "Dad, do not be offended, but this is your best movie." And there was still the moment that I am most proud of when she, having listened, as I sing in the film, with some surprise stated: "Dad, and you sing well!" (Laughs.)

- Are not afraid to go sore?

- Not. (Laughs.) In addition, for the daughter and her friends, it was much more interesting that the film was starred in the role of Anna, actors on the trapezoid. When they found out about it, everyone immediately wanted to come to the set. The worst thing is that before that I never heard about her. And when he asked her daughter, she knew who such a zende, her jaw had fallen into the floor. Now I understand why. And I am very glad that Zendeya enjoys such popular among girls, because one hundred percent is sure - she can serve them only a good example.

- You are not the first time in the movies. Nevertheless, did you somehow vocally prepare for this role?

- Yes! Over the past ten years, I had the same vocal teacher, but composers Berge Popheka and Justin Paul wanted to achieve other sound from me, see the artist, who works in the pop industry. Therefore, I had to work for a very long time with another teacher. But I confess, although it will not add points to me ... Somehow the director came to the studio, heard my record and said: "It's incredible, great, fantastic! How did you manage that? And the sound engineer is responsible for me: "We had to make a lot of double!". And this is true. (Laughs.)

Hugh Jackman:

Artists and costumes who worked on the film "The Greatest Showman" recreated in the frame Bright atmosphere of the Circus Circles of the XIX century

- For the director Michael Grassi is the first full-length film. How did you work with him?

- Michael, like me, from Australia. I remember, in 2009, we worked together with him on a commercial, and then I already felt that one day he would shoot movies. And so he said: "Buddy, we have to make a movie together." And he: "Of course. But you know, so many artists with whom I worked, tell me it. " And then the years went, and we all did not remove the film together. And when this scenario got into my hands, I immediately sent him to Michael. So everything happened.

- Barnum was famous for the fact that "strange" people who were outcasts in society appeared in his circus. In our world, the topic of making dislikes, tolerant attitude towards them is one of the most discussed.

- Yes, so our film is very modern and relevant. Many of us are familiar with the feeling of loneliness. We have children-teenagers who, as you know, often feel the sense of loneliness, fear to be incomprehensible than others. I starred in movies about the people of X, where this topic is also sharp. And in this story I really like that Barnum allows people who avoid society, accept and love himself. This film says that you do not need to be afraid to be yourself, even if you are not like others; Do not worry because you think about you, take yourself as you are.

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