New restrictions are introduced in Moscow due to COVID-19


Sergei Sobyanin reported the introduction of additional restrictions in Moscow due to the worsening situation with COVID-19. Restrictions, according to the mayor of the capital, come into force on November 13 and will last for two months - until January 15, 2021.

Here is a list of restrictions published in Sergei Sobyanin's personal blog:

- From 23:00 to 6:00 they will not serve visitors of the urchopits (restaurants, cafes, bars). It does not apply to trading on removal and delivery.

- organizations carrying out activities related to citizens' service, it is recommended to use the phone number registration system (check-in) visitors and employees.

- Conducting cultural, entertainment and educational events for a while suspended. At the same time, measures do not apply to official events from executive bodies.

- students of universities and colleges are transferred to the remote. Student transport cards temporarily blocked, they were recommended to comply with "home regime"

- Maximum capacity in theaters, cinemas and concert halls reduced to 25 percent of the total number of places

- Sports events will continue to start viewers, but now the organizers must coordinate this with the Moscow Sports Department and the capital's office of Rospotrebnadzor

- The work of children's camps of day stay and children's entertainment centers are suspended, which are located in buildings. Entertainment for children are possible outdoors.

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